InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Right back where I started from ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Right back where I started from"

By Pixie

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Inu-Yasha…if so, trust me, the series would have been way different, lol

Pixie: Ok, ok, first try at Inu-Yasha here, please don't hold that against me! This was written in a fit of emotion, so hopefully, its good.

I changed my mind again. Betrayal is the worst feeling in the world. It's worse than being weak, being alone, or frightened. And I betrayed not once, but twice by the two I had believed to love more than anything does. Betrayal eats away at your soul, ripping it to shreds, but slowly, so very slowly, so you feel each pain stabbed into you. Watching people whom you cared about leave you, watching them hurt you, I can't even describe how awful it is, how it tears me apart.

I could have lived with Kagome leaving. She was young; she had a life. But now…she's gone too far, she could have just left, she could have just walked out of my life and never looked back. But you couldn't do that, could you Kagome? First, you had to torture me…

You could have just told me the truth. But instead you wove together lies, and I fell for them, fell for them like the stupid idiot I am. Blinded by love, deafened by my own pounding heart whenever I was around you. I stumbled backwards to fall back on my friends. But I hit the cold hard ground of reality as I watched them walk off, arm in arm with you. You could have just told me the truth.

I don't care what they say Kagome, I loved you. Every nerve inside my body lit up, burning inside of me with a passion I've never known…just by the touch of your hand, the sound of your voice, the look on your face. I could of lived with it if you didn't feel the same, could of lived with it if you told me you hated me. But you didn't do that, did you? You lied to me, you betrayed me, and left me alone, abandoned…

Why? Echoing throughout my mind, the question of eternity is Why? We could have been so happy, we were so happy, so why? The second greener pastures appeared on the horizon you were gone, the second you got wind of a better world, you were out of my life, leaving behind your legacy of lies and deceit. Leaving me with this torrent of emotion with no outlet, no escape, leaving me trapped in an invisible cage, a cage I built from my own bones, sealed with my blood, built by my hands, locked by my soul.

I could have lived with it if you hated me. I can't live with this betrayal, with lies, again, here. Don't pity me. Hate me, leave me, scorn me and beat me, but do not give me your pity, your sympathy, your empathy, because you, bless you, will never know the pain of betrayal, you will never know what true sadness is, you will never feel your soul ripped from your body, shredded in pieces and spat on. You will never know me, you will never know Inu-Yasha the half dog demon, and you will never know the love I felt for her, for Kagome.

You will never know how it feels…to lie back, dreaming of what it would feel like to run a dagger through your heart, lost in thoughts of spilling your own blood, imaging the pleasure your death would bring you. You will live on Kagome. The betrayer will live, they will be happy. The betrayed will suffer and die. That's just the way the world works, doesn't it Kagome? The weak will be oppressed, the strongest will survive, the foolish will parish, the wise will be killed for their intelligence. The betrayers, the cutthroats, they will live on, they will flourish, they will never look back, will they Kagome?

Those who have known betrayal, felt its icy claws rip their hearts out, they know how I am feeling. I would of stayed by your side forever, if that's what it took. I could of loved you for all time, but that isn't what you wanted. You wanted to see me hurt, they way I knew I hurt you. Please don't let everything we had be a mistake. Let it be forgotten, let is be tossed aside, just don't let it be wrong.

I meant to tell you I loved you. I meant you never to forget that fact. But you did. You forgot everything I told you, you forgot how much I loved you Kagome. Did you forget how much you loved me?