InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Right back where I started from ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Right back where I started from"

by Pixie

Disclaimer: Don't own Inu-Yasha, simply borrowing the characters for my own evil purposes.

Pixie: Right up, I'll apologize for the shortness. I promise, I only do it to torture you guys. Next chapter will be longer, hopefully. I will try and clear up all confusions…next chapter. Guess you'll all just have to hold on until then!

I hurt her. I didn't mean to hurt her. I was scared, I was afraid of love and how much it could hurt if you let it. Somehow, I'd forgotten all the good in love, the way it makes you feel inside, the way it makes every pain or sorrow float away on a blissful wind. The way, Kagome, which you made me feel.

Does HE make you feel this way? Does HE love you as much as I do? Does HE fall asleep with your name on his lips and wake up with it in his heart? I do Kagome. I do.

So many words, so many thoughts, bottled up inside…so why can't I just say it!? Three simple words, and maybe I could have had you Kagome. But instead you are with HIM. Three simple words and the world I live in now, if you can even call it a world, would have been perfect. In my heart I said those words Kagome. But somewhere along the way, different words came out, hurtful words. HE said the words correctly, I'll bet. I hurt her. I didn't mean to hurt her. I just meant to say "I love you Kagome…" Three simple words.

"Inu-Yasha?" A tender voice interrupted my thoughts. I sighed and leaned against the tree.

"Go away Shippo." I didn't want to be bothered right now, especially not by some dumb fox kid, or whatever he was.

"…No." I snapped my eyes open, and jumped up. That punk did NOT just say what I thought he said. I glared down at him, drawing myself up to full height, reminding him just who was in charge around here. I was in a very bad mood, and he was very annoying, and Kagome would not be here to protect him.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?!"

"I said NO! I came here to talk to you, and I'm not leaving." He returned the glare, and for a moment, I saw something I'd never seen in Shippo before. When had he developed such courage? He'd watched me kill thousands of demons without a care, he knew I'd kill him if I got pissed off. He'd left with Miroku and Sango, he'd abandoned me out of fear. What now made him return? I growled, and rested my hand on the Tetsusaiga, a warning to him. But the fire in his eyes never wavered. That alone made me sit. I scowled at him, then slumped to the ground. I folded my arms.

"You have 10 seconds to say something impressive enough to make me not kill you." There. This way, he'd leave, but not without first giving me the message. Or he might just outright run. Oops, I hope he doesn't do that…

"You still have a chance with her." Stupid kid…What did he know about love? He probably didn't even know the whole story. About what Kagome did to me…and worse, what I did to Kagome…I growled and raised my claws, and the fox demon fled. Damn him! I still needed info from him. I leapt to my feet, and was surprised by how fast he had become. I darted around the trees, each one only a small dark blur at the speed we were going. I wasn't paying much attention as to where I was going, simply chasing the small fox through the trees.

"Boomerang Bone!" I thought for a moment I had hit a tree as I fell stunned to the ground. I could already feel bruises forming on the upper half of my body, and wondered briefly if my nose was broken. There was no doubt in my mind. That blow had been intended to kill. I lay on the ground in dazed stupor, thanking every lucky star that Miroku no longer had his wind tunnel and that I was as strong as I was. I opened one eye, still half-stunned and saw a glowering Miroku and an angry Sango standing over me, each one of them had their weapons aimed.

"Not this again…" I muttered. I closed my eyes and fell into a half sort of sleep, secretly hoping I would never wake up again.