InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets Beneath the Surface ❯ Rising Tension ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, but, I have to admit, he would make a kickass Christmas present…
Secrets Beneath the Surface
Rising Tension
Sesshoumaru snarled into the phone, fully aware that Sango had already hung up, but unable to keep the rising anger from flowing over from the pressure suspended in his chest. Her words had hit him hard. Kagome had sacrificed something for him…yet again? His mind was spinning, and he leaned heavily against the wood of his desk to keep from toppling unceremoniously to the floor.
He ran his clawed hand through his silvery hair, ignoring the fact that his hand shook as he did so. He needed more information—there were still so many pieces of the puzzle that were missing, and it seemed it would be up to him to find them and complete the picture he couldn't see right before him. He sighed as he made for the door. Kagome would have to wait until he knew what was going on here…and he would be unable to focus without at least a semblance of sleep. Switching off the light as he left, his shoulders sagging heavily under a weight he wasn't sure he would be able to handle, the defeated man made his way to bed. Stripping to his boxers, he wadded tiredly beneath the sheets and collapsed next to Kagura, wrapping his clawed arm around her in an embrace, pretending that the black hair that peeked from the covers belonged to another…someone who felt a million miles away at the moment.
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Kagome moaned into her pillow, the stench of all she had purged surrounding her seeming unimportant next to the pain that coursed its way up and down her body, settling forcefully in her abdomen. It felt like a knife piercing her from the inside. She could feel the sticky substance she knew was blood pooling between her legs. She winced as a wave of pain assaulted her as she moved, a tear finding its way from her eye. Had she miscarried?
She shifted on the bed, almost crying out at the pain of such an infinitesimal movement caused. She knew if she didn't get help she could die where she now lay alone. Struggling against the ripping that seemed to stem from her stomach, she made her way to the door, her mind too far gone to even attempt to find where she last placed her cell phone.
She could feel the warm crimson liquid as it dripped from her body, dripping down her legs to the floor…leaving a trail in her wake. She could feel the tears as they trailed down her cheeks, the pain ripping tenuously into her stomach with each step she took.
It seemed like forever before she made it out of her room and staggered to her brother's door, desperate for help. She remembered banging weakly on the door before collapsing on the ground, the scream she held back surging forth from her lips as she slipped back into the darkness.
Sesshoumaru's eyes shot open on their own accord, the gruesome image of Kagome, bloody and desperate, still burned into his mind. Was it only a dream? Glancing at the clock, he cursed as he threw back the covers. Rin would be late to school it seemed at the clock now screamed 8:30 in the morning, the time they usually found themselves out the door and already half way to the school.
No, today he would call both of them in sick and spend some time with his daughter. Some calls and questioning were in order about Kagome's disappearance. A trip to Sango's workplace was also on the agenda.
Glancing on the bed next to him, he absently noted the absence of Kagura and was inwardly pleased. One less problem to worry about.
As he stood, an orange slip of paper on Kagura's side of the bed caught his attention. Gathering the slight piece of parchment, he rolled his eyes at its contents.
Went out of town with Yura, I'll be back in three days.
Well, who was he to complain? This gave him three days to respond to Kagome's absence. Three days without his wife bitching for him to pay her more attention. Three days to forget the fact that his marriage was a hoax, and that the woman he really wanted left without a trace, so he would be happy. Sesshoumaru sighed, he had a lot of work ahead of him if he was going to set things right.
Well, I know it's short, but if everything goes as planned, I'll have the next chapter out in about a week! This story in my best estimation…has about three or four chapters left…unless I draw it out a little. I'm thinking of changing it to an M rated story with some lemons, but I want to know what you all think first. Well, don't forget to rate and/or review if you can…it's really been what's keeping me from totally dropping this story! TTYL