InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sadame ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author Note: I can hardly remember the last time I was so nervous after publishing a story, no wait. It was my very first story 'Itsumademo, dobe' that left me in a similar state. I was a wreak, I couldn't sleep because I was worried that you wouldn't like this story but I'm mostly over it now. You don't have to wait any longer for Sesshomaru's and InuYasha's story begins now and I must warn you that it's AU right from the start. But I hope you won't get to confussed, the story will be revieled as more chapters are added. I hope you will keep enjoying it.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any other character in the anime or manga. This is purely fan service.

Pairing: Sess/Inu. If you don't like the idea of homosexuality, or even less incest, then I would be happy if you leave without making any fuzz about it. Flamers will be ignored and left for everyone else to flame back.

Warnings: m/m, Mpreg, Incest, mention of violation/rape. More may appear.

Glossary: Kekkai - Barrier, Hanyou - Half-demon, Ningen - Human, Youkai - Demon, Shikon no Tama - Shikon Jewel.

Read, Enjoy and Review. All feedbacks of encouragement, joy, happiness and constructive criticism are welcome.

By Monkan

Chapter 1

"Kagome-sama is he still within sight?" asked Miroku as he ran across the field toward the forest that started at the other end. The youkai was out of eyesight for him now but Kagome's ability to see and feel the shikon jewel was to their advantage.

"Yes, but he's getting away at this rate." said the dark haired miko from the future. She was riding on Kirara's back so that she could keep up with the rest of the gang. Beside her was Shippo, the little fox cub wasn't athletic enough to run at this pace yet.

"Kirara," the demon slayer Sango shouted to her fire cat and that was the sign. Kirara left the group with Kagome still on her back at an even higher speed.

Ever since Kagome out of an accident shattered the shikon no tama she had been on a journey to collect the shards again. On her way she had meet and was now travelling with Miroku who was a priest, a perverted one also. The others were Sango and her pet Kirara. Shippo was a youkai fox that had followed with them when he had no other place to go. To their group was also Kouga but he had a responsibility toward his tribe so he couldn’t always join Kagome and the others on their journey but he would as often as he could come and meet them. Not to mention that Kouga had a soft spot for Kagome.

At their current situation, Kagome had spotted another few shards but the "owner" of them had managed to escape them and was now on the run with them right behind him. They knew it was a youkai they were following which made it all more dangerous. Humans often corrupted the jewel because of their greed but youkai had other desires that could taint the shards and not all of them were low level youkai'.

Kirara flew faster and faster until she and Kagome could see the form of the youkai. Kagome reached for one of her arrows and settled it in her bow took aim and fired. The purifying arrow hit the youkai through his leg and sends him tumbling toward the ground. Kirara took the moment of the fall at her advantage and dove down and pinned her prey to the ground so he wouldn't escape. Her angry sounding growls gave her more upper hand as the youkai didn't know if she would rip of his head or was just threatening him.

Shippo jumped down to the ground and out of reach from the youkai's hands, or as the truth was, he didn't have the guts to get closer. Kagome saw the blood flow from the youkai's leg and coloured the grass red. For a moment her naive nature appeared and she felt sorry for the youkai.

Within minutes did Sango and Miroku arrive at their location.

"Is this really the youkai who has the shards?" asked Sango as she walked closer.

"Yeah, without doubt. And several at that." confirmed Kagome.

Sango knelled down next to the injured youkai and for the first time noticed his dog ears.

"You are a hanyou!" she exclaimed just as sudden.

"Got a problem with that?" the hanyou growled.

"Where did you get so many shards of the shikon jewel?" was Miroku's question as he seemed to ignore the previous statement.

The ignorant way the priest talked in annoyed the hanyou and he growled even louder.

"Looks like we won't get any answer from him anytime soon." Kagome said. Her eyes followed Sango's examination of their captured prey. When Sango's hand wrapped around the arrow in order to pull it out, she got a violent reaction. It was so intense that the hanyou got free from under Kirara's paws and was several feet away from her in an instant. But his leg was still impaled by the arrow and when he tried to pull it out himself, his hand was rejected by a kekkai. He hissed both in pain and anger.

It was only now also that the other got a clear view of the half-demon. He had long silver, almost white, hair that reached down to his butt. His eyes was golden coloured and big. He was slightly tanned but not overly so. His frame in all was slender but slightly muscled at the same time, a hint that he wasn't to be taken lightly. His clothes were red and white, except for the area where his blood soaked an even deeper spot of red. His dog ears that signed that he was of mixed blood stood on the top of his head in plain view for anyone to see. Both his hands had claws that could grant death to anyone that came to close to him.

When Sango once again tried to get closer she received a threatening growl and she took a step back. "We have to get the arrow out of your leg before it heals and makes it more painful to get it out." Sango replied as she slowly one last time walked over to the hanyou's side, despite Miroku's, Shippo's and Kagome's protests.

Within a few minutes, the arrow was out of his leg and it was wrapped in a ripped bit of his own clothes to stop the bleeding as he waited for the wound to heal. A process that took longer than normal because of the remaining aura of the sacred arrow that lingered in the wound.

Somehow the group had gotten on friendlier terms with the hanyou than before but he was still on guard around them. Taking the shards from him was important for them but they couldn't get close enough to him to do it, unless they killed him and Kagome was reluctant to do so. Was it even more because she now knew he was a hanyou?

When Shippo had tried to get them he had returned with several lumps on top of each other on his head.

The group tried to loosen up the atmosphere as well as get information out of him and that was how they entered the topic of why they were after the shikon no tama.

"...and that's why we are here now. And we have to collect the shards before Naraku have them all."

At the mention of the name Naraku the half-demon's ears twitched. Not something you would normally take to notice but since he had been mostly still it was something all of them noticed.

"What will you do when you met Naraku?" the silver haired hanyou asked them.

"What we will... defeat him of course. And take back the shards he has in his possession." Kagome answered.

The hanyou seemed to be thinking of something as the wind blew through the trees, creating a hollow sound only the forest could make.

"He's strong, you know." he said carefully. "Killing him will mean down to hell and leave his rotten soul at the gate of hell."

"We know that!" exclaimed Miroku from where he was leaning against a tree not far from the others in his group.

With little to nothing of trouble from his injured leg the golden eyed hanyou stood up.

"Lets make a deal, I will come with you to find Naraku and get my own revenge on him. In exchange I will give you my share of the shards to you when he's dead. And I mean when I hold his crushed heart in my hand!" The last statement of the deal made Shippo take a step back from the hanyou as he sensed the increased hatred that radiated from him.

The humans looked at each other as they passed silent questions between them.

"What proof do we have that you will keep your word?" asked Miroku now in a calm voice.

The hanyou raised his hand and put it over his heart. He then moved his hand to rest in the middle of his chest where his collar bones met and the top of his lungs began. "I swear on my life that I will keep my word."

His eyes sparkled with honesty. For a moment, Kagome was sucked into them and her next words came without any thoughts that this might be a trap or anything else.

"What's your name?" she asked.

The silver haired half-demon gave her a light smile at her silent agreement, "My name is InuYasha!"


Some time later that very same day when the group of humans had set camp and got ready for the night did the hanyou slip away from their view until he was all alone and out of hearing range. The girl who said she was from the future had been annoyingly interested in his ears and until she got to touch them she didn't leave him alone.

InuYasha put his hand slowly on his stomach. An almost sorrowful expression fell over his face, his eyes shined with unshed tears. The wind blew through his silver white hair and the strands played around him. The slight shake of his clenched fist was the other and only thing that gave away his distress.

Memories from before this day flooded his mind; he wanted nothing more than to return, if only for a moment back to the time he was with Sesshomaru and what they shared. But no matter what he did now he could never have that again. He was the one that turned his back on everything.

In the flash of a moment he saw Sesshomaru sitting under a cherry blossom tree. His golden eyes stared at some place far away. A fond memory but it would remain only a memory.

The cruel reality was far from what he wanted it to be. The tingle of pain that came from where his collar bone met below his throat reminded him once again of what had happened. He had been selfish and walked away, not wanting anyone to hurt his mate again. The moment he turned his back on his mate he had really wanted him to take him into his arms again and refuse to let him go. But he had done nothing to prevent him from leaving. His ice cold expression hadn't changed. The belief that he was the victim in this and his proud nature forbade him from it. Mates leaving each other were unheard of unless one of them died but he had defied nature. He had lied, hurt and left the one he had chosen as his life partner. And it was all because of him... Naraku!

His clenched fist got even tighter. His claws drew blood from his palm. "As long as I'm Naraku's pet I will never be able to escape him."

His golden eyes watched the sun and he tried to push back the tears that threaten to spill over. A ghost memory of how he had seen his own mate standing in the sunset was vivid behind his eyelids. The proud and noble frame of his brother as he gave out the air of a daiyoukai to everyone around him. Making them bow in his presence. He submitted to no one and no one could compare to him. He had no weakness and was stronger than anyone else. Sesshomaru had been the perfection of all youkai, until his own half-brother and mate ruined it.


"InuYasha, come here." Sesshomaru said as he held out his hand toward his half-brother.

He didn't even blink before he walked up to the youkai. When he was within range he was being pulled into the embrace of Sesshomaru and only for a moment did he struggle, not liking to appear weak. But when he settled down they stood there, looking as the sun settled at the horizon of the Western Land. Bliss filled InuYasha's heart and with a quick glance at Sesshomaru's face he knew, despite of the lack of expression, that he was feeling the same bliss.


In the end their farewell was just for the best.


He could hear the words from his mate as he was getting closer. His youkai yelled at him not to do it. But as the full-youkai was about to place his hands on InuYasha he flinched away and growled. Hostility was expressed toward the other party. It was then that he said those hurtful words. Both his human and youkai half was agitated and tried to rebel, but they were pushed aside with the single thought; it’s for his best.

When Sesshomaru tried to make him stay he said obvious facts that sounded nothing but arrogant and just an attempt to keep the great youkai from embarrassment. InuYasha's words that followed was simple and efficient.

He then clawed deeply at his mating mark on his neck, leaving bleeding scars over the bite mark. He looked right into Sesshomaru's eyes as his hand lowered. Drops of his own blood dripped from his fingers. The sound of blood dripping to the ground echoed in his ears.


"I will be the one to kill Naraku. He will pay back for playing with my life. For giving me this body and unforgivable taking away my freedom."

"But... I will never forgive him for..."

InuYasha spun around so suddenly that it send tears flying through the air that sparkled in the light.

It wasn’t out of anger or hatred that the hanyou was shaking but out of sorrow. He wouldn't forgive Naraku but the one that he couldn't forgive was himself.

And now... everything could begin.

To be Continued!