InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road Trip for Love ❯ The night continues ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: ok you ALL know that I DO NOT own Inuyasha! Rumiko Takahashi does!!!! *crys*

((Authors Note*- alright!! Chappy 7!!!! Wai!!!! This is soo cool!! Well anyways I am trying really hard on getting these chappys done, and it is kinda hard when you have a writers block!!! *gasp* but I am getting there!!! This one chappy may not be that great tho so don't hurt me!*))

Chapter 7- "The night continues" ((yeah yeah, I know!! I the title sucks!))

"I can't get any of the honey out of my hair!!!!" pouted a very frustrated Kagome who at the time was covered in honey and feathers.


As Kagome stepped in she tripped over a rope at her feet that broke loose and caused a bucket of honey to fall onto her head. She fell over and landed in a pile of feathers scattered all over the floor. Sango on the other hand, tripped off a switch that shot 20 huge water balloons at her head on and all hit her soaking her. The balloons were not filled with water though, but toothpaste and soda instead. After Sango had wiped her eyes she saw that the whole room was teepee'd with toilet paper and silly string, and lots of it at that.

~end of flashback~

"I can't believe the guys would stoop that low, Sango!" she said very furiously ripping knots out of her hair.

"Umm...Kagome? WE DID THE SAME THING TO THEM!!! SO DON'T BE COMPLAINING WHEN THEY GOT IT JUST AS BAD!!!" Sango exploded out leaving Kagome frightened and speachless.

"Im sorry Sango, I guess I forgot..." she trailed off realizing what she had said.

Kagome got up from her spot and started taking the toilet paper down from eveything so that they could get some rest. Sango was already grabbing items she needed for the hot spring and making her way out the door with a still speachless Kagome in tow.

"Where are we going, Sango?" Kagome questioned throwing the toilet paper she had in her hands to the side as she was dragged out the door into the cold night.

As Kagome looked up at the sky ((while being dragged...hehe)) she gazed at the stars, and almost swore she saw a pattern that looked somewhat like a dog...just like Inuyasha. She feel asleep thinking about the stars while Sango was still pulling her to the hot spring where they would clean off all of the gunk on them. ((OK....she fell asleep while being...dragged?!This is going no where....*sigh*))

"Alright Kagome, we are here! Now lets get undressed." Sango said cheerfully due to the fact that they could clean up.

Sango turned around after a minute of no response to see that Kagome was slumbering away on the ground drooling from the mouth.

" that Inuyasha running around nude over there I see???" Sango said in the same way Kagome had to her when she fell asleep.

Immediately Kagome jerked awake with a #1 pointer finger on and binoculars.

"WHERE WHERE?!!?" she said quite frantically searching the premisis.

"Just get dressed, Kagome. Anyways, we might as well keep those binoculars to keep an eye out for those 2, who knows they could be trying to peep again." She said quite positive that they were drawing nearer.

After the 2 raven haired girls got undressed they stepped into the hot spring and washed off.


"Come on, Inuyasha. We have to get to the hot springs to get cleaned before this stuff drys, and then it will become almost impossible to get out!" Miroku yelled at Inuyasha who was busy at the time cleaning up their tent that had been trashed.

"Alright alright!" he sneered making his way out of the tent.

After the guys had finished arguing, they started off toward the hot spring. Inuyasha was looking into the sky the whole time, staring at the stars.

"Are you sure the girls aren't there? They might be there so they can get cleaned up too, wouldn't you think? And I really don't want to be "sit" ed about a million times if she sees me" Inuyasha replied a bit concerned.

"Don't worry about it, they are probably still at their tent or using a different spring." Miroku said trying to make Inuyasha calm down.

Inuyasha and Miroku crept through the woods and started to hear the running water from the spring a few yards aheaad of them. Inuyasha swore he had heard someone talking, a girls voice, but he wasn't sure.

As the 2 made their way to the hot spring, 2 female voices could be heard talking. Inuyasha and Moroku hid behind a bush to hear what they were saying. Miroku of course was listening AND peeping as Inuyasha listened respectfully.

Miroku sat back down and looked at Inuyasha. "Inu, its the girls, they're here!" he said looking back over the bush. ((why am I not surprised?))

"Well then lets go, I REALLY don't want to be caught!" Inuyasha whispered very quietly so that he couldn't be heard over the running water.

"No no, lets stay. I want to hear what they are talking about." Miroku compromised with the scared puppy who was ready to take off at moments notice.

"So Kagome, I see that you and Inuyasha are getting pretty close. Do you like him?" Sango questioned almost immediately as they got into the water.

((too bad they don't know Inuyasha and Miroku are listening!! Miroku peeping!!))

"Well yeah of course I like him, but not as like a boyfriend" Kagome responded looking a bit blushed. ((wonder what shes gonna say next...))

Hearing this, Inuyasha stormed off in the direction they had come unhappily, thinking that she had meant what she said. Miroku on the other hand stayed back listening ((and still peeping))

"I don't like him as a boyfriend or anything, I like him much more than that, I might even love him" Kagome said now looking really really blushed because she had actually confessed.

Miroku was stunned and quite angry that Inuyasha had not stayed to listen a bit longer. Now he has to explain to him WHY Kagome said what she said....question was...will he believe her?

"Oh, I see. Well thats great!" Sango said with a big smile on her face.

"Now....How about you and the monk?" Kagome said slyly.

"Oh you know that I love that perverted houshi!" She said sarcastiacally. ((I don't think so....))

"oh yeah?"


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*

"I can't believe that she would say that about me!!!" Inuyasha said angrily to himself throwing a pillow across the tent.

"That wencH!!! Who does she think she is?! After everything iv done for her! And this is how she repays me?! Maybe we should just cut this road trip short..." Inuyasha trailed off on the last sentence staggering back onto his sleeping bag thinking about the stars, and the picture of Kagome he kept seeing when he looked at them.

Miroku silently snuck back into the tent a few minutes later to find a sleeping puppy drooling from the side of the mouth. ((wonder who this sounds like...))

Instead of screaming "Hey, is that Kagome running around naked over there i see?" he just let the puppy sleep and decided to explain what had previously happened in the morning.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*< br>
OK I was out of ideas!!! i am sorry!!!! I tried....I think the next chapter may be a little easier to write than this one...I need some ideas or at least write down the really good ones that I keep getting throughout the day! ^^; I seem to have a pretty bad memory...

I am going to start working on the next chapter as soon as possible so it will be heading ur way soon! It is called "an explaination and....WHAT?! ANOTHER HOTEL?!" enjoy!!!! ((when its done...^^;))

Japanese vocab-

NONE!!!! sry, I am a lil lazy... ^^;