InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Siren Smile ❯ bleed for me- Cry for mercy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha but I do own this story. YAY! IT'S SPRING BREAK. I have no time for too much fun though since I have to study my language lessons, but on the side I'll be able to write a lot of my chapters hopefully.
Siren Smile
Chapter 1- Bleed for me Cry for mercy-
A creature feared by even the darkest shadows, hunted by more than just man. A creature the last of its kind, searching for death but running from the hunters.
Kuroe the last of the siren demons… or so it is thought…
“Sit boy!” Inuyasha flew to meet the ground as Kagome marched out of the well and to Kaede's hut. Inuyasha had pulled her out of her room and through the well just as she was going to go take a warm shower. Inuyasha got up to yell at Kagome when he noticed she was already gone.
“Stupid girl” he crossed his arms and walked to the hut far behind her.
“Kagome!” a small dart with a fluffy tail jumped into Kagome's arms
“Hey Shippo” she hugged the little kitsune
“Hey Kagome” Sango and Miroku waved walking up to the time traveling girl.
“Hi Sango, hi Miroku”
“Didn't you just go back to your time a few days ago?” Sango looked at her confused then saw the stubborn hanyou walk from the bushes and she understood.
“Just couldn't be apart form her for so long now could you Inuyasha” Miroku patted Inuyasha on the back
“Shut up! She said 3 days tops but stayed 4 so I brought her back to find the Shikon jewels”
“Shikon jewels this, Shikon that. Is that all you think about!” Kagome turned her back to Inuyasha
“Wha-- of course.” Inuyasha crossed his arms and stuck his nose to the air as if he was king. Kagome was shocked then sad then angry.
“And I'm just your tracker”
“Ya you find them I get them” Kagome was hurt and angry at Inuyasha's ignorant comment
“Sit boy!” Inuyasha ate more dirt and grass as Kagome disappeared into the hut with tears swelling up in the corners of her eyes.
“Inuyasha you're such an idiot” Sango walked into the hut to find Kagome
“Inuyasha my boy, you have a lot to learn about the ladies”
“Oh ya as if you know so much you lecherous monk” Miroku smiled and shrugged.
“Why Kagome why are yer crying? Is it that Inuyasha again?” Kaede sat by her herbs
“Common Kagome don't be sad” Shippo looked up at her with his innocent eyes
“Aw Shippo you're so cute” Kagome hugged the little fox
“Kagome?” Sango sat down
“Ah Sango” Kagome smiled at her friend
“He did miss you when you were gone though”
“Yes all he did was mope around and sit by the well” Miroku came in.
“Kagome, may I speak to you in private?” Kaede asked turning fully to the 4
“Ok” Shippo, Sango, and Miroku left the hut. “What is it Kaede?”
“Here” Kaede handed Kagome a small brown leather bag tied closed with a red string.
“What's in it?”
“A few herbs I put together for you”
“Ah for what?”
“For when Inuyasha gets hurt”
“Oh… ya he always seems to get something done to himself even when we're not fighting demons”
“Also for your injuries”
“Mine? But Inuyasha always protects me so I never really get hurt” Kagome smiled, and saw the smile on Kaede's face and understood what she meant. The herbs were for his physical injuries and for a remembrance of how he protects her to heal her wounds. He cared for her even if it didn't seem like it.
“Kagome!?” Inuyasha stomped in. Kagome stood up with her usual cheerful smile
“I…” Inuyasha started but was cut off by Kagome
“Let's go find the jewel shards” he closed his mouth as she walked by. She stuffed the small bag into her pack as she hopped out of the hut.
“Come on Inuyasha!” Kagome called as her and the rest of the gang began to walk. Inuyasha came out and caught up to the rest as they went to search for more jewel shards of the Shikon no Tama.
Cries of pain echoed throughout the dark misty forest near the ocean.
“Please don't kill me! Give me another chance! Please master!” a whimpering plea sounded in a deep cave
“You have failed me shimobe Tamashii” an ice sharp voice sliced through the ears of any listener. Inside the cave kneeled a small demon with a skin tail. In front of him was a female who looked fairly human, her beauty sealed all glances into stares never to leave her. She had wavy golden hair inches past her shoulders, intense blue eyes that stared down even the largest creatures. Her skin was not paled white but not tanned in even the slightest way. Her body was slim with slender arms ending in long fingertips. She wore a white corset dress with lace crossing around her chest.
“Please master let me try once more?” the demon man looked at her feet and went to grab her legs as a pleading hug, but she sharply kicked him in the ribs throwing him a foot or so away. She kept her glance towards the weak demon but looked at a shadowy corner where two silver flashes aimed and cut of the demon's tail.
“Aieee!” human ears would have bled to his squeal as the woman did not even blink at the scene.
“You dare touch Master Kuroe you pathetic creature!” from the shadows where the silver flashes and come now stood a female demon. Her eyes were covered by a black lace as if to blind her, but even though of the lace, you could still see her dark fury. Her long black hair was tied up into a long braid hung around her short red dress as if holding it together.
“Enko” the demon woman called and two crescent moon shaped crystals back tracked into her grasp. She took a step forward and was suddenly beside the blonde woman.
“Shimobe Suishou, kill him.” The blonde haired woman turned and walked out of the cave to the sand of the beach. As she walked her hair blew back revealing tall pointed ears. The sides of her dress had slits that clung to her body but stretched allowing her to walk gracefully away.
“Master Kuroe please I beg o--” his plea turned into a blood filled scream as the demon woman named Suishou killed him with much pleasure…
The blonde haired shojo-youkai let the cool salt water kiss her feet as she stood at the edge where sand and water met. She did not smile but her face held an aijou expression.
“Master Kuroe” Suishou stood behind Kuroe bent over bowing, Kuroe, without turning said,
“Stand. You are not the last of the many who serve me, if you can not finish what Tamashii began. Then I shall kill you without hesitation, as I did him.”
“Yes master, I shall not fail you as he did. I will bring you The Ougon Ken.” With that Suishou back-flipped into the air and disappeared. Kuroe stepped slowly onto the water (she was standing on it as if it were solid). She stood and tilted her head to the skies as she spread her arms out. She looked as if she was trying to embrace the clouds until she bent backwards, the sun was covered by large black clouds and the ocean waters began a light chop. She closed her eyes and laid on top the water like a bed, the waters under her parted and lifted then wrapped around her body. Not too far off into the distance a loud splash was heard and a site of white was seen going under from a jump. Under the chopping waters swam a figure of indigo and white. It surfaced as the cloud seemed to evaporate and the waters calmed. It was a white haired demon with long pointed ears of indigo scales and black eyes. The skin of this creature was pale as snow and black scales covered its face from the nose to the nape of its neck where the white haired covered bare breasts and stomach. There on indigo scales went on and ended at the fin of a fish. The long slender arms grew small but sharp black horns on the elbows and the finger to the nails were shades of blue to black.
Kuroe- Chloe
Shimobe- servant
Tamashii- Soul
Enko- connected
Suishou- Crystal (the jewel)
Shojo- maiden
Youkai- demon
Aijou- loving
Ougon- golden
Ken- sword
Hope you like it and yes this is a self-insertion and my name is Chloe but I'm not making myself Master Kuroe. Read the next chapter. Plz r&r and tell me if you liked it or not. I have other stories on on the name- Tears of death16. Also on and on the name- KuroeKaikaYabi you may like those stories better or you may hate them whatever. If you'd like to have your name in this story just let me know (I will put it in the Japanese way though) or if you have any suggestions or question you know whatever later.