InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Right back where I started from ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Right back where I started From"

by Pixie

Disclaimer: If I owned Inu-Yasha, wouldn't Kikyo be dead by now?

Pixie: Reviews! Yea! Reviews are honestly what I live for. It's the highlight of my life receiving reviews. Thanks so much everyone! As to who's the final couple here…well that would spoil the ending now, wouldn't it? Though, I will say that I'm a big fan of Miroku/Sango, so expect some action between them two in the near future…

Ja Ne!


Chapter 2

"Ugh…" Eventually I did wake up, and by the feel of things, they'd been beating me during my sleep. One good hit to the head to make sure I stayed unconscious, then beat until I was bruised all over. I'm positive that's what they did. I opened one eye and gazed around. Everything was slightly blurry, but I saw the outlines of Miroku, Sango, and Shippo huddled around the fire. Sango muttered something to Miroku and pointed at me. The whole world seemed to be spinning and even my sensitive demon ears did not pick up what Sango had said.

"Why didn't you just let me die?" I closed my eyes again, allowing wave after wave to flood over me. I hadn't been this beaten in a long, long time.

"Death is too good for you!" The snarling voice of Sango spat at me. I groaned, and struggled to sit up. I was not in the mood to be blamed and yelled at. I just wanted to find a comfortable place to sleep away.

"I wouldn't move if I were you Inu-Yasha. Your wounds are still fresh, even with your demon blood, you may begin bleeding again and die." For the first time, I noticed the bandages wrapped around me. So, despite the fact these guys beat me up while I was sleeping, they still bandaged me. Why on Earth would they do that?

"Death is too good for you!" Sango's voice echoed in my mind. Well, that seemed to explain the bandages. I glared at the monk, sitting calmly as usual, staring at me, waiting to see if I would heed his warning or not. I pulled my self up to my feet and began limping off into the woods.

"Inu-Yasha!" Sango had leapt to her feet and was glaring at me. The fire behind her seemed to rise with her anger, lighting her up like some freakish demon. I grinned at her, and pointed at the bandages.

"Thanks for patching me up." I limped off, and heard Sango's growl of frustration. Nothing irritates an angry person more than kindness.

Friends. Some friends they were…beating a guy up while he was sleeping, you can't get much lower than that. I found myself wishing yet again that I had been nicer to them. I knew, that too them, I must look like the bad guy, stupid Inu-Yasha sent Kagome away crying. I guess they didn't even consider what Kagome did to me.

I growled out loud and kicked the ground.

"This is all my fault…Three simple words, and I would have had Kagome forever. I did love you Kagome, I swear I did! I always have…but no, I couldn't say that could I? I had to lie to you, I had to hurt you, I had to be the stupid one who admitted too late he loved you. And now where am I? Beaten in the woods, alone…And Kagome's off with stupid Kouga! of all people, why him? Just cause he can admit his feelings, and he's easy to talk to, and…and…He'll never love you as much as I did Kagome! I swear I'll…What's the use? She'll never take me back…" I stood up slowly and heard a small Snap! Somewhere in the darkness, a twig had snapped. I quickly looked in the direction of the snap and saw the silhouette of a girl running away.

"Sango!! Damn, she heard everything! Wait, Sango!" I chased after her, but stepped right away on my injured foot and crumpled to the ground. I hit the leaves with a loud thud, eating the grass and dirt as I hit the ground.

"Sit boy!" I fell to the ground with a thud, my face crashing into dirt, grass, bugs and who knows what else.

"I was just trying to say I was sorry!"

"SIT BOY!" I hit the ground again and sat up glaring.

"I'm really sorry!"

"Inu-Yasha you don't mean that! SIT!" Once again, I was eating dirt. Stupid girl…I leapt up, landing right in front of her, and grabbed her wrist.

"I didn't mean it, ok?!" With one free hand I reached up and twirled a lock of her hair around my finger. "Your hair isn't stupid…its…nice. Whatever. I didn't mean it, when I said it was stupid." I looked down catching those blue-gray eyes and I noticed her face was so pale, her mouth slightly open, a look of shock on her face. For the first time, I realized how close our faces were, how I could just lean in and kiss her if I wanted too…

"Well, you shouldn't say things you don't mean Inu-Yasha!"

Strange memories come up when you fall face-first in dirt. I don't remember what compelled me to call her hair stupid, but she'd fixed it up all nice or what not for some reason. I really did like it, I just called it stupid and she got all mad! The nerve of that girl. Who would even like her? I glanced off in the darkness. Somewhere, Kagome was out there. And I had to find her. I stepped forward again, wincing under the pain of my hurt leg…Maybe I should go see Kaede about some healing first…After all, the moon was only a sliver in the sky, and I'd need all the strength I could get.

Pixie: WHAT?! Kouga and Kagome?! Well, now, this is an unexpected turn of events…Next time…Shippo disappears, and Sango hears startling news from the nearby village…