InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Siren Smile ❯ Kagome's time- Scared Change ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Siren Smile
Chapter- Kagome's Time- Scared Change
They all sat in Kaede's hut Kuroe lay on the floor still asleep. Suddenly a cold wind blew into the hut and the fire went out. Kagome shivered and Inuyasha put his red kimono shirt over her. She smiled but he just shrugged. Kagome looked down at Kuroe who was suddenly growing a stone barrier around herself. Kagome jumped up alarmed but when anyone tried to touch Kuroe they were thrown back soaked form head to toe.
“Inuyasha what should we do?” Kagome had fear in her eyes and trembled in her voice.
“It's ok Kagome…” Shippo tried to reassure her but all 5 of them didn't know what would happen. Kuroe was now fully developed into a stone barrier.
It had now been 4 days since Kuroe had fallen asleep and was consumed into rock. Kagome wanted to go back home to her time but didn't want to leave Kuroe. Finally Inuyasha told her to go which was a surprise to all, as she was about to go there was a loud crash inside the hut. The group ran in to find what was Kuroe. The stone had cracked and was now melting Kuroe's blonde hair had become an almost silver shadow and flowed down to her waist. Her hands were a light tan and blue nails ejected from then. Her ears had shortened but become a bit more pointed and her clothes had changed to a short blue kimono with long sleeves scattered over the ground.
“K… Kuroe?” Kagome stepped into the hut cautiously and bent down to the demon girl. Kuroe's eyes shot open and were now sharp silver that drew Kagome back.
“Hey Kagome… sorry about my sister” Kuroe sat up and put her arm on her knee she looked at Kagome and gave a sly smile.
“Also I'm sorry about the barrier thing, it just happens whenever one of my kind is injured like that. It probably also happened to my sister and by now she's going to be stronger than she was a while before…” she stopped and looked at Inuyasha “But he'll be able to take care of her now”
“Kuroe?” Kagome smiled and jumped into a hug on Kuroe
“Where are you going Kagome?” Kuroe nodded to the bag
“I was going to go back to my time”
“Do you mind… if I come?”
“What? No of course I don't! You could meet my mom she cooks the greatest food and…”
“Why is she going to go!?” Inuyasha stomped in
“Because she asked nicely and doesn't force me to go or stay”
“H…” Inuyasha just crossed his arms and sat down stubbornly
“Kagome when are you coming back?” Shippo asked as Kuroe and she walked to the well
“We'll be back in 3 days”
“Ok I'll be here to greet you when you come!” Shippo smiled and ran off back to the camp
“Ok Kuroe you ready?”
“So did your sister change like you did too?”
“I don't know…” the hopped into the well and back out in Kagome's time.
“Mom, Souta, Grandpa! I'm home”
“Oh Kagome, I'm glad your back” Kagome's mom pooped her head from the kitchen and smiled “Who's your friend?”
“This is Kuroe, she a siren demon”
“A siren demon, well that's very interesting, where's Inuyasha?”
“He didn't come this time”
“Ok well dinner will be ready soon”
“Thanks mom!” Kagome showed Kuroe upstairs. “This is my room Kuroe”
“Wow all of these things look so weird”
“Well I guess they would to you since you live in the other Japan” Kagome laughed and set her bag down.
“So Kuroe, I know that you had the barrier for protection but… why did your appearance change?”
“It's really not a big deal”
“Dinner!” Kagome's mom called from downstairs and they went into the dining room area whatever you wanna call it.
Inuyasha and the others sat around a fire
“We've traveled these stupid areas for 2 days and still no sign of any jewel shards or Naraku!” Inuyasha growled in frustration.
“When is Kagome coming back!? It's so boring without her”
“It's no different than when she is here” Inuyasha lazily hit Shippo
“Ya right! Don't try to hide it Inuyasha we've all noticed how you mope when she's gone!” Inuyasha gave Shippo a second lump and jumped onto a branch of a near by tree.
Kagome sat on her bed and let out a full breath
“Mm that was the best dinner ever”
“Yes it really was better than the food at home”
“So Kuroe, why do you and your sister have the same name?”
“Truthfully I do not know… Kuroe my sister is older than me by about 5 years and yet we look so much alike as if we were the same age and all. My mother named her first and why she named me Kuroe as well I never found out…” Kuroe sat back and sighed
“What is it like at school?”
“Well it's actually really boring but it can be kind of fun”
“What do you do there?”
“We learn about math and old Japan and other things like that”
“Ya, here look” Kagome showed Kuroe her homework and Kuroe's face became so confused Kagome just couldn't hold back form laughing.
“I guess it is kind of strange isn't it ha, ha”
“Yes, the writing is so different I can only understand a few of the words and numbers” Kagome smiled
“Well we go back tomorrow after I go to school but if you want before we go back I could show you around?”
“Ok!” the 2 smiled and Kuroe yawned
“You can go to sleep if you want I still need to finish this for the test tomorrow”
“Ok… goodnight Kagome…” Kuroe laid her head down and closed her eyes
Kuroe had sat alone in Kagome's room waiting for her to come home from school and finally got too bored to wait. She picked up Kagome's scent and easily followed it to her school. The building was larger than any building Kuroe had ever seen as were all of the other buildings she had past. She stood outside of the school and waited for Kagome. A bell rang and surprised her she jumped up onto a wall and sat there as students walked out. A few boys passed her and whistled but she just smiled, that was until something inside her came out. She glared at the boys and a low growl surprised them causing them to run in fear. She heard Kagome's voice and quickly changed back to the smiling Kuroe.
“Hi Kagome, sorry I just got tired of waiting”
“That's ok, here meet my friends” she introduced Kuroe to her friends and they were all amazed with Kuroe's hair color and eyes.
“Are those contacts?”
“Did you dye your hair this way?” Kuroe's eyes began to twitch as she held back from screaming.
`These human girls in Kagome's time are so annoying' she thought to herself still smiling on the outside `Then kill them Kuroe, kill them and destroy their bodies till there is nothing left' a darker voice whispered inside her mind. She was shocked with her own thoughts and fell back.
“I… I'm sorry Kagome but I'll just wait for you at your house”
“But I thought you…”
“I'm sorry” she bowed and quickly disappeared around the corner. Kuroe looked at her claws as they became a darker blue and then black her fingers became an irregular pale color.
“Kuroe?!” Kagome and told her friends goodbye and followed after Kuroe but couldn't find her in the house.
“Mom I'm leaving”
“Ok Kagome I love you”
“Love you too!” Kagome grabbed her bag and went out to the old well hoping Kuroe was there waiting. Kagome smiled with relief when she found Kuroe there with a big smile.
“Sorry I ran like that Kagome, I just felt a little crowded with all of the human smells”
“It's ok, my friends can do that sometimes, I'm sorry”
“Don't be, coming here with you… Kagome thank you, you have been a very kind friend to me though I have caused you so much trouble”
“Oh no, no trouble at all, actually it seemed that all the fighting and stuff went down a little since you came”
“I'm still sorry”
“Don't be” Kagome hugged her and they jumped into the well. Inuyasha pulled Kagome out just as they landed and Shippo hugged her.
“What took ya?” Inuyasha mumbled
“Oh nothing” Kagome chimed as they walked to the camp.
“Kagome! I forgot to ask you, what happened to the Ougon Ken Kaijou?” Kuroe jumped up in fear
“Oh, well while you were asleep Kaede took it and wrapped it in a charmed cover. It's in the hut”
“Oh thank gods its safe” she sat down comforted
“I don't see what's so special about the things if it's broken” Inuyasha sat to the side
“Though it may be broken its powers are still strong, if Kuroe my sister had gotten it she would have destroyed everything in her path” Kuroe explained and Inuyasha just shrugged it away.
For once Kagome was the first awake but noticed Kuroe gone. She got up and looked around then she went into the hut to find the sword gone as well.
“Kuroe!” Kagome called her name but still no trace of her could be found.
“What are you yelling about?” Kagome looked to find Inuyasha and the others awake
“Kuroe and the golden sword are gone”
“So what” Inuyasha spat
“So what if she's in trouble!?” Kagome panicked
“She's very strong Kagome, I bet she's putting the sword somewhere safe where her sister or anyone else will ever find it” Sango reassured Kagome
“Well let's go” Inuyasha picked up Kagome's bag
“To look for the shards of course you idiot!”
“Well so-ry for not being able to read minds!”
“Just shut up and let's go”
“Sit boy!”
“Inuyasha never learns” Miroku commented while rubbing Sango's lower backside
“AND NEITHER DO YOU!” Sango slapped him down causing startled birds to fly away. Both Inuyasha and Miroku walked in the back.
“Suishou!?” Kagome stopped as the demon woman stood not too far away in front of them
“What do you want!” Inuyasha pulled out his Tetsusaiga
“Don't worry you weak hanyou, I'm not here to do any of you any harm”
“Then what are you here for?” Sango stood ready to fight
“If you want to see Kuroe before she dies then go to the ocean”
“Is she there? Is she hurt!?”
“No, Kuroe is not there yet but she goes there now thinking she can kill her sister HA!” Suishou disappeared in a mist and the group began their way to the beach.
“Hurry up Kagome!”
“Well I can't go ANY FASTER!”
“Kagome…?” they all turned around to see Kuroe (the good one) she stumbled forward holding her arm
“Kuroe what happened!?” Kagome ran and steadied her.
“My sister… got the… sword…!” they all gasped.
Sango put Kuroe on Kilala and they hurried to the beach. They stopped in sight of a tall blue wall that looked like water but standing. Inuyasha hit it but yelled in pain and held his fist.
“It's like a rock!”
“Yes it is very hard, but looks like water” Miroku touched the wall “it must be her barrier”
“It may be hard as a rock but even rocks can be broken!” Kuroe kicked the wall and it shattered like glass. Inuyasha and Miroku looked at her a bit afraid.
“Kagome once again thank you all of you, you are all very kind people and hanyou” Kuroe smiled and bowed then turned and they walked onto the sand.
“Kuroe how kind of you to finally come”
“Sister…” Kuroe stood and a cold wind blew with the mixture of salt form the ocean. The sun was covered by dark clouds and stars were revealed as if it were night. The waters crashed on top of the shore and howls of pain came from deep within the oceans hold. Kuroe's sister looked exactly the same as she did the first time the group had seen her.
`That's odd why didn't her sister change like she did too?' Kagome thought to herself as she watched the scene before her. Kuroe and her sister both stood on the beach both with something behind them, Kuroe the protector of the sword had her friends behind her. Her sister with the waves of the now dark ocean behind her, Kuroe with the group behind her watched her sister as the ocean waves collapsed around her.
“I'm surprised that they have no abandoned you Kuroe, even after… but wait… they haven't have they?” the dark sister laughed
“What are you talking about!? We would never abandon Kuroe!” Kagome yelled stepping forward
“So they don't know… well shall we reveal your secret to them sister” Kuroe's posture hadn't changed but her expression was now emptied of life as if nothing could hurt her or heal her. She turned to Kagome who looked at her confused.
“Kuroe and I are one, but we are not sisters. I was born but my mother never saw me never took notice of my presence… so I created this Kuroe that you see now. All she is is an empty shell from the bottom of the ocean. Not a true siren just a duplicate of me… her true form is darkness, hatred, and death…” Kuroe (evil one talking) gave a demonic smile as she wrapped her arms around so sister.
“You're wrong.” Kagome lifted her head with tears leaving her eyes
“Kuroe is not you, she is you sister! She's not just an empty shell that you created into the image of you! She ahs a heart! She's kind, you're wrong to say that she is filled with hatred and death!”
“Stupid human… of course your puny little mind can't handle what I am saying. Hear me now though this Kuroe that you love is nothing. She is just a lie”
“Just like Kagura and Kanna” Inuyasha whispered
“NO!” Kagome turned anger and sadness in her eyes “She is not like Naraku's creations!” she turned back to the 2 sirens “She is more free than them SHE IS ALIVE!” Kuroe's expression changed form half dead to more than alive. She took her long nails and stabbed her sister Kuroe right under her heart.
“You little…”
“I am not your creation Kuroe I am the protector of the golden sword of the sea.” She reached for the sword that had been hooked onto Kuroe's side.
“Fool” the dark siren grabbed Kuroe's wrist and threw her back but she had already grabbed the sword.
“This shall end now!” Kuroe jumped up her eyes narrowed onto the other siren
“There is nothing to end, you were dead from the time I made you” the 2 ran at each other with strong attacks both thrown back the same. For hours it went on till Suishou appeared. She blocked Kuroe's attacks.
“I will rid this place of your hollow presence now” Suishou threw her moons but Kuroe was quick and caught tem in her now bleeding hands.
“Kuroe!” Kagome ran to her but was blocked by a water like wall that Kuroe had put up (the good one)
“Kuroe?” Kagome watched in horror as her friend tore Suishou in half and threw her aside.
“Look Kuroe already you have become your true self. Your so called friends watch you as you die”
“You are only speeding your time of death, I shall take the pleasure of helping you!” Kuroe was caught as the dark twin siren thrust her hand into her gut.
“And… I'll… take you… with me!” Kuroe took the Ougon Ken and stabbed her sister Kuroe directly in her black heart. The water wall splashed to the ground and the ocean calmed in seconds. Both of the Siren Demon, Kuroe's, fell into the water. The sea turning a bright red then black as Kuroe smiled at Kagome and died with her creator… her sister.
Well hope you liked it yes, yes I know I rushed it and the ending was way different form what I wanted but oh well I just couldn't hold back from the beautiful blood and death. I was thinking of having Kuroe the good one falling in love with Sesshomaru but then I decided against it so… PLZ… rEvIeW… BYE, BYE!