InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshoumaru's Secret Life ❯ Miroku's Big Mistake ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 8: Miroku's Big Mistake
In the few days it had taken to get to the village just inside the western lands, Sesshoumaru and Miroku had come to know each other a bit better. Sesshoumaru was overwhelmed sometimes by what she felt for this human in such a short time. She looked for him in the morning upon waking and would try and stay near to him throughout the day, which wasn't much of a problem as he usually wanted to be near her as well. They had talked a lot during their travels but had not repeated that kiss. Sesshoumaru even opened up a bit about her past and told him how she had become a man. She did leave out some of the more abusive aspects of her life though, not yet ready to share with someone the shame she still sometimes felt.
Miroku had been astonished that a mother could do that to their own child and began to understand why the demon lord had the personality she did. He was also able to see the person Sesshoumaru could have been as he unknowingly broke down the walls of protection she had set around her heart allowing him to see the warmth trying to come out from under the cold, distant demeanour. She graced him with smiles every so often, making him think he was seeing an angel and he tried as best as he could to make her smile more often.
Even Inuyasha, who was sometimes dense in these matters, noticed the small changes in his sister. “You seem happy,” he said with astonishment one day. His sister never showed much more than disdain or boredom so this was a new thing to be seeing from her.
Sesshoumaru quirked an eyebrow at him, “I suppose I am,” she answered giving the hanyou a small grin.
Inuyasha frowned and glanced at his friend. Miroku, you better know what you're doing here. Inuyasha decided he better have a talk with the monk. He wasn't totally sure what was going on between the demoness and his friend but he saw the amount of time the two of them were spending together. It made the hanyou a bit nervous seeing as Kagome had told him that Sango and Miroku liked each other. If Sesshoumaru liked him as well he could see problems quickly developing. So far Sango had been so involved with her brother that she hadn't noticed how well Sesshoumaru and Miroku were getting along.
When they stopped at the village to see if they could acquire lodging, Inuyasha took Miroku aside. “What are you up to, Miroku?” he asked.
“I don't know what you mean,” the monk responded a bit nervously looking at the scowl adorning his friends face.
“With my sister,” Inuyasha ground out “Do you like her?”
“Inuyasha, I would never do anything inappropriate. You must believe me.” Miroku began to panic slightly. He had come to realize that the hanyou had become fairly protective of his sister over the time they had spent together. The two siblings had also gotten time to know each other and come to terms with their past. He didn't relish getting whacked on the head or maybe worse if the half demon thought he was toying with Sesshoumaru.
“That's not what I asked and what do you mean inappropriate? What are you doing with her?” Inuyasha narrowed his eyes in suspicion at his friend.
“Nothing, nothing,” Miroku answered waving his hand, “I just enjoy getting to know her. We're just friends. You always think the worst of me,” he moaned theatrically.
“Humm, well just don't do anything stupid like you always do,” Inuyasha warned. “Sesshoumaru is not going to put up with your antics the way Sango does.”
Miroku just grinned, “I'm sure she really doesn't care about that,” he laughed and then headed off to see if he could obtain a place for the night for them.
Sesshoumaru was sitting under a tree looking out over a small park area the village had. Jaken had brought her some food and she sat and ate watching as Rin and Shippou played. Maybe the fates have decided to look on me with favour, she thought as she pondered her feelings towards the human monk. She actually liked him, much to her own surprise. Falling for a human, just like you father; perhaps I am more like you than like mother. The thought made her smile, glad that something else her mother had told her had been proven wrong. All humans are not bad, some are worthy of our protection, our love.
They were only two days from her castle and she was hoping that they would stay until they had figured out what they were going to do with the jewel. Sango and Kohaku were joined at the hip and the demon lord hoped to be able to help with extracting the shard from the boy's back without killing him. Watching the two siblings and the obvious love they shared for each other had given her encouragement to try and make amends with her own brother and she thought they were making good progress. Hanyou's are not despicable creatures either, mother, she thought to herself.
She was really hoping that she and Miroku could also spend more time together. That kiss he had given her in the hot springs had been very nice and maybe it was time to take their relationship a bit further. She had decided to tell him her feelings for him. As she sat daydreaming she realized a weight had been lifted from her. The others and especially Miroku, knowing her secret gave her a sense of relief. It was wonderful not having to pretend to be something she was not, to be able to be with someone special and to be able to trust. Trusting in others had always been hard for her but this group she was learning to have confidence in, having faith that they would keep her secret and that she could entrust her heart to the monk.
That was why what happened hurt her so much.
She noticed Miroku and Inuyasha as they approached one of the larger of the village huts across from where she was sitting. She rose from her position on the ground to go over when she saw a lovely young woman come out of the hut. Miroku was talking to her, smiling at her charmingly which caused Sesshoumaru to frown. She could sense her brother's irritation as well and it began to make her edgy. She began to walk over growling low in her throat as she saw Miroku lean closer to the girl and heard her giggle.
Inuyasha's head turned to watch his very pissed off sister approaching and before he could smack his stupid friend, who was trying to flirt his way into getting them a room in the large hut, Miroku had draped his arm around the girl who was giggling and blushing promising to talk her father into allowing them to stay.
Sesshoumaru stopped dead. What is he doing? Anger rose in her breast, how dare he! This Sesshoumaru is better than any other woman. Sesshoumaru felt a pain in her chest when she saw the monk take the girls hands in his own and kiss them, just like he had done with her. Not able to control her feelings of hurt, betrayal and jealousy she crossed to the monk and girl in an instant, pushing the giddy woman away and grabbing the monk by his robes, she promptly punched him hard in the face, knocking him unconscious. She then swiped her claws across his exposed throat giving him four small gashes that trickled blood, a definite warning.
Inuyasha went to grab his sister afraid that she was going to kill his friend when she dropped him to the ground. Kagome, Sango and Kohaku came running up wondering what had happened to cause Sesshoumaru to want to hurt Miroku. The demon lord turned and walked away calling to Rin and Jaken.
“Sesshoumaru, wait,” Inuyasha called out. The girls were trying to revive the monk so the hanyou went after his sister.
Sesshoumaru stopped and waited for her brother.
“Where are you going?”
“Home,” she replied coldly and before he could stop her she called upon her power, forming her cloud beneath her feet. She picked up Rin while Jaken scurried to grab onto her long fur boa and then took off without a backwards glance.
Damn it Miroku, I told you. My sister isn't the type to just give you a slap on the cheek, you're lucky she didn't kill you. Inuyasha turned back to his friend who was still out cold; the others were helping the girl from the hut try and take him inside. He walked over, almost as angry as Sesshoumaru had been, and picked him up, flinging the unconscious monk over his shoulder to carry him inside.
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Sesshoumaru made it back to her castle in record time, pushing herself to get as much distance from the human and herself as quickly as possible. How could I have been so foolish? What does this Sesshoumaru need with love? She landed in the courtyard and commanded Jaken to take care of Rin while she went directly to her room. Jaken bowed and quickly took the little girl away, frightened by the anger coming off his lord.
She sat down on the futon tiredly, that bit of flying had taken a lot of her energy. She removed her boots and armour and lay back on the thick covers staring at the ceiling. A blank look adorned her face as various thoughts raced through her mind.
Why did I ever think that things could be different? I am lord and must act as such, not dream of foolish romance.
Was I not good enough for him? I thought he liked me. Damn human! Damn him to hell, I don't need him or anybody. I am a powerful demon, what do I need with a pathetic, deceiving human? I do not care what he does or who he does it with!
Why does this hurt so much? She did not have an angry reply to that last question so instead she curled up on her side, not allowing herself to release the tears that were stinging at her eyes.
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“Ungh,” Miroku moaned as he began to come to. “What happened?” he asked as he put his hand to his pounding head. He was laying on a futon with Kagome and Sango sitting beside him.
“Sesshoumaru hit you,” answered Kagome. “What happened, Miroku? What made her so mad?”
“I need to talk to Miroku alone,” Inuyasha interrupted in an eerily quiet voice before the monk could say anything. “Can you guys give us a minute?”
“Su…sure,” the girls said in unison as they stood and left the room. Kagome gave Inuyasha a quizzical look that he ignored and then she followed Sango out the door.
Inuyasha sat beside Miroku and grabbed him by the front of his robes, hauling the human up to face him. “I told you not to play your games.”
Miroku grasped the hanyous arm, feeling light headed and slightly nauseous at having been moved so quickly. He soon realized that his throat was hurting as well. He reached his other hand to his neck feeling the bandages there. He looked to his friend for answers.
“She could have killed you, ripped your head right off, be thankful you got off so lightly,” Inuyasha told him, dropping him back onto the futon. “She really liked you, you dolt. Why did you do that?”
“I was just trying to get us a place to stay… How do you know she really liked me?” he asked. Miroku knew they had been getting along but Sesshoumaru always seemed to keep herself at a distance so he had begun to think that maybe she wasn't interested.
Normally that wouldn't have stopped him in his desire to get what he wanted, only making the chase that much more interesting, but for some reason he had been bothered by the thought that she might reject him and he had decided not to pursue her any longer in order to protect himself. He had almost convinced himself that he didn't care for her more than being a friend.
“You didn't see her eyes when she left,” Inuyasha stated sadly. He knew from his time with his sister that a lot of the happiness she was beginning to show was because of Miroku. He turned angry eyes on his friend. “You hurt her Miroku and I won't forgive you for it!” The hanyou stood and stalked out of the room leaving a stunned monk behind.
She's gone? Miroku didn't like that idea at all and he sure didn't like the feeling of guilt that was creeping through him. This was something new to him, never before had he felt guilty about flirting with other women and never before had it bothered him that one of his “future conquests” had left him. He stood shakily to his feet waiting for the room to stop spinning before he headed out the door. Could I have been wrong, she really does like me? I've got to make things right, I've got to get her back.
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Sesshoumaru tried to put the monk out of her mind, carrying out her normal routine around the castle, everyone else just tried to stay out of the way of the moody demon. But not matter what she was doing thoughts of him would enter out of nowhere leaving her feeling sad and lonely.
How could I have been taken in by his lies? Sesshoumaru growled to herself, letting the poison in her claws eat through the table she was sitting at. She brought herself back under control, reabsorbing the venom back into her body. How can I still love him? She sighed heavily. Perhaps I over reacted, I did not give him a chance to explain. Maybe I should seek him out.
She growled out loud this time, clenching her hand into a fist. Where is my pride? He should come to me, this Sesshoumaru does not grovel at the feet of a human, what am I thinking?
The demoness was becoming more than frustrated at her lack of ability to come up with a solution to solve this problem. Always she could handle and control everything in her life but now, this mere mortal, had stripped her of that capacity. She leaned her head forward into her hand trying to suppress the urge to cry or scream; she didn't know which. She wanted to kill him in one instant and the next she just wanted to run into his arms, the conflicting emotions causing her to doubt herself for the first time in a very long time.
“My lord,” Jaken uttered from the doorway, cautiously peering in to try and gauge the mood of the silent demon.
“What is it Jaken,” she answered a bit testily, lifting her head to glare at her retainer, not wishing to be interrupted.
“There is someone here to see you,” Jaken squeaked out nervously.
“Send them on their way. I have no interest in seeing anyone.”
Jaken turned to close the door and do just as he had been ordered. “Wait,” she called out, maybe it's Miroku. The thought made her heart speed up and she rose and walked past the toad. “Where are they?” she asked.
“In the main room,” the little imp answered.
Sesshoumaru walked regally into the main area feeling a bit excited at the prospect of seeing the monk again, surprised at how much she had missed him. She stopped in utter amazement looking at the person before her.
“Sesshoumaru, it's been a long time.”
“Anoki,” she whispered.