InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Right back where I started from ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Right back where I started from"

By Pixie

Pixie: Sorry! I didn't mean to leave this chapter hanging for so long, its just, I had so much of this story typed up, and then there was that power outage and I lost it! Keh, a power outage, in the middle of the day, no rain or nothing. It was quite awful. But I will keep writing, I do intend to finish this story at some point or another.

Chapter 4:

The sound of rain on stones startled me. I jumped about fifty feet, sniffing the air for any demons that may be near by.

"Keh, its just rain…why am I so jumpy? Besides I put a huge stone blocking the entrance to this cave…I would of heard the rock moving if someone was IN here…"

True, the cave had been silent, only the sound of my feet slapping against the pavement, and the soft sound of Kagome breathing.

Oh God…Kagome…When I'd seen her lying there, I hadn't intended to kidnap her. I was just going up to sniff her, remind myself of what I stupidly gave up. And there she was…lying there. So I picked her up and fled. She slept like a rock the whole way…Stupid girl! Unconsciously I felt my claws biting into the palm of my hand, felt my anger rising within me. If anything, I should have taken her here to kill her for what she'd done!

I'd loved her since she first spoke to me, first released me from the stupid tree. Without question, she pulled out that arrow. From the beginning, she trusted me more than Kikyo had ever trusted me. It was Kagome who stayed to held me find the Jewel Shards. She could have easily gone back to her own world, not caring at all about the problems of this world. But she stayed, despite everything I'd ever done for her. Her fire, her justice, her way of existence was everything I ever needed in a companion. Her sense of right and wrong was astounding, her beauty, the way she melted even my dead heart with only a simply flash of her eyes.

He knew from the start that he had loved her. So why was it so hard to say how he felt? All ready once, he had made her cry when he was unable to say his feelings. He would not do it again. It never occurred to him that perhaps Kagome would not want him back…The scent of her, lovely like lilacs led a trail to the well. And Inu-Yasha the half-demon followed that trail, swift as a lion out for the kill.

The sight at the well made him stop at his tracks. Kagome stood there, sobbing her poor broken heart out. Her tears had always created a tender spot in Inu-Yasha's heart. A finger reached out to brush the tear away, careful not to touch the girl's cheek with his long fingernail. Inu-Yasha ducked further behind the tree, his heart sinking in his chest as he watched Kagome suddenly throw her arms around Kouga, sobbing into his shoulder. The demon held her close for a moment, breathing in her scent the way Inu-Yasha had often imagined doing. "Half-demons…" Kouga whispered softly, but not so soft that Inu-Yasha's sensitive ears couldn't pick up on it, "Are scorned at because they are only half as good as FULL demons…" And with this, Kouga raised his blue eyes to reach Inu-Yasha's golden one's a half-smile formed on his lips. And then, Kouga pulled Kagome away from him, before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers. Inu-Yasha stepped back, shaking his head. Not Kouga…Anyone but him. Inu-Yasha grabbed his heart and gasped out loud. This…this was true pain, this was ultimate suffering, seeing the one you love above all things with someone else. Inu-Yasha ran, but something compelled him to look back once more. 'Twas that evil force that caused Inu-Yasha to turn just in time to see Kagome kissing Kouga back…

"Where…where am I? Kouga…Wait a second…that smell…" Suddenly, the now-awake Kagome's eyes narrowed in anger, as the sudden realization of where she was sunk in. "SIT BOY!" The sound of rain hit the roof harder, but it was a pin drop compared to the ringing in my ears as I got a close encounter with the concrete floor.

"It's ok…" I thought, "This is probably where I belong, here among the dirt." I sighed, the familiar feeling of crashing to the ground was more like an old friend. It was familiar, from before things between Kagome and I got strange, and it was nice in that sense. She stormed over to me, glaring down at me with those brown eyes of hers.

"How DARE you Inu-Yasha?! I thought you were a dog before, but this is a new low!" She's probably right, I mused, I don't think any one of her sits have ever made me go this far into the ground. "You steal me away from Kouga, drag me to this stupid cave, where its dark, and damp, and worst of all, its where you are!"

"Could you please not shout? It rather hurts my ears…" I rubbed a single ear with my hand, trying to get the ringing sound out of it as I sat up.

"Is THAT all you care about?! Your EARS! I should have known! The only person you EVER cared about was YOURSELF!" At this point, I couldn't stand it. I slammed my first into the ground, shattering rock beneath me. I heard Kagome give a frightened yelp.

"THAT'S NOT TRUE! And you know it!" I glared at the quivering wench, surprised she hadn't fallen backwards in fear.

"Name one person you cared about Inu-Yasha! I dare you too!" The smirk on her face told me she knew I wouldn't.

"Fine, wench! If you must know, I cared about you!" With that, I turned my back on her and stomped off to the corner to calm down.