InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seeing Each Other 500 Years Into The Future ❯ InuYasha's little confession ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
They sat there embracing each other, in a sweet and comfortably silence, until the bell rang and they had to go to their classes, when Kagome asked curiously “ So InuYasha what class do you have next?”.

“Um lets see”he said to him self as he took his time table out of his pocket and had a look at it “ Well it says I've got history right now, so I best get going” he said the last bit slightly sad no one noticed, except  of one raven hair girl standing next to him, she decide to see what class she had next, when she saw what she had next her eyes lit up with joy.

“Hey InuYasha” she said coyly.  

“What is it Kagome?”he asked giving her a confused look as he though 'why dose she look so cheerful'.

“ Well I've just checked what class I've  got next and its History” she said gleefully, as she slightly started jumping up and down with joy, when InuYasha  registered what she said he gave her a brilliant smile.

As they walked to there next class, InuYasha decided to lace his fingers with the girl he had come to love so deeply, when she felt him lace there fingers together, she gave his hand a comforting squeeze, when he looked down at her, she looked up and gave him the most adorable smile he had ever seen and it gave him the urge to smile back, so he did.

Just as they were standing out side the class room door, Kagome decide to reach up and kiss InuYasha on the cheek, when he looked down at Kagome he had a blush that would have rivalled the colour of his  haori. When Kagome saw this it made her giggle and after awhile it turned into full out laugh, InuYasha noticed this and  asked curiously as he raised an eyebrow“What's so funny ?”.

“Oh nothing” she answered innocently, as she gave him a sweet smile and went  on to say “ we should get in to the class room, before we get marked as late”.

“Yeah we should” he agreed. When they walked into the class room , they saw the teacher look up and gave them a knowing smile,that made both of them blush quite fiercely and the whole class broke out in giggles and snickers. InuYasha then composed him self and when on to introduce him self “Hello Sir I'm Tashio InuYasha and I've just transferred here”

“Ah yes Mr Tashio, please sit where you wish and I'm Mr Elric” he said politely, as InuYasha looked around the room looking for a certain raven haired girl he knew. When he saw her, he made his way over and sat next to her. Mr Elric then went on to explain the lesson “ Right class this week we are learning about the war and states era”

When InuYasha and Kagome heard this then stared snickering to themselves, as they both though ' bin there done that and we have all the knowledge we need' as they carried on snickering.

“Hey Kagome” InuYasha whispered while the teacher went on with him self,she turned her head to look at him.

“What is it InuYasha”she whispered back.

“Is it just me or dose this guy like the sound of his own voice”he asked in a hushed tone.

“Yeah he really dose love the sound of his own voice, doesn’t he” she answered, while laughing quietly and InuYasha started laughing as well, when they heard the bell go for lunch they were so happy, except InuYasha was ecstatic at the prospect of food.

When they got to the lunch room Kagome took a out a well wrapped lunch box that was big enough to feed four people, she then unwrapped it and looked at InuYasha and asked“Hey InuYasha do wanna share my lunch with me?”.

InuYasha looked at her with wide eyes,at the size of the lunch Kagome's mom had done for her, then he said “Are you sure”.

“Yeah I'm sure, be sides I probably can't even eat half let alone the whole thing”she said as she gave InuYasha a set of chopsticks and smiled
All InuYasha could say was “Um thanks” and they both started eating, when he saw Kagome smile at how his ears twitched under the black bandanna he wore, he became mesmerized at how beautiful she was and while he was staring at her with his mouth wide open,she put one of her mother's home omelets in his mouth.

InuYasha recognized this gesture and put some pickled radish in her  mouth and after they had eaten the food they put in each others mouth, they started laughing. Then Kagome asked in between laughs “Hey...InuYasha...remember...when we...were sat... under the said...the only thing... you liked was... the pickled radish...?”.

“Yeah what about it”InuYasha asked confusedly.

“Well now your eating some thing other than pickled radish or raman, how come?” she asked

“ Well actually a kinda lied, actually I love all you cooking” he said with a slight Blush.


They had a double lession of history

and please send me reviews and let me know if you like it or if there are any ways to improve it ^_^ thankx