InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway Love ❯ chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Inuyasha was only a few days away from Sesshomaru's castle. " Sesshomaru freed Kagura from Naraku's control. What if he can help me free Kagome as well? Who am I kidding, Sesshomaru wouldn't help me with anything much less save a human." Inuyasha went up the hill and saw the castle from across the forest. ' Only across this damn forest and i'm finally there. ' Inuyasha looked at the castle one more time and walked on.


Kagome was getting pretty good with her weapon, but could she kill without hesitation, especially killing Inuyasha? Naraku walked into Kagome's room and patted her on her shoulder as she looked out the window. " Kagome I need you to do me a little favor." Kagome looked up to Naraku and her eyes turned an emotionless grey color from Naraku's spell. " Go to the village south of this castle and retrieve the jewel the lord of the casltle has. Then kill everyone." Kagome nodded and bowed to Naraku's feet. "Yes master." Naraku smirked and disappeared. Kagome stood up and dressed for battle.


" Miroku, Inuyasha and Kagome haven't came back. Im getting really worried about both of them. What if Kagome hurt Inuyasha, or Naraku hurt Kagome?" Miroku stood up and walked to the exit of the hut. " We can't do anything about it Sango. lets just go back to Kaede's village, maybe she has some information about something." Sango agreed and joined Miroku outside with Kilala and left to the village.


Inuya sha was half way through the forest when a familiar demon appeared. " What the hell are you doing all the way out here? Shouldn't you be at the castle? " Inuyasha looked down at the imp demon who was known as Sesshomaru's ward, Jaken. " Rin wandered off through the forest. She said she was going to gather flowers for Lord Sesshomaru, but I lost sight of her when she started running." Inuyasha lifted an eyebrow and walked past him. " Well, hurry up and find her because demons love to eat small kids like her for lunch. " Jaken's eyes widened and he started yelling for Rin.

After a few minutes of searching for Rin, Inuyasha was getting annouyed of his yelling and grabbed him from his little Kimono.
"Look, I'll help help you find her, but I have to recognize her scent. What does she smell like?" Jaken looked up to Inuyasha and he dropped him to the floor. " She smells of wild flowers since she's always running around flower gardens." Inuyasha took a sniff of the air and walked into the trees.

A few minutes later, Inuyasha leaded Jaken to a small oasis with sakura petals dropping from the trees. They looked around and saw the small girl laying down on the grass holding roses and sakura flowers in her hands.
" She's sleeping. " Inuyasha picked her up and gently and she cuddled into his chest. "Com'on, we have to get to the castle before sundown." Jaken nodded and followed Inuyasha to the castle.


Kagome arrived to the village, and there was two big doors which were the entrance to the village. there was two guards standing at the entrance and they spotted her and held their swords up. "Oi, who are you? You can't just come in this village without identification." Kagome looked at the men and took out her fans. "Step....aside." Kagome threw one of the fans and took out the man with one blow. Blood started going in all directions staining Kagome's clothes and the guard's as well. The guard stepped back and dropped his sword. "ALERT, ALERT. AN ASSASSIN IS IN OUR VILLAGE!!!" One of the men standing on the balcony heard and rang the alert bells. Kagome threw her fan at him and killed him as well. She continued inside getting ready to kill anyone who got in her way.


Inuya sha finally made it before sundown and Jaken lead him to his brother. They entered to a garden house where his brother and his mate were sitting enjoying the day. "Sorry to disturb your evening Sessomaru." Sesshomaru stood up and walked to Inuyasha. "Why do you carry my ward?" Inuyasha slowly handed the sleeping girl to Sesshomaru and he layed her down by Kagura's side. "This is not the only reason you come to me brother. What's you reason?" Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru and sighted. "Naraku possesed Kagome's mind with the power of one of his jewels, and now she thinks i'm her enemy." Sesshomaru crossed his hands over his chest and shook his head. "It's so pathetic Inuyasha. You let Naraku posses the woman you love and you don't have the power to save her. You've shown me your weak side little brother." Inuyasha growled and fisted his palms. "I am not weak! I didn't know she came back from her time. When I saw her she was already being taken by Naraku and I couldn't stop him, or I would of hurt Kagome." Kagura stood up and walked to Inuyasha. "Kagura, you were once part of Naraku's body. Can you still sense where his location is?" Kagura smiled. "Yes, Sesshomaru freed me, but I am still his incarnation, so I say I can still do it." Inuyasha nodded and they all walked inside the castle.

"Jaken, get one of the servants to carry Rin inside to her room now." Jaken nodded. "Y-yes m'lord." Jaken ran inside back into the garden house. "Sesshomaru, I'm gonna need you to help me find Naraku. I can't do it on my own." Sesshomaru shook his head. "No Inuyasha, I can't help you on this one as much as I'd like to. Kagura will only help you find his castle. Only you can fight this battle Inuyasha. Your power will surely grow because you're doing this for Kagome. I know you can do it, you have the heart our father had and he did the same for your mother when in labor. He died for you and your mother, and I am sure you would do the same for Kagome." Inuyasha nodded and walked outside the castle. "Yeah, Can we go now? I want to claw my hands into that bastard's throat for what he's done to Kagome." Kagura giggled. "I'm glad I'm not one of your enemies anymore." They all headed outside to start their journey back towards the place where Inuyasha last saw Kagome.


"You'd better turn back now, or we will slay you." Kagome killed every soldier and villager that surrounded her. "Don't let her get away!" Kagome threw both of her fans and they circled around her killing everyone who came at her. "M'lord, she is too strong to keep her distracted for to long. You must leave now before it's too late!" The lord nodded and ran inside. "Yurihime, we must leave this place now. The assassin is after the jewel and will kill us if we stay. I will not let her have the jewel, so i'm taking it with me." The girl stood up and and ran inside a room and grabbed the jewel from its pedestal. She ran behind her father to the back exit of the temple. Kagome killed everyone and walked inside. She sensed the jewel and followed to where the feeling came from.


"Oi Kagura, can you sense Naraku's prescence from here?" Kagura lowered her feather by Inuyasha. "A little, but I can't sense his exact location." Inuyasha nodded and she flew back up higher. 'I just hope she's there with that bastard, and not somewhere alse. It would be harder to find her if that's the case.' Inuyasha picked up his speed and followed after Kagura and Sesshomaru.


Naraku walked into the chamber where he held lady Hyomi. "Hello, I see your awake." Hyomi looked up and struggled to get free. "You bastard! I'll kill you for what you've done to me!" Naraku smiled and held her chin up. "Don't worry your pretty little self. It will all be over soon. I will have all your power drained up from your body and you will die a slow and painful death." Naraku rubbed his thumb on her cheek and let her chin go. "You will die surely. Everything evil in this wold always comes to an end." Naraku stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her. "Yes, everything evil does die, but I am not so easy to kill my dear. I am above all these pathetic demons and humans roaming around this land." Naraku turned back around and walked out the chamber.


Kagome exited through the back and spotted the girl with the jewel through the trees. She silently walked and saw the girl who saw her and started running. "Father she's coming!" A man jumped out of the trees and attacked Kagome with a sword. She easily stepped out of the way and threw her fan towards the sword and broke it in half. "Give me the jewel and I'll problably spare your lives." The girl got up and ran while her father held Kagome back. "Get away from the jewel assassin!" Kagome looked at the man and took out her fan. She aimed at the girl and threw her fan.

It cut threw every tree standing in the way then finally got to the girl and cut her right on her back.
"AHHH.......FA.....THER." The man looked at his daughters bloody body and ran to her. "Yurihime.....I'm sorry that this happened to you...........I feel this is all my fault...I should of given up the jewel and none of this would of.....AHHH!!" The girl looked at her father in shock as he fell on top of her. "Fa....Father." The girl looked at her father one more time before collapsing on the ground dead. "I shall take the jewel." Kagome walked over to them and grabbed the jewel from the girls palm and walked back to the village for any remaining people.


Inuya sha, Sesshomaru and Kagura were getting closer to Naraku's castle when Inuyasha stopped in his tracks. "What's wrong Inuyasha?" They all stopped and walked to Inuyasha. "I smell blood. Human blood, and a lot of it." Sesshomaru and Kagura looked at eachother before looking back at Inuyasha. "What if it's Kagome who's killing everyone? I have to go." Inuyasha said and leaped towards the smell of blood. Sesshomaru and Kagura followed close by.

They got close to the village and they could already see people laying dead on the village grounds. Inuyasha ran to the village and saw everyone dead on the floor, blood everywhere.
"Hello? Is anyone still alive?!" He walked around looking at every body to see if they still had life in them, but it seemed like everyone was dead. "Who do you think did this?" Seshomaru walked around looking at the bodies. "Naraku is the only one who would kill this many people for a piece of the jewel." Inuyasha clenched his teeth a Kagura's statement. "It was Kagome........I...can smell her scent all over these bodies."

Inuyasha suddenly heard a sound inside the village's temple and ran inside it to find Kagome covered in blood. "Kagome.....why are you doing this? have to fight it." Kagome gave Inuyasha a sad look and dropped to the floor. "Leave me confuse me.....I don't know what I've done." She held her head as if trying not to hear Inuyasha's voice. Inuyasha walked slowly towards Kagome. 'That's it, fall into my trap' Inuyasha kneeled down and took Kagome's chin into his fingers. "Let me help you Kagome. I hate seeing you like this, I would never want this to happen to you again....just stop....please..." Kagome looked at Inuyasha with sadenned eyes and he moved in closer to kiss her. She slowly grabbed one of her fans and ran it through Inuyasha's stomach. "AHH.....Ka.....Kagome" She looked at him and took her fan out of his stomach and let him drop to the ground, blood gushing out his wound.

Sesshomaru and Kagura heard his scream and ran inside after him. They saw Kagome standing over his body with blood all over her clothes.
"Kagome......what the hell are you doing?!" Kagome looked at Kagura and ran out the back exit of the temple. Inuyasha stumbled up and followed her. "No.....Kagome......come....back....come...back....ple...." He stopped as he fell back on the ground still bleeding rapidely. His vision got blurry as he saw Kagome leave once again. 'Kagome......don't' He completely fell uncounsious as Kagura and Sesshomaru ran to his aid.

A/N: I am so sorry for the delays. I can't think of anything right now I think my imagination is blocked or something. I want to thank everyone who has read my story and i would appreciate it if you would leave a review please. Those who review, lots of love and thanks.