InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sketches ❯ Trust ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10

Something was eating at his guts. Instinct was taking over. His old, hanyou jerk was fighting, insisting that he needed its protection again. He searched Kagome's deep, chocolate eyes, looking for an answer. Though his body thrilled at touching hers while he pinned her to the ground beneath him, he could not get out of his mind what she had said about trust.

Kagome looked at him with confusion when suddenly he rolled away from her and sat cross-legged, arms crossing his chest, a scowl on his face. It was the same scowl she had seen a thousand times before.

"What's wrong, Inuyasha?" she asked concerned and sat up, a bit frustrated at his sudden change.

"Trust," he nearly spat cocking an ear back toward her.

"What about it?"

"If you do not believe in TRUST, how can you trust me to stay with you? And, if you can't trust me, how long will it be before you...don't want to be with me anymore? How can I trust you?"

"It's not like that," she sighed.

"Then how is it, Kagome?!" he nearly shouted, his voice a mixture of anger, questioning, sadness, and at the same time, hope that she could explain it in a way that he could accept.

Kagome sighed. "How about I explain it this way. Most things are not a matter of trust, but of what you believe in your heart, to be true. I believe that nothing is certain, so we should take each moment as it comes. I believe in you, in your intentions, in your love for me. But, I also believed that it was possible for Kikyou to put you under a spell. Is that trust? No. It is reality. You did not think about that when you asked me to trust you. You wanted me to believe that you could face Kikyou all by yourself. Knowing a person is more important than putting them on a pedestal and expecting behavior that they can't possibly abide by."

"Keh! Now I'm even more confused!"

'What's his problem now? I tried to be as tactful and gentle as possible. I made it plain as day that I love him and in our relationship, we don't need the common concept of trust. It transcends that juvenile notion. He's being a total jerk!'

She didn't understand that a male's thinking is not quite so global, but more streamlined to aid in the focus required for the harsh realities of survival and protection of what is his. It would take time; time for reflection and a chance to focus on this one new riddle. He really didn't get it and that was pissing him off.

"Don't take that tone of voice with me, mister! Okay, so you want me to say I trust you? I trust you! Are you happy now? Uuuuuugh! Inuyasha! You really test my patience sometimes!" yelled Kagome, rising to her feet, clenching her fists, knowing she didn't mean a word she said about trusting him, at least by his definition.

Inuyasha glanced back with a glare and slightly laid his ears against his head.

"Don't you dare, bitch!" he snarled, rising and turning to face her.

'Damn she's gorgeous when she's angry. Her face is the color of my kimono,' thought Inuyasha, already aroused from their previous activity constantly reminded of the steamy flush of her skin when they made love; such an odd moment to feel the heat of desire rising within him. It was thoroughly distracting.

Kagome narrowed her eyes, raised her hand, and drew back to slap him good and hard. 'Call me bitch like that! I don't think so.'

"Don't even think about it, wench," he growled seductively low and deep then grabbed her forearm.

"Uuuuuh!" Her anger getting the better of her, she raised the other hand and clenched her jaw. “Don't call me a bitch!” she hissed through clenched teeth.

He grabbed the other arm and tucked them both behind her back then held them fast by the wrist with one hand while crushing her to him with his other arm. Kagome narrowed her eyes when he chuckled, only to widen them when he swooped down and crashed his lips into hers. His large, clawed hand rose up behind her head to press her mouth to his and held her in place while he nearly bruised her lips as he ferociously devoured her. He demanded her participation by drawing her tongue into his mouth. Kagome whimpered as he tugged at her bottom lip and nipped it lightly with his fangs, drawing a droplet of blood.

'I'm not going to let him get away with this! First he wants to be a total jerk and then expects me…'
“Mmm,” she moaned, nipping him back, only harder because her eye teeth were not so sharp.

"You need to sharpen those fangs of yours," he gasped.

"The first chance I get," she rasped. The heat of her anger was swiftly being lost to the heat of another kind.

Inuyasha let go of her wrists to take hold of her shoulders. His large hands completely cupped her shoulder blades. Kagome tangled her small slender fingers into his silvery white, silky mane as he pushed her to the ground and ground his arousal into that very sensitive area between her thighs. Leaning into her, his heated breath warmed her ear as he demanded with a whisper,
"Say you trust me to give you pleasure. Say it now."

She hated that word. Trust. She had learned the hard way that "trust" made her give up her self-reliance, her independence, made her vulnerable to heartbreak. And, she knew that he didn't just want her to say that she trusted him to give her pleasure, but that she trusted him implicitly in all things.

"Do it now, Kagome!" growled Inuyasha, his blazing golden eyes penetrating her soul. "Say you trust me."

She felt his need for reassurance of her devotion to him and could not help but fill the empty years of loneliness and rejection instilled in him. Melting her heart and her body for him, painfully ridding herself of her last bastion of defense, and submitting to his need, she whispered barely audibly,
“I trust you, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha's gaze softened. 'She really meant it.'

His heart swelled, the pit of his stomach warmed throwing flames of desire through his blood. Brushing his cheek against hers, he nibbled her earlobe and slowly, tenderly, licked the soft smooth skin behind, impressing upon her his appreciation of what she had overcome in order to give him what he needed. She turned her head to bare her neck in want of more.

Nipping and sucking his way down her neck, he paused at his mark. He rubbed the tip of his nose around it and reveled in the scent of his claim. When he ever so slowly ran his tongue around the punctures, his heated breath scorching the wound, Kagome shivered uncontrollably at the tingling that raced all over her body. She turned into his silky hair, cool against her face, and sought the warmth beneath as she felt slick wet heat invade her thighs. Reaching up through his hair, she caressed the silk covered puppy-dog ears. He purred a deep rumbling growl as the flames within turned into a bonfire of passion. Bringing his lips to hers, he plunged his tongue into her mouth exploring her depths, breathing her breath, relishing her trembling body beneath him.

She clenched his ears in her tiny hands, mewling into his mouth, causing it to tingle, driving him insane. The animal within him wanted to ravage her, take her wild and rough. But, he had pushed her beyond her boundaries with the promise of pleasure and he would give it to her, more than she could imagine.

"I will make you call out my name three times before I'm through with you," he murmured into her ear before nipping it.

"One down, two to go," she panted, quivering when he nipped at her earlobe.

"Four times then!" he declared.

Kagome gasped in surprise and pleasure when Inuyasha quickly rose to straddle her and then clawed her blouse to shred, exposing her firm breasts that were not too large and not too small, perfectly balanced with the size of her hips. His golden irises, glowing steam in the darkness, roamed the contours of her heavenly body.
When he grabbed her nipples tugging and rolling them between his thumbs and index fingers, her blood burned within her breasts. Just before throwing her head back to let out a small soft scream while lifting him with her hips, she observed his look of determination.

'She's perfect...and she's mine,' he thought, cupping her breasts and lightly squeezing them before leaning down to take her left nipple into his mouth.

Kagome closed her eyes and blocked out all perception except for the hot, wet mouth trading off teasing each nipple, suckling them while pulling away. All the while, Inuyasha passed the tip of his tongue back and forth across them, only to dive down and repeat the motion, driving her arousal higher each time. Inuyasha drew back and observed, pleased that his ministrations had caused her nipples to swell in anticipation of more.

“Please, Inuyasha,” she moaned, rearing her hips and raising his body. `I never, in my life, imagined anything like this. How does he know what to do?'

He grinned at her response as she lifted her breasts to him, her eyes hooded and face blushed crimson. His eyes drank in the sight of her smooth, baby soft, porcelain white skin. He cupped her breasts, gently pushing them together then buried his face between the luscious mounds. His slick warm wet tongue slid between her breasts before he kissed them then drew her delicate skin into his mouth.

`I think I like the effect this is having on her,' he grinned and retraced all he had just done to her, occasionally caressing her collar bone with his lips and tongue.

Spasms of pleasure shook her. She writhed beneath him, her body tensing. He realized, a bit surprised, that this lone provocation was actually bringing her to the verge of ecstasy. Pushing his legs back, he moved from his straddling position and spread her legs with his knee. Kagome mewled as he gave her his weight. Grabbing his shoulders, she lifted her hips into his waist while he continued to torture her.

“I want you, Inuyasha...inside of me.” She struggled to reach her skirt and pull it down.

Inuyasha pushed her hands away and slid one hand beneath her skirt and panties, careful of his claws, and noticed the coiled stiffness of her abdomen.

“Nnnnng,” he half groaned, half growled, with her, feeling her readiness for him as his fingers skimmed the surface of her dew laden lips.

`Gods, I want her so bad! But…I have to see...'

He renewed his onslaught of her breasts while he tentatively slid two fingers to her entrance and applied pressure to her small mound. When she rocked her hips up to him, the tips of his fingers slightly entered her dew-slicked passage. Her walls quivered and she nearly bucked him off when he simultaneously slid his to fingers into her wanton body while tugging at her nipples. He grinned at the feel of fingernails digging into his shoulders and began to ravage her with renewed vigor.

His fingers filled her aching passage, plunging into the very core of her desire for release. She wanted more, more of him. She loved her hanyou so much it hurt. Being one with him was all her heart desired.

`I can't...take it anymore,' she thought as he brought to the height of ecstasy.
“Inuyasha!” Wave after wave of pure ecstasy coursed through her. Her hands fisted into his hair and dragged his face down between her breasts.

Inuyasha could barely breathe as she convulsed against his body. He continued tightly cupping her mound, his fingers still inside of her, head on her chest, as her convulsions slowly died away. His arousal throbbed in need as he imagined her pulsating walls clenched around his shaft instead of his fingers.

She shuddered when he withdrew his fingers, tried to catch her breath, and was thankful when he lifted his body to rise up over her. Her eyes closed, she could feel his hair tickle her shoulders and cheeks. Once again, waves of ecstasy washed over her at the tender touch of his tongue tracing the curve of her lips before gently dipping into her warm recesses.

“I love you, Kagome,” whispered Inuyasha, his jagged breath fanning down across her face.

“I love you too, Inuyasha,” she rasped, reaching up to caress his silver-haired velvety ears.

`Two down, two to go,' he thought to himself, purring as he pressed his delicate, sensitive ears into her tiny, soft hands.
Thank You to all those who read, review, and rate.
You are a great encouragement.
Thank you so much for the review and awesome scores! I hope this chapter answered your questions. ^_^
Inuyasha and all associated characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I make no profit from this story, nor do I intend to. My only goal is to occupy my demented mind with delusions of actually owning a life-sized, anatomically correct Sesshoumaru.