InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road Trip for Love ❯ OMG A DAMN BLONDE ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: Does it look like I own him?

~*A/N- hey guys! Sorry that this took so long to update! I was away!!!! *bounces* I don't think this will be a long chappy because I am doing some housework right now, but ill see what I can do!

Shippou- HEY! No your not! Your playing DDR!

Inuyasha- yea.....explain, what IS that flashing game thing behind you?

kiwi- *puts hand over shippous mouth and kicks Inuyasha* NO....Im not.....that? Thats just a err..... vacuum cleaner?

Chappy 11: "OMG A DAMN BLONDE"

((OK, this chappy is kinda an offense to blondes, SORRY! I didn't know what to write (((AHHH BLOCK))) so I decided to add a few jokes about blondes in here....remember everyone has black hair...or silver, not blonde))

Miroku and Inuyasha were wolfing down Whoppers and large fries while Kagome and Sango were eating onion rings. ((WHOO THOSE THINGS MAKE GAS))

"Hey Inuyasha, do you think we did the wrong thing throwing poor Homo, I mean Hojo out in the middle of nowhere?" Miroku questioned eyeing Inuyasha fries.

"That phsychotic fag? NO" he sneered looking over at Kagome who nodded her head in aggreement.

Sango ignored their conversation and randomly questioned where they were. "Kagome, hey you know what city we are in?"

Kagome nodded and pulled out a large map bigger than the booth they were sitting in. "We are" she said pointing to a little dot on the map.

"thaik.....yio....sun...amay?" Inuyasha attempted to sound out. "How the hell do you pronounce this damn word?!" Inuyasha said frustrated

Everyone took shots on how to pronounce where they seemed like no one was even close. Sango had given up and glanced around the booths and serving area for someone that she could ask to pronounce where they were. She spotted a tall blonde wearing a burger king uniform and decided to ask her. She stood up from the table, no one even noticing, and made her way up to the tall blonde.

"Excuse me, miss? Will you tell me exactly where we are? Very slowly though." Sango asked a little nervously trying not to sound like a complete idiot.

The blonde haired girl looked around and said "Buuurrrr guuurrr Kiinnggggggg"

Sango's face just turned bright red and started rolling on the floor laughing histerically.

"Whats wrong with her?" The blonde asked herself before walking away and immediately triping over a spork.

Sango restrained herself and managed to crawl back to the table, her sides completely split open.

"What happened to you?" Miroku questioned trying to help her up, but instead wandering a bit.


"Hentai! And yeah....nothing" Sango said sitting upright next to Kagome and finishing her onion rings.


On ThE rOaD aGaIn.,.,..,.


Kagome glanced at the fuel tank and noticed that the tank was almost empty. She needed to stop for gas as soon as possible.

She drove for a few more miles before spotting a gas station and pulling over into the service area.

"What the hell are you doing, kagome?" Inuyasha asked as nicely as possible. ((heh heh not good enough at that))

"I am getting gas for the van, why don't you Miroku, and Sango go into the store and get some munchies for the trip?" Kagome suggested watching the meter fly up in price as she pumped the gas into the tank.

Just as Miroku, Inuyasha, and Sango were walking into the store they heard Kagome curse out loud at the gas pumping machine. "$10.00 A GALLON?!?!"

Inside the store Inuyasha followed his nose to the cooking ramen and hot dogs, Sango found the snack food aisle, and Miroku watched a blonde yell at the clerk.

"There is absolutely NO WAY I am going to buy alligator shoes for THAT PRICE!" she said in an uproar. "Ill just go catch an alligator myself just so i can have a pair of alligator shoes at a reasonable price!" she said and stormed out of the store.

"You go do that now!" The clerk yelled after her just before the door closed.

Miroku had no idea what the hell had just happened but ignored it and went on to buy some munchies as Kagome entered the store.

"O.K. minna! Bring your stuff here so I am pay!" Kagome announced making her way toward the cash register.

Everyone quickly appeared with arm loads of snacks and other great munchies for Kagome to buy.

At the end, the price was $138.50.


BaCk In ThE vAn.,.,.,.,.,.


Kagome drove for only a few miles before spotting a strange short blonde standing waist deep in a nearby swamp, rifle in hand.

"Hey, everyone. Check this out. I wonder what shes doing." Kagome said mothoning everyone to the side window.

Miroku just looked at the lady he had previously seen in the gas station store and murmered a "I have no idea what it could possibly be" and sat down against the wall.

Inuyasha, Sango, and Kagome watched as the blonde took aim at a 9 foot alligator and shot it right between the eyes.

"Holy shit! Did you see that?!" Sango screamed amazed at how well the blonde could shoot.

The blonde dragged the alligator on shore and lined it up with the other 10 some alligators lying there. The blonde looked at it and yelled.

"DAMN, This one wasn't wearing any shoes either!!!" she cried walking back into the waist deep swamp.

"O.K. this is getting a little weird.....lets go..."Kagome said stepping on the gas and swerving around the road to get away.

A few minutes later after they had seen the alligator woman, a small orange car in fron of them started swerving on and off the road. Kagome slowed down trying not to get hit by this reckless driver. Unfortunately, the driver had reversed and swerved into Kagome's path without her noticing and slamming into the van head on.

"Is everyone O.K.?!" Kagome screamed checking to make sure no one had flown through the windshield.

She heard different replies such as

"Couldn't be better..."

"Just a walk in the park back here!"


Kagome could just guess who had said the last one immediately. Minutes later a police cruiser pulled up next to the orange car and the police officer got out of his car.

The driver too got out of their car and started speaking to the police officer.

"OMG ITS ANOTHER DAMN BLONDE!" Inuyasha said finally realizing that it was a blonde girl that had crashed into them.

Miroku ignored everyones bickering and put his head out the window to catch part of the police officers and the blonde's conversation.

"Now, miss. Tell me. Why were you driving so recklessly?" said the police officer taking off his glasses.

"Well you see, I kept seeing this tree, and it just wouldn't get away from me! Everywhere I went I kept seeing it!" she answered looking around just in case it was still around.

The police officer took one look into the blondes car and said "Ma'am, Thats your car freshener"


~*A/N, So SORRY that this chappy wasn't as long as I expected but you know, when your out of ideas theres not much to write about! Sorry I made you all wait so long! But unfortunately the next chappy will not be out for a while too because I am very busy, but I hope it will be up soon!


Japanese Vocab-

minna- everyone

Sorry ill add more next chappy!!!! lazy me....