InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway Love ❯ chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Inuyasha woke up with the sound of crickets, he slowly opened his eyes and saw Sesshomaru looking strait at him. 'Where is Kagome?' Inuyasha tried sitting up, but a sharp pain came to his stomach when he moved. "Inuyasha, you shouldn't move in your condition." Inuyasha looked down at his stomach to see it wrapped up in bandages. 'That's right. Kagome stabbed me in the stomach. I must get up and find her, body please give me strength to find her before she does anything she's going to regret later.' Inuyasha took his sword sitting beside him and pulled himself up, ignoring the pain in his stomach. "Inuyasha listen to me when I say you're to weak to stand. Your wounds are going to re-open and it will take longer for you to recover." Inuyasha pulled his haori on and walked which seemed nowhere. "Oh shut up. This is just a small wound it'll heal by tomorrow. I'm not gonna sit here and whine about my pain. I have to find Kagome and get her back to normal." Sesshomaru followed him and helped him walk. "And where do you plan on looking for her?" Inuyasha looked at him with a 'duh' expression on his face. "At Naraku's castle. Where else? Kagura should know where it is by now so lets get moving."

Kagura landed on the ground from her feather and walked to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. "We're leaving already? Inuyasha you don't even look like you can walk on your own. Explain to me how your gonna fight Naraku like that?" Inuyasha ignored them both and started limping into the forest. "Where is his castle?" Kagura blinked and pointed into the trees. "It's through this side of the forest. one you come out these trees, you'll see the castle's front doors." Inuyasha turned and started walking into the trees.


Kagome walked into Naraku's room and threw the jewel by his feet. "Very good Kagome. Did you kill every single soul in that village like I told you?" Kagome kneeled down on one knee and bowed her head. "Yes, I did." Naraku smiled and stood up and walked to her. "Inuyasha is coming, and I want you to kill him for me." Kagome stood and looked blankly at him. "As you wish." She stood and bowed her head before walking out of the room to wait outside for Inuyasha.


They came out of the forest and to the entrance of the castle. "So, where's Naraku?" Kagura stepped forward and stopped in her tracks. "He sent Kagome here to keep you from going into the castle." Inuyasha sniffed the air, but couldn't make out Kagome's scent. "Then I'll have to stop her from coming after me somehow." Inuyasha put his tetsusaiga on his waist and walked forward towards the entrance.

He was about to climb the steps when Kagome comes out and looks at Inuyasha strait in the eyes.
"Die...Inuyasha." Kagome leaped toward Inuyasha and ran past him, cutting his upper arm. 'She's fast...I'll have to think of something to stop her from attacking so I can take the jewel out somehow.' Inuyasha turned around and was punched in the face by Kagome. He fell, but qiuckly got up. "I'm sorry Kagome." Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and swung her to a wall and she quickly fell uncouncious. "well, she didn't put up that much of a fight." Sesshomaru walked up to him and slapped him up behind his head. "That's because you threw her harshly up against the wall. She's human Inuyasha and she's a girl. I didn't think she would be hard for you to stop." Inuyasha growled and kept walking inside. "Take care of Kagome. Don't let her get out of your sight." Kagura nodded and went to Kagome.

Inuyasha walked inside and quickly spotted Naraku at the end of the hall.
"I see Kagome couldn't kill you like I ordered her to do." Inuyasha pulled out tetsusaiga and held it up to attack fast if Naraku tries anything. "Kagome would never kill me. No matter what you do, nothing will be strong enough to make her forget about me, or her friends." "Well, if she won't do it, I will!" Naraku smirked and shot his tentacle at Inuyasha. Inuyasha dodged his tentacle and hacked it right off. "Oh shut up. Like someone as pathetic and disgusting as you will get to kill me." The piece of tentacle on the floor started moving, then it shot strait at Inuyasha's back without him noticing. "Inuyasha, you're so pathetic and weak. I could finish you off any time that I wish to." Inuyasha suddenly felt agonizing pain on his back and he fell to his knees. "How could you forget Inuyasha, that I do not die as easily as you think." The tentacle got out of Inuyasha and went back to where it was hacked out from.

" Kagura get behind me, Naraku is coming and I don't know what he's planning." Kagura nodded and ran behind Sesshomaru for shelter from Naraku. Naraku came out from the castle and looked strait at Sesshomaru. "Ah, I see that you are here Sesshomaru. And you brought my former servant with you." Kagura was pissed now and came out from behind Sesshomaru. "Shtu up you filthy bastard! We should just kill you here and now and go on with our lives. You were nothing but a pathetic coward, always sending me or some other incarnation to fight your damn battles." Kagura swung her fan and wind blew towards Naraku. "Oh I see I made you mad now you want to kill me" Kagura growled and was going to swing her fan again, but Sesshomaru stopped her. "Don't, I'll do it." Sesshomaru took out his tokijin and held it out to Naraku. "Sesshomaru, you were strong, but your feelings grew for humans and other demons like Kagura and rin for examples. Your feelings toward them has made you soft and that's how I get the upper hand in this." Sesshomaru growled and charged at Naraku.

Inuyasha woke up and heard Naraku and Sesshomaru fighting outside.
'that bstard's gonna get it this time.' He got up and walked outside where the fight was taking place.

Naraku was missing his arm and Sesshomaru was now aiming for his leg. Inuyasha saw that Nraku's limbs were moving and cut them before they could hurt anyone.
"Be careful with those limbs of his. Just because they aren't connected to his body, doesn't mean their dead." "Yeah, I noticed" Inuyasha walked over to Kagome and saw that she was still uncouncious. 'Damn, how bad did I slam her?' Inuyasha got closer to Kagome and held his hand to her forehead. 'How am I supposed to get you out of this mess alone?' He stood up and looked at Naraku. "I'll take you out of this nightmare Kagome...don't worry." Inuyasha aimed tetsusaiga at Naraku and did the wind scar. "WIND SCAR!!!" Scars of light came towards Nraku and hacked him to pieces. Naraku looked in shock to Inuyasha. "What?" Sesshomaru saw his chance and slashed Naraku's head in half.

'Did they do it?' Kagura looked over to Kagome who was slightly moving. Kagome felt pain come to her head and another vision came ot her head.


Kagome saw the dark skies turn normal and Inuyasha was standing in the middle of an opening in the forest. She walked towards him and he turned around to look at her. "Oh, Kagome I was looking for you. C'mon lets go, I have to show you something." He took her by the hand and led her to a dark quiet place deep in the forest. "Inuyasha, this is beautiful. How did you find this place?" Inuyasha sat down and pulled Kagome down with him. "I was looking for you and I came across this beautiul place, so I wanted to show it to you. I knew you'd like it." Kagome cuddled into him and smiled. "I love it....thank you Inuyasha." He looked down at her and kissed her forehead. "You're welcome Kagome." They sat like that and enjoyed the view of the pond and sakura trees.


Inuyasha ran to Kagome and held her in his lap. "Inu....Inuyashaa" Inuyasha held his hand to her cheek and pulled her face to look at her. "I'm here Kagome" She started whinning in pain as a glow came from her forehead. "Look, I think the jewel's coming out." As Kagura said, the jewel popped out of Kagome's forehead and fell to the floor. "Finally....Kagome is safe." She opened her eyes slowly to meet Inuyasha's. "Inuyasha.....thank you" She was too weak to stay awake and fell asleep right away. Inuyasha smiled and picked her up bridal style. "Lets go then. We have nothing else to do here." Sesshomaru and Kagura nodded and followed Inuyasha to a safe place.

They arrived at the demon slayer village and Inuyasha layed Kagome down inside the hut.
"That's weird, Sango and Miroku aren't here." He looked around, but no sign of them or Kilala. "They problably went back to your home village. Well, Kagura and I are leaving now so, see you around little brother." Inuyasha waved good bye and they left. He walked back inside to see Kagome still sleeping. 'we'll go first thing tomorrow.' He walked over to Kagome and layed down beside her takign eh rinto his arms.

A/N: Im getting really sad that no one leaves reviews. It seems that I write this story for nothing. thank you angel-up-above-heaven for leaving your review I really appreciate it. ill keep this story going to the end because i hate leaving it like this. I also hate when other writers give up on their stories like that and i don't want to become one of those people i hate.

thanks you and lots of love
