InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Siren Smile ❯ Meet the so called last one- Leave the Ougon Ken ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I own Inuyasha as much as I own all of the chocolate in the world so FREAK OFF ALL OF YOU MORONS WHO YELL AT ME FOR NOT PUTTING A DISCLAIMER ON MY OLD STORIES! I do own this story format though heh, heh.
Siren Smile
Chapter 2- Meet the so called last one- Leave the Ougon Ken-
The sound of skin meeting skin washed over the once quiet trail being walked by Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Shippo. As for Miroku, he had stopped walking and been hit to the ground by Sango after the usual groping.
“Aw common Sango please” Miroku begged Sango to let him go with her to get wood for the fire that was to be started where the group had stopped for the night.
“I promise I will not do anything bad, that is, unless of course you want me to…” Miroku dazed on the ground as Sango and Kirara walked to find wood.
“Idiot” Inuyasha commented as Miroku rubbed the red hand print on his face.
“Eh heh” Miroku smiled in the -not so proud of that one- way. Kagome was about to walk after when Inuyasha said it.
“Kagome you're too weak to go after her, what if demons try to kill you” she stood straight and a dangerous aura surrounded her. She slowly turned her head her expression more furious than anyone had ever seen her.
“Sit boy” she didn't yell but her voice was filled with such venomous force that even Shippo had shivers sent down his spine, and he usually laughed at Inuyasha. Kagome walked after Sango, clutching her bow in her hand.
Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippo all sat there confused on if they should be more scared or shocked.
“Kagome was scary” Shippo sat on a small rock his tail just now relaxing from its still position.
“Feh. I wasn't scared” Inuyasha spit the dirt from his mouth and sat with his arms and legs crossed his back turned to the other 2.
“Yes you were, you were probably scared more than us Inuyasha” Miroku relaxed his hands on his staff.
“Ya Inuyasha you really got Kagome mad this time” Shippo ducked behind the rock before Inuyasha could do anything, but Inuyasha didn't even go “Feh.” Like he usually did.
Kagome leaned against a tree and looked up at the stars. They looked like tiny pearls shimmering at the bottom of a sun filled ocean. (Kinda poetic eh). She closed her eyes and heard the ruffling of leaves. She turned her head to find Kirara a few feet away but not facing her. She saw the edge of Sango's boomerang.
“Sango…?” Sango's hair swirled and then she walked from around the tree.
“Kagome why aren't with the rest?”
“I came to find you, you seemed a little more than just irritated with Miroku when you marched off” Kagome saw the change of expression on Sango's face and gave a warm smile.
“It'll be ok Sango” Sango didn't say anything and just smiled back.
“Oh ya I forgot about the wood”
“Here I'll help you” Kagome offered already picking up a few twigs.
“Thank you Kagome” Kagome smiled and picked up another stick, she turned and looked at it then…
Inuyasha jumped as he heard Kagome scream, he ran towards it leaving Miroku and Shippo far behind who had also heard.
“Kagome! What…”
“Ew a spider get it off, get it off!” Kagome threw the stick and was now brushing her arms as if the spider that was on the stick had crawled on her.
“Kagome it's not on you” Sango said with a blank stare, Inuyasha sweat dropped and fell.
“You screamed about a little bug!” Inuyasha turned
“Oh Inu-yasha…” Kagome looked at him with a blush as he walked back to where they had a small camp waiting for a fire. Miroku and Shippo had just gotten to the scene as Inuyasha past them.
“What happened?” Miroku asked as Shippo jumped into Kagome's arms.
“Kagome was a bit… startled by a spider”
“Startled? It sounded more like she was being tortured” Kagome blushed
“Sorry you guys” Miroku shrugged and picked up a few sticks as they all walked back to where Inuyasha sat cross legged.
The gang had begun their trail again in the morning and all but Shippo were quiet. Kagome would always open her mouth to say something to Inuyasha but then stopped and kept quiet while thinking of a better way to say what she wanted to say. The night before when she had screamed he came running to help her only to find her screaming about a little spider. When he had come running though his face was scared and worried for her she had even heard him call her name. His face hadn't turned angry after though, just well not angry…
“I wonder what that is.” Miroku remarked as they came up to a small temple
“It's a temple stupid”
“Yes I can see that Inuyasha, but all temples are more than just temples. They usually hold something within its doors” Miroku said as if teaching students in a class
“What could be in a temple all the way out here?” Kagome wondered as they stood in front of it.
“Hey look Kagome, it says something on that post right there Shippo pointed out standing next to one of the posts holding up the temple roof. Kagome walked up to it and tried to read it.
“I can't read this. Hey Miroku can you read this for me please”
“Anything for a lady. It says this temple is a sacred home for the Golden Sword of sea or kaijou.”
“Hey this post says something too” Inuyasha knocked on the other post.
“This one says, any who dare to enter this sacred temple will befall… the rest is scratched out” Miroku finished.
“Gold sword of the sea? Have you ever heard of it Miroku?” Sango asked a little curious about the weapon
“I have, in social Studies we were learning about old Japan. I saw a picture that had been scratched out and read what was written under it. The golden sword was once owned by the mighty God Toukon. Toukon was known to start many battles against other gods and one day he fought with the god Neptune and broke Neptune's triton. Neptune took Toukon's sword and hid it from him, after many years Toukon finally gave up. Neptune gave the sword then, to his daughter. Who then after becoming queen of the sea, threw it away onto the beach. That is where a high priest found it and locked it up in a temple where no one could use its powers for evil or good.”
“When did it become the golden sword of the sea?” Shippo looked up at Kagome who had a serene look upon her face.
“I don't know?” she answered back her expression now her normal smile.
“Well that was a dumb story. It doesn't even say why it was called `of the sea'.” Inuyasha stretched
“The Golden Sword sat locked up in the temple for many years, till finally it called out to its original master Toukon. Toukon had long since died at that time though and so the sword called to the Siren or the queen of the seas. She had fallen ill for its call put on her a deadly curse. Her daughters killed her to end her pain till one found a way to have ended the curse and bring her back to life. This daughter went on land and searched for the temple. Her sister didn't want her to go but she went anyway and locked her sister up in a cave. The daughter found the temple an opened the doors, she went in and never came out.” The 5 turned to find who was speaking the story, Inuyasha pulled out his sword and stood ready to fight.
“I'm not going to fight you, please put that away” a girl walked from the side of the temple. She had wavy gold hair a few inches past her shoulders, her eyes were an odd blue and her smile was innocent. She had not, tan but not pale skin and a slim body that wore a knee long sky blue dress. Her arms were long and slender ending in normal length long nails. She stood a very beautiful human that was until the wind blew her hair to the side revealing long pointed ears not like a normal demon.
“Hello my name is Kuroe” she bowed “Would you like to hear the rest of the story?”
“Yes please” Kagome bowed and both smiled at one another
“Ok, after another 10 years the other daughter had broken free of the dark cave and had grown an ever lasting hate for her sister. The reason she had not wanted her sister to go was she wanted to rule as queen of the sea, she had known all along that she could have saved their mother but did not want to tell her sister for this exact reason. She searched for her sister but never found her nor did she find the sacred temple which held the golden sword. Through out the next 5 years this daughter had begun her own colony near the cave in the ocean waters. Soon though humans had begun to hunt for her kind, the sirens, and the humans killed many. Finally no more were left except for herself. She lived in the cave where she had been locked up before and became weak till demons came to devour the smell of dead flesh. She ate these demons and grew strength form their souls. She began a new life and all feared her, humans and demon tried to hunt her down and she wanted death but… there was one last thing she wanted more. That was to find and kill her sister then destroy all life on land and make a world of water where she would rule and die. She sent a demon servant to find the temple. He did but what he did not read was on this post.” The demon girl touched the scratched post. “It said that whoever opened this door would befall a great torture. He opened the door and from that had awoken the daughter who too had walked into the temple. For before when she had walked in to get the damned sword she was trapped and the warning on the post had been written that one who did this would be the swords protector. The post changed as he had entered and awoken her. She attacked him with more force than to kill, but he had gotten away as she fought the curse. The sister still now sends for the sword. It became the Golden Sword of the Sea when the siren daughter had been wrapped in its powers. She was freed somehow though, as the sword cracked and its powered weakened. Yet she stays near the temple to watch over for her sister must not take its powers for her own source.” The demon finished with an innocent smile.
“Wow!” Kagome clapped
“So that's it” Inuyasha dismissed the story “That was even more boring”
“Inuyasha! Sit boy!” Kagome commanded and Inuyasha met with the ground once more.
His curses were muffled by the grass and he lifted his head spitting the weeds to the side.
“You should have more manners. Oh yes, hello my name's Kagome” Kagome put out a hand to the kind demon girl who smiled and shook Kagome's hand
“It very nice to meet you Kagome-san”
“Oh you can just call me Kagome I'm nothing special”
“Oh but you are, you are the priestess from another time are you not?”
“Yes but…”
“Might I ask your friend's names?”
“Ah yes this is Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Inuyasha” Kagome pointed to each one with a smile.
“Very nice to meet you all” Kuroe bowed. “Oh my Shippo you are so kawaii” Kuroe suddenly became more like a child who had just found a tiny kitten as she hugged Shippo.
“Yes he is” Kagome agreed smiling wider but soon left that as a scream and slap were heard. They all looked to find Miroku now on the ground with an almost bruising punch form Kuroe.
“Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you Miroku”
“Is a lecherous man” Kuroe stood next to Kagome
“Eh heh, I couldn't help it…” Miroku rubbed the back of his head as he got up “And you have a very strong hit, I should have known since you're a demon”
With the story and talking the group didn't notice the time until the sky was dark and the moon was bright. They all sat by the temple around a warm fire, Kuroe sat away form the fire though and looked at it with discomfort.
“Kuroe why don't you sit over here?” Kagome asked sitting next to Kuroe
“I don't like fire… it's so dry and hot”
“Oh? That's odd”
“Yes well non of my kind ever liked fire's nor do we like the land either, it's all so dry and it gets so hot”
“Did your kind live on the mountains where it snowed?”
“No, we lived in the oceans…”
“Oh wow so you're… you're a siren demon!? Wow” Kagome stood her eyes sparkled with joy.
“You're like a mermaid! That is so cool!” Kagome smiled. Kuroe giggled and stood up with Kagome
“Yes if you want to call it a mermaid”
“What are you screaming about over there?” Inuyasha called in a not totally annoyed tone, Kagome stopped and looked at her friends to find them staring at her as little oddly.
“Heh, heh” Kagome blushed
“I never knew there were sirens, I thought it was just a myth” Sango said removing the odd looks on everyone's face.
“Wait. Then that means… you're the sister looking for the temple? Or the one protecting the sword?”
“I am Kuroe the protector of the Ougon Ken-Kaijou”
“Kagome-san you are the one who freed me from the powers of the sword, when you and your friends came the sword cracked and its gold aura became a light pink.”
“It couldn't have been…”
“Yes it was you, you are a priestess it had to have been. Please in gratitude of your unconscious help please let me serve you”
“Ah n-no I mean…” Kagome stuttered and shook her head blushing
“You do not want me to serve you?” Kuroe looked a bit sad at this
“I don't want you to serve me but I would like us to be friends Kuroe-chan”
“I would very much like that too” the 2 hugged.
Kuroe woke up and jumped up onto a tree branch then silently jumped onto the roof of the temple. There she looked down at a swift moving shadow coming close to the temple.
“Suishou!” she whispered the name bile rising in her throat. She closed her eyes and jumped to the ground just as two silver objects flew by.
“Hello Kuroe your sister has been quiet interested in you”
“You know that I will not let you have the sword”
“Yes, yes that I am aware of. That is why I am here to kill you as well”
“Try as you may, you shall not return as Tamashii did”
“I know that all to well for I shall go back in glory not shame” this said Suishou threw her crescent moon crystals but instead of Kuroe dodging Inuyasha's sword stopped them. Then Kagome's arrow flew under Suishou as she jumped. Kuroe looked over at them and her expression froze.
“Go” her voice was stern but soft
“Now GO!” Kuroe jumped and knocked Kagome over.
“Kuroe!?” Kuroe got up and pulled the thrown knife out of the tree and Kagome froze
“Oh, thank you”
“Now I'm serious go, go NOW!” Kuroe's yell made the area shake. Kagome and the rest of the group closed their eyes and covered their ears. As the shaking stopped they looked to find themselves in an open valley!
“Where'd Kuroe go?” Kagome looked around only to find no trace of Kuroe or the other demon attacking her.
“Why'd you send them away Kuroe?” Suishou teased
“This is not their fight it's mine”
“Well then let us finish this fight
“It's already finished.” A new voice came from behind a tree.
“Who's there!” both demons commanded, from behind the tree a long slender leg stepped out followed by a long thin arm. Slowly a soft giggle became a menacing familiarity to Kuroe.
“Tatakai” the words slithered off of her tongue and melted on the ground. The girl behind the tree stopped laughing and jumped up form the top of the tree and landed in front of Kuroe then back-flipped surprising Suishou with a lash of her extended nails.
“You little!” Suishou slapped the blood from her shoulder and threw one of her moon crystals but missed the speeding demon.
“Kuroe” Tatakai was still jumping all over the place “We need” she pulled out a silver sword and sliced the first layer of Suishou's skin. “To go!” with that Tatakai had grabbed Kuroe and jumped to the distance past Suishou not forgetting to greet the demon woman with one last attack of a deadly kick meant for her neck but hitting her side instead. Still this threw her back. Suishou got up and after a few curses she opened the temple door.
R&r later