InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway Love ❯ chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


"How could you let her get away!?" Sango looked down to the floor. "I tried to stop her, but she pushed me out of the way and left." Inuyasha took in a deep breath and turned away from them. "Okay, I'm going to go and look for her." Miroku walked to Inuyasha. "Where do you think she is though?" Inuyasha looked up into the sky. "I don't know, but I wont give up on her so easily." He jumped and ran towards the forest. "I feel really bad Miroku. I let her get away an dnow he has to look for her." Sango climbed on Kilala and signaled Miroku to climb on too. Don't worry Sango. He'll get over it. Just give him some time." Kilala lifted off the ground and flew back to the village.


'Damn, where could Kagome be at. If Naraku gets her again, it might be harder to take her back.' Inuyasha ran towards the mountain to see if maybe Kagome would of followed him after he left the village. As he got closer he started to catch her scent in the air. "Kagome!" He ran towards where the scent was coming from and saw her walking towards the hut.

"Huh?" Kagome turned around and saw Inuyasha running to her. He landed infront of her and took her into his arms. Kagome looked at him and then hugged him back. "Why did you leave the vilage?" Kagome pulled back and looked into his golden eyes. "Would you ever hate me if I killed someone close to you?" Inuyasha looked at her confused. "What do you mean Kagome?" Kagome looked at his expression and smiled inocently. "Forget about it."
'Why is she acting like this all of a sudden?' Inuyasha looked at Kagome's waist asn saw the sword with dirt stains on it. Inuyasha quickly took the sword away and looked at it. "What are you doing?" Inuyasha sinffed the sword and recognized its scent as Kikyo's. "Kagome what did you do to Kikyo?" Kagome glared at Inuyasha and stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Why do you ask?" Inuyasha got angrier at Kagome's answer. "Kagome you know why im asking! What did you do to Kikyo!?" Kagome sighted and gave Inuyasha a death glare. "I....killed her." Inuyasha's eyes widened and Kagome took a step back "Why.....Kagome? Why did you do it?" Kagome jumped towards Inuyasha and took the sword away from him. "Just stay away from me. I don't want to know anything about you anymore. If you care so much for Kikyo I'll do the honors of killing you to be with her in hell." Inuyasha's ears dropped to his head. "Kagome I don't want to jurt you anymore. Please stop doing this." Kagome aimed at Inuyash and attacked him. Inuyasha blocked the attack with his arm and took out his tetsusaiga. He couldn't do anything but block her attacks.


"Kill him."


"Kill him. Kill Inuyasha."

"I can't hurt him anymore. I don't want to kill him."

"Kill him or suffer the consequences."


Kagome swung her sword her at Inuyasha one more time, but he blocked it once again. "Kagome, it's useless to fight. Just give up." Kagome also thought it was useless to fight him because he was much more stronger than her.

Kagome dropped the sword and ran towards the sound of running water.
"Kagome, come back!" Kagome heard Inuyasha's footsteps behind her and she ran even faster. She stopped at the edge of a cliff going down to a fast moving river. She turned around and saw Inuyasha jumping out of the trees and landing a few feet away from her. "Kagome don't do anything crazy. I know you can't control yourself, but don't give in." Kagome look down into the rushing river and then back at Inuyasha. "I think it's better if I leave. Goodbye for now Inuyasha. Im sure we will see eachother again sooner or later." Kaome let herself fall back into the river. "KAGOME!!!" Inuyasha ran to the edge of the cliff and saw nothing but water.

Inuyasha jumped into the river after her to try and find her. He went underwater to look for her and saw her swimming down the current. He swam to the surface and saw that she was nly a few feet away.
"Kagome!" She looked back at him with a cold stareand kept on going. She went underwater and Inuyasha went in after her. As he got closer, he reached his hands out to try and grab her.


"Are you ready to come to me?"


"Don't worry i'll transport you."

"Please take me away from here."

"Very well then."


Inuyasha reached out and tried to grab her when all of a sudden Kagome turns into nothing but bubbles and miasma. She disappears leaving Inuyasha in the water. 'What?' Inuyasha reached his hand out and moved his hand around the spot where she diappeared. 'How could she disappear like that?'

Inuyasha swam to the surface and jumped out of the water onto a large boulder away from the water.
'Where did she go?' He shook the water off him like a dog and jumped back to land. He looked around one more time and ran back to the village.


Kagome appeared in the castle and walked to Naraku's room. "I don't want to kill him Naraku. I can't!" Naraku took Kagome's chin in his hand and pulled her head up. "Don't worry about it my dear.Soon you'll have enough power in your heart to kill him without hesitation. i'll train you into being unstoppable like me." Kagome looked at Naraku with a sad smile. ' I know my duty is to kill Inuyasha, but something always stops me from completing my orders.' Kagome looked away and walked out of Naraku's room.

She walked to her room and ran into Kohaku on the way.
"Oh, you're back." Kohaku said and kept on walking in the same direction. Kagome looked at him walking until he disappeared into the dark hallways. She finally arrived to a door and slided it open. Kagome walked in and closed the door behind her. 'What does he mean by soon I won't hesitate on killing?' Kagome sat down and looked out the window to the moon and stars. "I hope he's right when he says he'll make me stronger." Soon Kagome fell asleep.


Inuyasha walked to the hut where Sango and Miroku where cuddled up together sleeping.'So, this is how they sleep. I wish me and Kagome would sleep like that.' Inuyasha sat across from them and crossed his legs and arms. Soon he felll aslep for the first time in days.


Inuyasha woke up seeing nobody inside. That meant he was the last one up. He walked outside and saw Miroku walking around so he walked to him. " Hey for how long was I asleep?" Miroku looked at Inuyasha and smiled. " You slept for hours. You must've been really tiered." Inuyasha sighted and walked to the creek. "Don't bother me right now. Okay Miroku?" Miroku waved his hand in agreement and walked away.

Inuyasha got to the creek and walked in till his feet were all the way under the water. He bended over and and grabbed water with his hands and splashed it on his face. He did ti a few more times and walked up to the grass and layed down. He starred up into the sky with sadness in his eyes.
'Kagome, where are you?' Inuyasha stood up and walked towards the forest. 'I need to clear my mind and plan something to get Kagome back.'


"Kagome, Naraku said to join him outside in the courtyard."
Kohaku said and closed the door. Kagome stood up from the spot by her window and walked outside to Naraku. She got to a door with light coming from the bottom and opened it. Light shined inside as she opened it and lighted up the dark hallways. She walked to Naraku and stood behind him. " I hope you restored your energy because as i kept my word, I'm going to train you into being strong." Kagome nodded and Naraku gave her two normal looking fans. " Those are like razorblade boomerangs. They only have the appearence of fans." Kagome looked at them and opened one of them. Razor sharp blades showed as she opened it. "Now what?" Kagome kept her eyes on the fan. "Try aiming at that tree, then throw it like throwing something flat." Kagome nodded and held the fan up. ' I'll try throwing it like a frizbee.' Kagome aimed at the tree and threw the fan. It flew in a circular motion and ti slashed the tree, then it came back towards Kagome and she succesfully caught it adn closed it back up. " Good it's like you've done this before. Now, try throwing both of them at the same time and keep practicing till you think you've got it right." Kagome nodded and got the other fan out. "You don't have to stay here and watch me, I'll train till I think I have ti right and ask you for your opinion." Naraku smiled and disappeared into his portal.


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Inuyasha was walking through the forest alone hoping he would see Kagome again. ' That's it, Im going alone to find Kagome. I don't need Miroku and Sango anymore. I need to do this on my own.' Inuyasha left towards the mountain where he last saw Kagome. 'I have no idea where to start looking. Right now would be a good time for some damn saymiosho to show up.' Inuyasha growled a little and looked into the sky.


"Hey Miroku, I haven't seen Inuyasha since this morning. Where do you think he went?"
Miroku shrugged his shoulders and walked to the hut. " I don't know, but he said not to bother him at all. Must be because the loss of Kagome that he doesn't show up to much. He's been really mysterious with us ever since Kagome left." Sango stood up and followed Miroku to the hut before ti got to dark.


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' The only person I can go to right now is Kagura. Maybe she can still track Naraku down since she's his incarnation.' Inuyasha made his decision and went in the direction of Sesshomaru's castle.


"Naraku, what should I do about Lady Hyomi?" Naraku looked at Kanna's mirror with the image of Hyomi on it. "Just let her rot in my cell. Maybe I'll feed her to the demons." Kanna nodded and walked out of his room. " Kagome is getting stronger and soon the jewel will be evil enough to minupulate her completely and she can carry out my orders of killing Inuyasha. She already took care of that medelsome miko for me." Naraku smirked at the thought of his evil plans for the hanyou.

A/N: Im so sorry if i mispelled any words i just didn't feel like spell checking it today im so tiered trying to update this story at 1:30 in the morning.

please R/R

Love: @nime_B@bY