InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road Trip for Love ❯ War ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: He's still Rumiko takahashii's so no argument there….*cries*

*Authors NOTIES!!!-I just got back from the beach! My family went to California and I got a bunch of cooley thingies~! I am moving soon so I will be gone later in the next few weeks, but I am happy I actually got to the time to write this one when I got back! This chappy will be maybe a little shorter than I would like it to be but I am trying!!!*

Chappy 6- "WAR"

"Alright Sango, lets get ready for tonight" Kagome said with a small smile on her face.

Sango pulled out her sleeping bag that she got from her best friend Kagome and laid it out so that it was parallel with Kagomes. She put her hand on the cover and slid it over the silky surface.

"Wow, this is really soft! What is it?" She asked still sliding her hand over the sleeping bag.

"I know, it's a Sealy!" Kagome answered as at that exact moment she heard a large "THUD" and looked over to see Sango face planted in her sleeping bag.

"Oh look….Is that Miroku running around naked I see over there?" Kagome said very slowly and loudly to make sure that Sango had heard it.

Sango jumped up at the speed of light now with a #1 finger on her hand, and holding a pair of binoculars.

"WHERE WHERE?!" she said frantically rushing around the small tent.

"Come on Sango, he's not there. I was joking. Anyways I want to get ready for tonight." Kagome said opening her large bag that was supposedly another make-up bag of hers.

As Sango sat there quietly watching Kagome unpack the oversized "make-up" bag, her eyes lit up as she saw everything be placed next to her.

"What is all of this stuff for?" Sango asked still in awe, picking up a jar of fire ants, toilet paper, and silly string.

"We are going to use this stuff on the guys tonight while they're sleeping!" Kagome said really loudly and spastically.

Kagome unpacked the rest of the bag and looked at her layout of what she had: about 10 packs of toilet paper, 3 can of shaving cream, 5 cans of silly string, a jar of fire ants, feathers, water balloons, honey, bread crumbs, and toothpaste.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*

((Guys turn))

Miroku unpacked the rest of the items from his oversized bag and looked at the things that he stole from Kagomes house the day they left: 5 packs of toilet paper, 1 can of silly string, 2 jars of fire ants, feathers, water balloons already filled, honey, bread crumbs, and toothpaste.

"When do you think they will go to sleep?" Inuyasha asked with a pleased look on his face.

"I don't know, but let's go check on them now to see if they haven't already." He replied picking up everything and shoving most of it into Inuyasha's arms.

As the 2 guys with their war supplies crept through the woods to get to the girls tent ((wonder why it's so far away….)) they tripped about 10 times each and had dropped the jar of fire ants releasing them.

"Are we there yet?" Miroku complained dropping a roll of toilet paper on the ground.

"Yes, we are close. But I don't think that they are there right now. I don't see any lights from their lanterns and there is no sound." He shot back glaring at the tent in the distance.

"Well then if they are gone, why don't we just set up the traps and make them run into them when they get back, they won't have an idea of what hit them!" he whispered proudly to Inuyasha who was still glaring at the tent the girls were "suppose" to be in.

"Hai, good idea." He said back making his way through the brush to the girl's campsite.

Inuyasha and Miroku went inside of the tent to see that no one was there and decided to set the traps for them to run into when they got back.

After what seemed like hours they jolted out of the tent and sprinted their way back to their tent so that they would not get caught. The 2 sat on a log outside of their tent as they panted in exhaustion.

"I think that it may work!" Miroku said making his way toward the tent.

"Yea, I hope so." He replied following him into their tent.

"OMG!" they screamed in unison.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*

"I think that it may work Sango! They weren't even in their tent! They were probably trying to find a hot spring and see if we were there so they can peep." Kagome huffed out of breath as Sango stopped beside her also out of breath.

"Hai, definitely! They won't know what hit them when they get back." She replied making her way into the tent behind Kagome.

As Kagome stepped in she tripped over a rope at her feet that broke loose and caused a bucket of honey to fall onto her head. She fell over and landed in a pile of feathers scattered all over the floor. Sango on the other hand, tripped off a switch that shot 20 huge water balloons at her head on and all hit her soaking her. The balloons were not filled with water though, but toothpaste and soda instead. After Sango had wiped her eyes she saw that the whole room was teepee'd with toilet paper and silly string, and lots of it at that.

"OMG!" they both screamed in unison running out of the tent and trudging through the mud at their tent entrance that was not there when they left.

"I am going to kill Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted to Sango who at the time was muttering her plan of how SHE was going to kill Miroku.

At the same time, Inuyasha and Miroku themselves were trudging through the woods covered in toothpaste feathers and honey and bread crumbs planning on how they were going to kill Kagome and Sango.

As the 4 finally met in the middle of the woods they all started shouting at each other nonstop and randomly pulling things out of the air to beat each other with. ((haha Ranma ½…lol))

About 10 minutes later they were all tired and lying face down in the dirt breathing heavily.

"O.K. I think we should just give up, I mean we all did this to each other, its no ones fault. I think we should call it quits." Kagome managed to say as she threw her frying pan that was conveniently in her hand at the time.

No one said anything, but instead the other 3 teenagers just got up and went to their tents whispering among themselves leaving a feather covered Kagome to pout on how her hair is ruined.

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Yes, I KNOW its short! But I promise I will make the next chapter longer. I had to cut this one short because of a dinner party I was expected at after I got back from the beach!

I hope you all like it! R/R!!!!!

Japanese Vocab-

Hai- Yes