InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rythm of the Heart ❯ Clubs and Familiar Faces ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This is my third chapter.... I can't think of anything else to say except, read, review, Enjoy!
Oh, and I dont own Inuyasha, he's owned by the wonderful Rumiko Takahashi.

"So Kagome....are you sure you wouldn't rather be sitting in a nice, cozy room with Kouga? You'd probably be able to keep
each other warm tonight." Sango said slyly, smirking when Kagome's face turned beet red.

Kagome took a deep breath and counted to ten, continuing to look through the clothe's hanging in Sango's closet before replying.
"Sango, if you ever even joke about that, I will tie you up while your asleep and hack off all your hair after dyeing it orange."

Sango gulped audibly and walked across the room into her bathroom, eager to put some space between herself and Kagome.
Orange was just NOT her color.

For a while they just puttered around Sango's room, dressing in ridiculous outfits that they would never wear outside Sango's room,
as you can only do with your very best friends. After a while Sango's voice came out of the closet, causing Kagome, who was
lying on her bed reading a magazine, to look up.

"Hey Kagome..."


"What time do you think we should start getting ready? We gotta be there before 11:00 or Tino can't get us in."

Kagome glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table adn rolled off the bed onto the floor with a thud while saying, "I guess
now. It's 10:15." (*FYI: it's nighttime!!)

"Alright.." Came Sango's muffled reply as something fell with a thud in the closet.

Fourty minutes later, Kagome was standing in front of Sango's full-length mirror, pulling on the hem of her shirt, before shouting,
"Come on Sango! We're late as it is, if we don't hurry we won't make it in time for Tino to get us in!"

"Alright, alright!" Sango said, as she stepped out into the room.

Together they walked down the stairs inot hte kitchen where Sango's dad was sitting, doing a crossword puzzle.

"Hey baby, hey Kagome." He said, glancing up with a quick smile.

"Hey daddy." Sango replied, giving him a peck on the cheek.

A muffled, "heyy...." was heard from Kagome as she dug in their fridge, looking for something to eat.

"So where are you ladies headed to all dressed up?" he asked, frowning down at the puzzle in front of him.

Kagome closed the fridge dorr with her foot as she bit into an apple and walked over, looking over his shoulder for a moment.
She stared at the puzzle for a moment before figuring out the answer to the question his was stuck on. "34 down is 'era'." she told
him, before walking around to the other side of the table and pulling out a chair. He studied the question and smiled when he
realized that it did indeed fit.

"Thanks Kagome."

"No problem." she replied, taking another bite out of her apple.

"We're going to The Fizz, is that okay?" Sango asked, glancing at the clock quickly. They were never gonna make it before Tino's
shift was over.

"Of course, just make sure that your home early enough that you won't be dragging tommorow when you guys go to school. Oh,
and don't do anything I wouldn't do." He told them with another smile.

"Thanks daddy!" Sango smiled, jumping up out of her chair to give her father a hug.

"Yeah, thanks Mr. Taujou." Kagome repeated, giving him a quick hug as she passed, throwing her apple core in the trash at the
same time.

"Let's go! We're gonna be late!" Sango shouted from the froyer, making her father and Kagome laugh.

They walked unhurried out of the kitchen and seperated at the bottom of the stairs, where Sango's dad went up and Kagome
turned left, heading down the hall to the front door when Sango was waiting impatiently. Kagome laughed again as Sango
practically ran down the steps and over to the passenger side door of Kagome's Jeep, where she had to wait again to get in,
because Kagome took her time unlocking the doors.

"You are really annoying, you know that?" Sango told her, groaning when the clock in the dashboard read 11:02. "Great now,
because you just HAD to have an apple, we've missed Tino's shift. Now how are we supposed to get in?" Sango asked Kagome,
shifting in her seat.

"You worry too much. Have a little faith, I have my ways." Kagome replied, with a wink and a sly smile.

"I'm not sure I wanna know." Was all the reply she got. she just smiled and turned the wheel with one hand, the other tapping out
a beat on the armrest in the middle.

Fourteen minutes later Kagome pulled into a parking spot, sighing as she turned off the engine.

"So how are we going to get in?" Sango asked, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"I don't know..."She replied, pushing her hands through her hair.

"Hey, you never know, maybe some hot guys will fall for us and get us." Sango said, hoping to put a smile back on Kagome's

Just to make her friend happy, Kagome cracked a smile and rolled her head before sighing and saying, "Yeah, maybe. Well, I
say we go out for an hour and if we don't get in by the end of the hour, then we leave. Go get a movie or something."

"Deal." Sango said, taking the hand Kagome offered her and shaking it.

"Awight, let's go."

They hopped out of the Jeep and walked across the parking lot to the line in front of the club. Kagome and Sango were
practically radiating excitement. They hadn't been out dancing in forever. After fourty-five minutes had passed and all that had
happened was a couple of guy's flirting with them, Kagome was ready to give up, rent a movie, and spend the night passed out
on the couch. But Sango wouldn't let her leave till the hour was up.

Then luck happened to chance upon them when two guys came up behind them and started talking with Sango, who explained
their situation quietly, so quietly Kagome didn't even know there was someone behind her till she turned to tell Sango that her
hour was up and they were leaving. She turned, expecting to see Sango but instead came face to face with the guy who had
almost run her off the road.

OMG!! Whoa this chapter didn't take very long. Okay so that's three chapters, two uploaded this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able
to think of what to do for the fourth chapter but right now I'm stuck, so don't hold your breath. I also wanna apologize in
advance for not updating in a really really really long time. So pleaz 4give me.
Awight, just wanna say thnxs to anyone who reviewed, I just posted another story ya'll should go check it out. My friend thinks
it's frickin' awesome so I wanna hear what you think.
I can't think of anything else right now, except to tell you to REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW and that I really enjoy writing for you
