InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaways ❯ Who are they !? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Who are they

Rin woke up in a fine bed made of silk, she rubed her chestnut eyes and looked around. Across the room was another bed and she hope the girl in it was her friend. The room was pink and had Cherry blossoms every were. She got up from the bed she'd been laying in and found that she was dressed in a beautiful set of pojamuas. She walked over to the other bed and she was very glad that she had found it was Kagome, her dear friend. Rin cralled on to the bed and woke Kagome up from her light and fitful sleep. Once Kagome was up they looked around the room just being nosie and bord. They found a note on Rin's night stand and it read.

Dear Princesses,
I understand your problem and hope that you will be staying with us until all is better. Pristess Midoriko has sent us word to protect you by all means nessisary. Please ring for Lady Sango and she shall help you dress, eat some thing and have her bring you to my study.

~Lord Sesshomaru~

Kagome rang for Lady Sango and she came not five minutes later. " Hello, I'm Sango. I'm so glad your up. You've been out a while, we didn't know if you were ever going to come out of here, Now what can I do for you? " she asked nicely. " Well I'm Kagome and this is Rin. Lord Sesshomaru said you would be helping us get dress, go eat and find him. Could you? " Kagome said " Yes, I can, lets just pick you out some clothes first " Sango said as she walk into the closet with the two girls following close behind.

They each pick out a kimono of there liking and went back into the room to get changed. Kagome pick out a Green one with red threads and out lines, it was long and went down to her feet. Rin on the other hand had a short one only going to her lower thigh, it was midnight blue and had white water lillies on the bottum for decoration. They put there clothes on and left the room to find some food along the way Rin asked " Lady Sango do you know how we got to this palace? " Sango stop and turn to the two girl " Yes, I do. My husband and the Prince of this Palace, Lord Sesshomaru's younger brother, Lord Inuyasha found you both pass out in the middle of the woods and brought you here, to protect you from any harm. Lord Inuyasha said you both looked familiar. " Sango anwsered

They ate in silince, soon finishing up and finding Lord Sesshomaru in his study with two other men. The one man in the room walked over to Lady Sango and stood next to her, before one word came out of any ones mouth you heard a loud SMACK and Lady Sango yell " HENTAI !!!!! " Rin's and Kagome's hands flew up to there mouthes as they gasped in shoke at the action.

" Well, scince thats over with I do believe we have bisness to get to, may we begin? " Asked the man with moon on his forehead. Both Rin and Kagome bowed after they snaped out of their shoke and noded in aproval

" I'm Lord Sesshoumaru, thats my younger brother Inuyasha, and the hentai is Miroku. You will be under our protectionuntil ferther notice. Princess Kagome with Inuyasha. Princess Rin with myself. If we are unavaluble you will be in Miroku or Lady Sango's care only." Lord Sesshomaru said as he stude, Both princeses nodded and stude as well. And he spoke agian " Princess Rin please come with me, we have a busy day ahead of us."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rin's p.o.v. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We walked out of the office, I felt akward and so I started conversation " My Lord, what do we have to do today?" He looked down at me and stared for a moment, all Rin did was smile up at him " Princess, we'll be visiting a shop to get you some clothes, and any thing else you may need while in my care." he anwsered her . " You know you can just call me Rin, it seems like we're going to be spending alot of tim together so you might just want to call me Rin scince Princess Rin is so long and all. " she told him, he stopped walking and looked down at her, then said " ok Rin. You can call me Sesshoumaru." he responed

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I know this chaper wasn't long but I had writers block so I had to cut it short. O and Just so you know this is a Rin/Sess fic but there is some of the other couples in here...
