InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sadame ❯ Past Chapter ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Note: Hello everyone. This is the first try I make on an adult fiction but I hope that you will all enjoy it. I hesitated for a long time but since I didn't drop any of them I finally took the big step to publish them. Some of you will maybe recognize me from where I go by the same name. For the rest of you I'm a new face but I hope that my staying here with you all will be a pleasent one. Enjoy the story, I'm not the one to drop a story, I will end it even if it takes a very long time and I will try my best to give you a story that will be worth reading.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any other character in the anime or manga. This is purely fan service.

Pairing: Sess/Inu. If you don't like the idea of homosexuality, or even less incest, then I would be happy if you leave without making any fuzz about it. Flamers will be ignored and left for everyone else to flame back.

Genres: Au, romance, angst, mystery, suspense, drama, shounen-ai and more.

Warnings: m/m, MPREG, Incest, mention of violation/rape. More may appear.

Glossary: Kekkai - Barrier, Hanyou - Half-demon, Ningen - Human, Youkai - Demon, Shikon no Tama - Shikon Jewel.

Summary: With their lives in pieces InuYasha and Sesshomaru must battle together a long forgotten terror that threatens their world. A painful and sorrowful romance was the beginning of destined lovers. This is a romance of tragedy and sacrifies.

Anime: InuYasha

Read, Enjoy and Review. All feedbacks of encouragement, joy, happiness and constructive criticism are welcome.

By Monkan

Prologue - Past Chapter

Long before mankind walked on the earth youkai ruled heaven and earth. Their kind was the only ones that lived on the earth that was meant to become humankinds home. Every day was a fight for survival, only the strongest lived and that was the rule among them. Even though they tried to live with each other the best they could there were some forces that denied that peace would ever coexist among them no matter how alike or disalike they were. The most strongest among them was two youkai whose sole reason for existing was to keep the balance between the youkai and protect the world. They were called the guardians of West and East. They had never meet but they were aware of each other existance. Almost like a call in their souls that the other one was there somewhere in this world.

They were both very beautiful creatures and powerful. They were both great and uncomparable fighters with swords of such might no weaker demon could even touch them. No one dared to defy them. It was said that their presense was enough to bring other youkai to their knees. Their charisma was beyond this world and that seperated them fromt he rest. They could never live among other creatures for they would always stand alone in times of crisis.

When the balance was about to rupture and war was on the brink of breaking out they would descend from their mountains and protect nature and bring an end to those that dared to disturb the balance. But still they never meet even once and maybe it was an order of fate that they would never lay eyes on each other. For if they did something distrauterous would happen.

But one day a spider youkai came along and the balance began to be disrupted. This time one of the guardians was hurt and couldn't return to his mountain. Some time later when he found a lake where he could take care of his wounds he was unaware that the spider was putting his schemes into actions. The spider lured the other guardian down from his mountain and made him chase after him until he was brought to the lake.

It was the first time the guardians met. Neither knew who the other were but right away they were attracted to each other and fell deeply in love. It might had been destiny for them to finally meet but as fate would have it it would bring consequenses.

The lovers spend hours in each other arms and with each minute they shared they fell more and more in love with each other. Something was binding their souls together and with each touch the knot was tied tighter. They loved each other in ways they had never loved another being. As love always blind them from the truth they were unable to realize the cruption of the world was being spread by the spider and they didn't see that their own love for each other would eventually bring them to their own destruction.


The silver haired youkai was half-way through taking care of his injuries when he suddenly jumped up, most of his weight on his good leg as he turned around to face the other youkai who had come rushing into the area. The other youkai slowed down from his speed but the wind wasn't ready for the change of pace and his blue hair floated for a moment around him, a few strands over his face.

As if someone was gently unlocking a cage that seemed to hold their hearts they found it almost impossible to look away from each other. They were so unaware of the world around them that they didn't react until when a cluster of wild birds left a close by tree and took flight up in the sky. Their take off send leaves in the gently breeze and some of them landed on the clear water of the lake just behind the injured youkai.

His hands was dripping from a mix of water and blood. It was then that his srength faltered and he lost his balance. The white haired youkai was about to land clumpsily on the ground when strong arms caught him.

"Are you all right?"


Laughter was carried through the open landfield. The long grass parted as two youkai raced through it. One was just a few steps ahead of the other, his kimono fluttered around him as he swirvled around carefree and happy. His companion came up behind him and lifted him up and swinged him around in circles.

When he slowed down and let the others feet touch the ground he stared into the clear green eyes of the other. His own blue eyes closed slowly as he leaned forward. Their lips was about to touch when they paused for a second before closing the distance between them.


A figure stepped soundless around the tree in hope of seeing the other one where they should meet. To his great disapointment no one was there and he was about to go out there and wait when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. He was about to hit the suprise attacker when a familiar and dear scent reached his nose. He turned around in the arms and threw his own arms around the others shoulders.

"You came." he said happily as he burried his face in the junction of the others neck.


The etheral youkai was bathing out in the water to clean of the dirt on his body. The sun filtered through his hair as the wet strands of blue hair floated on top of the water. Across his shoulder blades was a long tattoo in form of a elegant and beautiful bird. It's wings spread out wide as it seemed to sail across his back.

A hand came up and touched the mark with light caresses. He stood still for a moment until the hand reached up and over his shoulders and wrapped around his neck. He felt a slender body press against his back and desire shoot through every inch of him.

He had only known the other youkai for about seven days but his love for the other surpased even his knowledge.


They laid in the grass in each others arms. One snuggled up against the other and let his loved one pet him and now and then they shared a kiss. They lay there for almost two hours before they caught up with the rest of the world. Somehow it didn't seem that two hours had passed but the sky was beginning to turn darker with each minute and they had to leave.


The blue haired youkai pushed the other down into the grass and somehow he had managed to undo the haori that covered the others body. He softly kissed the skin under him and played with one of the nipples with his tongue, making the recieving party squirm and whimper with rising desire.

Not before long he was moving lower, parting the clothes and paying attention to every bit of skin of the body that he uncovered. He finally reached his destination and for a moment he looked at the proud member that stood up before him. He licked and sucked on the tip as his hand wrapped around the base before he finally took it all the way into his mouth.

"Ah." was almost ripped from the others throat before hands came up to cover his mouth but they couldn't stop his moans of pleasure from reaching his lovers sensetive ears. He paused in his actions, "Don't hold your voice in, let me hear you."

He licked the tiny opening with his tongue and as if on cue he was given a full scale scream of pleasure while the others seed stained his face.


"Thanks heaven that you are safe." said the silver haired youkai as he flung his arms around the other and pushed them against a big and old tree. To the surprise of the other he could see tears appear and lingering at the corner of those eyes he loved so very much. But they never fell.


"AH! AH! AAH!" was the sound that rang out over the hotspring. The water rippled at their movement and moans and groans echoed over the water. One of the two occupating the spring was arching his back and his head was thrown back so half of his silver white hair was under the water. His mouth was open wide as he panted and gasped.

"Just a little longer, let's come together." whispered his lover against his neck.

He let out a deep moan, "Yes... together! Please... please, Lawra!" the plea was almost mewed out in desperate instinct of completion.

The demon who was called Lawra kissed his lovers neck before grabbing a firmer hold of his waist and brought him down on his shaft harder. A scream of pleasure erupted from his lover and he rocked his hips to bring out as much pleasure as possible. His clawed hands grasped Lawra's shoulders and brought him up only to slam down again and again. His movements became more frantic and one of his hands caressed the firm and wet muscled chest before him. Lawra reached down for one of his lovers legs and pushed it up more so it was resting over his shoulder. This helped him penetrate deeper and he pushed them both so he was on top of his lover. He didn't have to worry about drowning his lover for the water only reached up to his pointy ears in this position. With each thrust he brough them closer to the edge of ecstacy, their sounds grew louder until Lawra felt how his lover tensed around him when his release came in waves. It triggered his own climax. He filled his lover with his seed.

"Raian. Raian." whispered Lawra over and over again while he strocked the others silvery hair. "I love you." he told him as he sealed their lips together.

"Me too... Lawra."

"It's not over yet." Lawra told his lover before he once again started to thrust into the others channel and he was aware that the other was still riding on the waves of the aftershock of his release. Raian was soon brought to his second and more intense climax. Lawra nibbled on Raian's neck when they lay beside each other in the afterglow.

Raian traced his fingers lightly over Lawra's skin, just like a buterflie's wing. Light blue hair fell over Lawra's shoulders and down to his waist, spilling around him. While Lawra could be considered pale skined it was nothing compared to Raian whose skin was even paler. For some one that saw Raian for the first time they would assume that he was a youkai that controlled snow just from the look of his skin and hair but that wasn't true. Lawra was a little taller but not by so much that it was very noticeble, they had both pointy ears. The last was their eyes; while Lawra had ocean blue eyes Raian had infinite deep green eyes.

What broke their moment was the rustling leaves that caught their attention. The wind had turned around and brought now a scent to their noses that they hadn't noticed at first. To Lawra it was an all to familiar scent. He pushed Raian behind him to hide him as much from view just when a female youkai entered the area. Her hair was a burning red shade as she moved it looked like it was really on fire.

"Why are you negleting your duties, Lawra?" she asked him in an ice-chilling voice. Lawra didn't even flinch at its harshness. He refused to answer her but the scene before her eyes was all to clear as to what was going on. "If you can't uphold your duties just because you've found a bitch then you have to chose. Our people are falling because you are not there to protect them."

"Leave." Lawra told her with a voice that could freeze even fire as well as the glare he gave her. The female youkai took a step back in fear before she left them but it wasn't before she caught sight of the youkai behind Lawra. White hair and a pale slender arm was all she saw.

Lawra didn't turn around even when the youkai was out of sight. He could feel Raian's hands clutching his arms and his face resting against his back.

"It is because of me." Raian said in a whisper. "Because I've met you this is happening."

"Don't say nonsens." Lawra told him as he turned around and putt his arms around Raian in a lovers embrace, holding the other youkai close to him. "I don't regret meting you. If I hadn't I can't imagen that I would ever find someone to hold these feeling toward. You are the only one. The only one for me, Raian."

Raian's fingers grabbed even harder Lawra's arms before he lifted them up to wrap around the other youkai's neck. He brought his lips slowly to Lawra's and kissed him gently. When they parted Raian looked deeply into Lawra's blue eyes with his green ones. "I love you and only you. No one has ever made me feel like this before. No one will ever take your place in my heart for as long as my soul lives. Only you, Lawra!"


When Lawra returned to his homeland in the West he was met by a gruesome vision. The only word for what he saw was death. Those he knew lived there had been killed so horrible that he had problem seeing where one body ended and another began. Blood was splashed all over, broken bones and torn tissue from the bodies could be seen everywhere.

"Who could had done this? Who?" Lawra asked himself for there was no one left to ask this question. A foot steped on the ground and the guardian turned around ready to face who ever it was that killed his people. There stood the female youkai from before. Her arm was broken and she was bloody, Lawra couldn't even tell if it was her own blood or others.

"He slaugthered us, Lawra. He alone but we couldn't even touch him." She began to fell forward when Lawra caught her. His hands stained with blood. "It ended almost when it started... It was horrible... No one could do anything. He was too strong."

"Who?" asked Lawra as his anger and hatred for the killer began to take over him. His blood boiled to the point of exploding.

"He called himself... the guardian of East..."

Lawra didn't say one more word. He stood up and walked in the direction of the East leaving the female youkai behind. When he was out of sight the only surviving youkai smiled wickedly and in the next moment she fell apart, her blood stained the ground even more red than it already was. From her remains crawled a little spider who left the battle field behind.


When the Guardian of the West entered the East region he was imediatly attacked by low ranking youkai. He spared them no thought as he killed them like buggs. The terror spread through the East land and soon reached the Raian's ears as well as the stench of spilled innocent blood.

He rushed through the forest and when he saw Lawra he was shocked.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Lawra hesitated a little when he came face to face with the one he loved more than his own life. He hadn't wanted Raian to see him killing but it was to late now. It was to late to stop anything. The blood that had been spilled couldn't be returned. The lives that had been taken couldn't be returned. Nothing could go back to the way it used to be. All he could do was follow his own calling and get revenge. But the sight of Raian was breaking his heart. The other youkai looked like he wanted to cry but didn't.

"Where is the East Guardian?" he asked Raian. "I've come to kill him!"

What went through Raian's head was something Lawra couldn't even guess but the answer he got was something he hadn't been waiting for even in his nighmares.

"I am Guardian of the East, Raian. What have I done for getting a death sentance?" Raian said as he drew his sword that belonged only to him. The sword that belonged only to him, a Guardian.

"You...?" the shock on Lawra's face couldn't be mistaken but he pushed it aside. "I am the Guardian of the West. I'm here to claim revenge for my people."

What happened next was the battle between Guardians. When their strength collided there was a shockwave without compare. The ground shattered and the sky turned into a storm of wind and thunder. Countless lives was lost in the process but as they fought their hearts bleed more and more as reality became clearer and crashed upon them.

Not when they laid in each others arms under the sun. Not when they embraced each other lovingly. Not when they said 'I love you'. Not when they first met and not when they last parted could they had imagen everything would lead to this.

They didn't even know that all this was the schemes of a spider that wanted more power than anyone. That wanted to become the ruler over the world. No matter how strong the spider was he was still no match for the Guardians. No one could compare to their might. So he had come to the conclusion that the only ones to destroy them was each other. For them to fall in love was an bonus for the pain they felt as well as their love would make them much weaker. It was a fact that couldn't be changed. This would be the end of them.

After hours of fighting Raian was at the mercy of Lawra. His shoulder had been dislocated, he had numerous wounds and cuts all over him. Lawra was in a similar state but his joints was where they should be.

"I never thought it would come to this." said Lawra as he raised his sword to give the final strike that would end the life of the one he loved most of all in this world.

"I'm sorry!" said Raian. Right before the ground shattered under them and tentacles emerged and impaled them both.

Raian's mouth opened only to let out floods of blood that stained him. Somehow Lawra managed to take both of them away from the surprise attack but he recieved severe wounds too and was loosing blood fast. From the ground emerged a gigantic spider youkai. Somehow it had completely avoided their attention and waited for the perfect opertunity to attack.

"Raian. Raian." called Lawra as he somehow stayed concious. The normally pale and beautiful youkai was stained with red and dirt on his delicate face. He knew what had happened and the outcome that would follow, his eyes showed it and he regreted it. He gave Lawra a weak but sincere and beautiful smile. One of his hands reached up and touched Lawra's cheek before his strength completely drained and his eyes fluttered close to never be open again.

"RAIAN!" screamed Lawra in desperation as he was faced with the hard truth. His soul cried in agony and tears he had never sheed before ran over his cheeks, mixing with the blood that both belonged to him and the only other being he had ever loved more than his own life. He couldn't see anything around him, all he saw was the lifeless body of his lover laying before him. His kimono had been shreded in the attack and now the last bits fell from his back to reveal his tattoo. With all the blood that ran over his back it made the tattoo turn red.

The spider came after him in order to finish him of in his moment of sorrow and helplessness and after that he would rule over the land with terror and power. Just as one of the spiders legs was about to cleave Lawra's head a powerful shockwave ripped it to pieces. The second shockwave was even more powerful as it teared the evil youkai apart but still left him enough in one piece to be alive.

Behind Lawra rised fire as it took the shape of the bird he once had had on his back. Its scream echoed over the destroyed land and forest.

"We will be together, Raian. Somewhere in the future we will find each other again. We will always be together." he whispered to the dead youkai before sealing his words with a kiss that tasted of blood.

The birds flames spread around them until they covered the entire battlefield. The flames swallowed everything and turned it into ashes. It then let out a shriek and rose up into the sky and disappeared into the dark and mysterious void that laid behind the sky where the stars lived.


No one ever saw the Guardians again and they were stated as dead. Surprisingly the forest that had been burned down grew up faster and healthier than its preceedor. Very few records in youkai society was kept about this day and barely 100 years later the first humans was born on earth. The world slowly changed and the old world was forgotten. Some youkai believed that it was the out come from the Guardians' death. That they had known the earth would die and so they had sacreficed themselves.

The elder youkais said that if the Guardians would once again appear it would be a sign that something was about to happen, something that would shape and change the world once again. For the earth would call upon their souls again and they would be reborn. How much truth there was in those words didn't anyone know anymore. In the end their names and lives were only remembered in the history books some random youkai had writen and passed on to future genereations only to be left gathering dust in some lonely castle library. The rest was left as fairy tales that the future generation of youkais passed on. Some stories was even told among humans but their origin was always left unknown and was written of as a flicker of fantasy.

Raian and Lawra wouldn't meet until thousands of years later in the form of two brothers that shared the powerful Inu-youkai blood. One with an calm and cold as the purest ice and the other wild with a spirit like the fire. They wouldn't recognize each other or remember their past lives but fate would pull them together. It would be a life of love, betreyal, sorrow and sacrifices. It was the life of Sesshomaru and InuYasha.

To be Continued