InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sightless in Seattle ❯ Meeting the Crew ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Meeting the Crew

Inuyasha walked briskly through the streets, his mistress in tow. Kagome went along with her friend, as he quickly made his way to the main building of Shikon Co.

She put her hand out, and when she felt it she pushed and it opened, Inuyasha led her to the elevator and they boarded as usual. Kagome turned her head to the window.

Even though she couldn't see, it didn't mean she couldn't pretend, right? She gave a mental sigh, as that familiar footstep doomed the elevator doorway as it opened for another passenger.

She walked in, wearing a skimpy skirt and top. Kikyo, walked in late, again.

//I bet she'll just sleep with the manager to get off the hook//

//Clam down Kagome girl, she's just a slut that doesn't deserve her job//

And with that, Kagome smiled to herself, and patted inuyasha's head, with a little chuckle.

"Something funny, Ms. Higurashi?" Kikyo said snottily, using the Ms. To offset the sarcasm in her tone, Kagome was one position higher than her in the company and still had more authority.

"Inside joke", Kagome answered unfeelingly.

"With who? You and your dog?" she said sardonically.

Thankfully the door opened and Kagome brushed passed her, before she had to knock her out or something.

Kagome made her way to her workplace. It was a roomy office, with ironically a great view of the lively Seattle below. She took off inuyasha's harness and he instantly went to his corner with a dog bed in the corner. On her lunch break she would feed him, while there was water in the corner.

She immediately pressed to labeled button on her phone, and it read off her messages and memos, she took care of her memos first so she knew what she was doing that day.

First off was Sango, her best friend was not blind but she had been Kagome's friend since childhood, and loved Kagome dearly.

"Hey, Kag! Well I just wanted to tell you I'm not going to be home tonight. You remember that, waiter at the dinner that felt me up last night? Well…I'll tell you later. Sayonara!"

"Hey Kagome it's Shippo, just wanted to check on you, see ya soon!"

There was a beep then the messages continued their onslaught.

"Kagome uhh…hi it's uhh, Sota. Kagome, I have to talk to you. When it's convenient of course, but hopefully soon ok? Well see you soon. Bye."

Her little brother. Well he was about 18 and no longer little. In fact he was quite handsome, but Kagome could not see that. And Shippo was already about 15.

"End of messages"

The machine stopped and she returned to her brother's message. She knew that tone and she knew something was wrong. She couldn't put her finger on it so she resolved to see him tomorrow, well maybe not see him but go over to his apartment anyway.

And what was the deal with Sango? Did she really fall for that crude waiter at last night's dinner? Well, he was mildly charming. She would talk to her later about it.

Kagome heaved a sigh then went about her usual day of work, until this afternoon's meeting where herself, and the Boss would be present. So she better hurry up and finish her work.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* About 3 hrs later

Kagome's office door creaked open and The Boss stepped in and watched as Kagome rose from her desk, brief case in hand, all too ready to make the final arrangements on this deal with Miasma Co.

He was tall, light-footed, and had a deep voice, not to mention a cutthroat business sense. That was what stood out in Kagome's mind about The Boss.

"Are you ready Kagome?" he said, in a smooth voice.

"Yes", she responded, and with that they walked down the hall, heading toward where the Boss of Miasma Co. was waiting.

"It is rumored the owner of Miasma Industries is very…irritable, at times." Kagome commented.

"Yes, that is why I am eager to close this deal swiftly", Sesshomaru, answered.

He was about 6' foot tall, his long white hair was left free hanging, and his honey eyes, and handsome face was framed with glasses, that gave him the "Boss" look. To tell the truth he was very intelligent, in fact he was the smartest person Kagome had ever met.

They walked down the hall and into a huge meeting room, furnished lavishly with expensive leather chairs, modern art, and immaculately clean windows.

The leader of Miasma Industries rose at the sight of them, his advisor too rose.

The Supervisor was as tall as Sesshomaru, with equally long hair, this time black. His was semi-tied, and his eyes were bordered with some sort of eye shadow.

This assistant was as tall as Kagome, with short hair tied into a ponytail, she wore a business suit, and her earrings were mini feathers. But all of this was unseen by Kagome.

"Welcome, now have a seat, and we will discuss our business." Sesshomaru, said curtly.

"Yes, I am sure we all wish to get straight down to business", Naraku said with equal brusqueness.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Several hours later

"Oh Inuyasha, I am so tired", Kagome said, as she walked home from a long day at work.

She walked along the road and was soon into her apartment. She rolled her eyes as she read the messages on her answering machine.

"Hey Kagome, don't forget we are on at 7:00"

"Kagome, just making sure we are on"

"End of Messages"

She went to the shower and after which she blow dried her hair, and put on a comfortable dress, that had its description on a tag, that she put on them after she washed them. Sango usually helped her pick out clothes, and said this one was "Classic".

After that she slipped into a comfy pair of white sandals, and grabbed her purse. She made sure everything was o.k. for Inuyasha who was laying on her bed rebelliously. It was almost as if he was angry with her for going out with Koga.

"Inuyasha?" she called.

"Inuyasha", she said, warmly as she walked into her bedroom and discovered him lying there, indignantly.

"I know baby, it's just for a little while ok?" she comforted with a rub to his head.

It was so strange at times he looked so human, it was uncanny. She sometimes thought he was a human.

"You know I love you best, don't you?" she reassured.

He glanced at her wistfully and laid his head back down, of if she only knew how human he was.

Then the bell rang and her head jerked up, it was Koga. She looked back once more at her dog, then went and opened the door for the eager man to take her to dinner.

"Kagome, you look great", Koga, said, presenting her with a rose.

"Thank you Koga", she said, accepting the rose that he put in her hand.

"May I escort you?" he said, taking her hand and putting it on his arm, as he guided her down the streets and into a small neatly placed bistro, in between a coffee house, and the theatres.

They ordered and sat down to enjoy their meal. Kagome wanted to pay, but Koga insisted so she complied, with the clamoring guy.

After they were done, he began just as she hoped, prayed, he wouldn't.

"Kagome I've been thinking, about us…" he began.

"Koga, if we can't just come to dinner as friends, then please don't invite me to dinner any more", she said sadly.

"Why won't you just give me a chance!?", he shouted.

"I've thought about it, I really have, but I don't like you in that way", she explained, and with that she got up and left.

She had been to these shops, and she had eaten at this place enough to be able to walk back to her apartment, with her hand on the walls. She walked quickly and then slowed down as she realized some one was calling her name, and it wasn't Koga.

"Kagome! Where's Inuyasha?", she heard a voice approaching her say/

"I was out on a date and I left him at home", she answered her brother Sota.

"Oh, well let me walk you back to your apartment, I wanted to talk to you about something anyway…" he said taking her by the hand and leading his sister to her apartment where he would reveal his secret.
