InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Right back where I started from ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Right back where I started from"

by Pixie

~Now officially dedicated to MysticIceDragon~

::sigh:: Need I even say I don't own Inu-Yasha?

Pixie: Sorry this update is late! I was busy…

Chapter 3

I walked over to where Sango had been spying on me to make sure no immoral monks or stupid foxes were in the woods either. I sighed in relief as there was nothing in the woods except a discarded pile of medicinal herbs. 'Just getting worked up over nothing, that's all." I snatched up a small herb on the ground, a sprig of…what did that old hag call it? Oh yeah…lilac. I sniffed deeply, but instantly felt my sensitive nose wrinkle with the sweet scent coming out of it. "Smells like that stupid wench…" The lilac smelled exactly like Kagome as a matter of fact. Worse, it was one of those smells that seemed to never leave your nose. Try as I might to smell Sango, all I could smell was that lilac scent that reminded me sadly of Kagome. I started off in the direction where I'd seen Sango run off. If she'd been picking lilac in the forest, I could follow the scent of lilac to her, since I couldn't seem to pick up on her scent anywhere.

* * * *

Kagome ran, her feet pounding on the ground, her heart pounding in her chest. Blindly she darted through the tree's until finally she saw a familiar face.

"Kagome?" The word's had barely escaped the wolf demon before Kagome practically collapsed into him. She could only remember one other time she'd run this hard.

"Kagome? Darling what's wrong? Was their a demon out there? I knew I should have come with you, will you ever forgive me?" Kagome had hoped Kouga's words, his absolute devotion to her would calm the newformed doubts in her mind. But she had no such luck. His arms felt wrong wrapped around her, the way she felt against him it felt off.

Kouga spotted the expression on her face and tried to figure it out. "You were out gathering herbs…did you drop them?" He reached into her midnight locks and pulled out a sprig of lilac which had tried to hide itself within Kagome's hair. He sniffed the lilac and laughed.

"Did you know? This herb smells just like you!" He handed the sprig of lilac to Kagome, who sadly accepted it and sniffed it. She smiled, trying hard to make her smile look genuine. She had mastered long ago, when Inu-Yasha made her sad, a fake smile that looked genuine. Kouga accepted the smile, along with the story he invented. He found it almost cute that his Kagome had come running frightened when she'd been frightened by a demon in the woods.

Kagome, since she had come to know Feudal Japan, she had no reason to fear demons. She'd never feared a demon…only a half-demon by the name of Inu-Yasha…

~ Kagome took a deep breath, her heart fluttering like a butterfly within her chest. It was now or never. Do or die. Time seemed to stand still as Kagome walked across the field to where Inu-Yasha was standing. He turned to her, the wind making his long white locks blow in the wind, his golden optics staring at Kagome with wide-eyed surprise.

"I thought you'd gone home…" He remarked, his eyes losing any emotion they had. Kagome shook her head and felt her cheeks turn hot. She knew she was blushing like a school girl, but she knew, if she ran away it would be too late.

"Inu-Yasha…" Never had Inu-Yasha given Kagome a definitive sign he loved her, or even liked her, but still Kagome needed to tell him how she felt.

"Inu-Yasha, I love you!" She turned away instantly, her face red she knew. Kagome slowly felt her insides turn to ice as Inu-Yasha made no response.

"Is that ALL you had to say?" Kagome could of sworn her heart died at that very moment. She felt tears filling her eyes, but she couldn't give Inu-Yasha the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She ran, harder than she'd ever ran in her whole life, tears pouring down her face, leaving a very confused Inu-Yasha behind.

Kagome ran to the well, ready, at last, to return to her world and never return. She ran into the clearing…and smack into Kouga. He looked up in surprise where he had been resting. He looked down at Kagome, who had been knocked to her knees. Tenderly, he helped her to her feet, but just as he opened his mouth to apologize, Kagome had thrown her arms around him, holding him like she'd never let go… ~

* * * * *

I watched with a strange curiousity as Kagome dozed off right in Kouga's arms, her mind looking like it was a million miles away. By some trick of fate, he didn't seem to smell me. He ran off in the other direction, leaving Kagome asleep in a soft patch of grass.

"How very irresponsible Kouga…I would never leave Kagome alone…" I stood up and took a step into the clearing, slowly approaching the sleeping Kagome…

* * * *

"Ah, Lady Kaede. How nice to see you today." Miroku smiled his most charming smile at the old woman.

"Good to see ye too, monk. But the news I bear is not so good." The old woman responded. Miroku raised one eyebrow. Kaede often gave Sango and he news about demons that plagued villages, and the two of them, with Shippo would go destroy the demon. So, bad news was common. He waved one hand to Sango, who was off with Shippo. Miroku knew Sango would have many questions if there was word of a demon. Sango walked over and stood next to Miroku.

Kaede took a deep breath. "Lady Kagome has been kidnapped."

Pixie: Well, this looks like a good ending spot. Haha! You gotta always love a good cliffhanger. Anway, the good news is, I have finally decided where I'm going with this fic. And everything I want to happen in it. So, I should be able to write/post chapters faster.