InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaways ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The beginning

The silence was earie. She ran through the forest hearing only Hers and her friends pounding foot steps and beating hearts. She new he would come after her as soon as he got word that she was gone, she just knew it.

Her father was a crul man. He killed any man that looked at her, he would put a person in the dungons for no reason. He wasn't always that way, believe it or not before her mother died he was the nicest preson you could have every meet in your life. The only people in the dungons were, there for murder, but that man died along with Queen Kagrua. Now he was mean and full of hate. Rin had tryed for so long to find her old father, but as she got older she realized she world never find him, he was lost to the world now.

Luckily he was on a trip to visit Queen Kikyo in the northern lands. Queen Kikyo had a daughter, Princess Kagome, Rins only friend. Kagome came up while Rin's father, King Naraku went to visit Queen Kikyo , Kagome's mother. Queen Kikyo was just as crul as King Naraku.

During one of the times this happen Kagome and Rin planned a runaway, but they needed help, so they turned to the only person they knew could help them, Priestess Midoriko. She was an older woman, probable in her late 70's early 80's. She had thaught them both about their spirital powers and trained them on the weapons they shold use. Rin used A staff that was just about as tall as her, her self and Kagome would be using bow and arrows. Midoriko made them both a bag to carry their things in. Rin's was orange and had a cresent moon on it. Kagome's was yellow with a sword on it. The bagges were speail you could put any thing in them and they wouldn't get any bigger or heavier.

The day they where to leave, they spent it inside of Rin's room putting together last minute plans and getting things together. They packed their weapons, 4 kimonos, 2 sets of boys clothes, jewlry to sell off for coins, Boys shoes, and Bread.They would leave when the moon was over the tallest tree on the grounds. Pristess Midoriko had visited at noon and gave them both a neck-a-lace that would protect them from evil. Rin's was a cresent moon with a rain drop on it. Kagome's a sun with a cresent moon inside of it. " Kagome and Rin, you both have a long trip ahead of you and these charms will help protect you. The only ones that will be able to tough you are your mates or people that mean you no harm. I hope you both find happiness outside of this castle and are never forced to return to this place. " Pristess Midoriko said as she gave them both a hug. Kagome could feel tears welling up in her eye but refused to shead them, she world be strong.

Now they were running through the woods, trying to get away before anyone noticed they were missing. They had to be at least a few miles away by now. " Please stop running, Kagome. We're safe for now. Lets just rest a while, please. " Rin said as she slowed down and came to a stop. Kagome stop and sat down and Rin sat down with her. " Ok, but only for a little while." Kagome said as she yawned. They both were so tried they didn't here the two men that came up, as the fell asleep.

" Hey, you see what I see? " says the man with dark hair. " Yeah, the two girls. What would they be doing in the middle of the woods like this? " asked the silver haired man. " I don't know, lets bring them to my love. Maybe she can care for them. They look like they wear running from some thing, I wounder what it is ? " said the dark haired man. " Lets go. " says the silve hair