InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sleep Paralysis ❯ Starcrossed ( Chapter 26 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/n: All right, now, cover your ears… *squeals loudly* AHHH! I have 100 reviews! I never in a trillion years would have imagined it! Banzai, banzai, banzai! Whoo hoo! I love you guys! Love on all of you! I'm so excited, you guys made my day!!
IC: Was that soon enough for you?
ChibiRin: …that is a really fucking dumb name, isn't it XD? I have no idea what it means either… *sigh* Oh well. Love on you :3!!!
Lihz: ….please don't hurt me ^_^;;…. Happy you liked it…
Darksaint: Rough sex makes the world right as rain. Trust me ^_^;;
Chanda: Happy you liked it!
LadyWolf: Feel free to kill Naraku. o_o. Damn, someone needs to. Doesn't it strike you as funny how it's taken them forever to kill him and Kagome's still in the same grade? Did she fail or something XD?
Brower47: Because of you my dreams of reaching that far off number came true. Thank you. I'm so very excited! Unfortunately for you, do you know what this means? *glomps you!* ^_^. Yay. And I'm so excited about your fic… it's so cool!!
GO READ CURSED AND CHIBIRIN'S FIC! ChibiRin's has got a long cool Latin name… Aut Viam something ^_^;;;… it's still awesome. And Cursed is freaking sweet.
Thank you n.n
And a huge thanks to my friend, Rixii-chan for becoming my new beta! Everyone say `thank you Rixii-san!'.
*waits for it*
Luna- <3!
Chapter XXVI: Starcrossed
Inuyasha's hands both curled into fists and it took everything he had in him not to just pummel the guy right there….
Even though he had never technically done anything wrong…
Kagome didn't like him.
And that was a good enough reason for him.
“No, she's not here. Now get lost,” Inuyasha tried to shut the door as quickly as possible, but he found a booted foot in the way of the door before he could.
Inuyasha growled… this guy was pushing his luck.
Pulling the door back, Inuyasha glared at Onigumo. “What the fuck do you want? If I wanted to, you do realize I could call the cops for harassment.”
Onigumo's eyes hardened, “I'm just here to talk to her. That's all.”
Inuyasha steeled his glare on this guy, the intense dislike he had for him already growing by the minute. This guy made him have a bad taste in his mouth… Something acrid. It was like a poison…
“Nothing's that fucking important. Like I said, get lost asshole or I really am gonna call the cops.”
Onigumo just wagged a single digit in Inuyasha's face and Inuyasha suddenly got the urge to remove the offending finger.
“No reason to curse, Taisho-san… Now, is there?”
Inuyasha's brows lowered to threatening levels… now the guy had the audacity to mock him in his own home?
Hell fucking no…
“Get out,” Inuyasha tried slamming the door again on the guy's boot, but apparently he was wearing steel toed boots…
“Once I acquire what I have come for I…”
A soft voice wafting towards the two cut him off, “Inuyasha… where'd you go?”
While Inuyasha's face fell, a look of triumph plastered itself on Onigumo's.
“Nothing, Kags, go back to the room…” he tried, but Onigumo's voice was the more prevalent.
“Why, Kagome… don't you look lovely?” Inuyasha felt the bile rising in his throat as this fucker began to trace Kagome's figure with his eyes along… up her long, slender legs… outlining her soft hips, thin waist and soft, yet somewhat small chest… Along her graceful collar bone and up that gorgeous neck of hers…
…Only to land on her face with some sort of sick, twisted smile Inuyasha was all too sure he didn't like.
And from the look of it, Kagome wasn't too comfortable with it as well.
…It was obvious to him with the way she shifted from one foot to another on the top of the stairs, unsure of what to do.
“What do you want?”
Onigumo's eyes narrowed at her words, and it was obvious he was not too pleased. Her want of his dismissal was probably all too clear for him, but it only made Inuyasha smirk in satisfaction.
“Do you suppose, perhaps later tonight we could make plans to go somewhere and talk?”
Kagome started slightly, “I'm busy.”
Inuyasha felt himself bristle, “And she doesn't fucking care. And I'm her man, you dick, now stop trying to ask her out because she isn't fucking interested. Now that you've wasted all of our time, get the fuck outta here!”
This time, Inuyasha shoved the guy out into the yard, causing him to stumble back a few feet. He looked surprised, but Inuyasha didn't care. Slamming the door shut, he immediately bolted the door locked.
Of all the things…
They had enough problems to deal with.
They didn't need a goddamn stalker on their hands.
Lifting one hand to rub the bridge of his nose, Inuyasha closed his eyes, trying to ward off an impending headache… It didn't appear he would be too successful, but he really did want to save himself from the hell of a migraine he felt coming on…
Lifting his golden hues towards Kagome, he noticed her jeweled eyes sparkling brighter than usual… She was stressed out…
They needed to leave.
“Go get dressed, Kagome…”
Kagome seemed to start a bit, looking down at him from her place atop the stairs. She looked at him with inquiry, unsure of why…
“We're leaving to go to Sango's a bit early, okay?” Kagome only nodded.
“Do me a favor, and grab me a shirt and my sandals, okay?” Again she nodded, and wandered off towards their room…
She seemed so unbalanced, so detached just then…
And it had seemed to be turning out to be a good day too…
Walking towards the kitchen, Inuyasha looked around. He wasn't quite sure why or what exactly he was looking for…
It almost felt as if something was out of place… something was off…
But as his eyes roamed over everything… it was all in place. Nothing was a hair off thanks to his obsessive compulsive brother…
And somehow, he was always the one accused of being the neat freak.
Yeah fucking right…
Not quite sure what he wanted to do, he let his gaze wander again… landing upon their memo book lying on the counter next to the phone.
Walking absently over to it, he looked down at the yellow paper. Reaching over to a little jar that held the pens, he plucked a blue one randomly out…
…but promptly put it back because he hated writing in blue ink…
Trying again, he grabbed a red pen, and began to jot down a note to his brother.
We need to talk when I get home. I understand what you meant this morning, I was just too…busy… to notice. Sorry about that.
We're going out with Sango and Miro.
We'll be back later.
Bending over the note, he reread it to make sure it looked alright, before nodding in approval and standing up straight. He heard someone clear their throat behind him, and turned around to see Kagome.
She offered her hand up to him, holding a white tee and smiled softly at him.
Inuyasha smiled back at her, and pulled the shirt over his head before taking his shoes from her other hand and putting them on.
Turning around, he saw his keys laying on the counter and he grabbed them, putting an arm around Kagome's shoulder and gave her a reassuring grin.
“Let's get the fuck out of here.”
“So let me get this straight… the creepy weird new guy shows up at your house, demanding to talk to Kagome and refusing to leave when you say no until he can… and then tries and to persuade her to go out with him, and you shove him out and tell him to get lost… right?” Miroku questioned, a single hand on his chin, indicating he was thinking…
Inuyasha nodded to him in affirmation.
Yeah… the fucker.
The two of them sat in the living room at Sango's house, waiting for the girls to be done. They went to Sango's room about twenty minutes ago, to do whatever girls did, and Inuyasha decided to tell Miroku the story to get his opinion.
“That fucking asshole.”
…he knew Miroku would agree with him.
“Fucking exactly! That asshole has some goddamn fucking nerve to do that.”
Miroku sighed deeply, leaning back in the chair he had occupied… he had a look on his face like he was trying to ascertain on what to say, what to do in the situation.
Sighing, Inuyasha leaned back as well, sprawling his arms across the back of the couch. Crossing one leg over another comfortably, Inuyasha simply waited for Miroku's suggestion in the situation… despite being a pervert, he was a reliable friend and a valued opinion…
“Look, the best I can say is that we keep an eye on him. Keep someone with Kagome, which isn't too hard `cause someone is usually with her anyway… Namely you. If the asshole comes around again, call the cops,” Miroku offered, an eyebrow lowering a bit in concern. Though he hadn't known Kagome too long, she was important to Sango and Inuyasha… so she was important to him.
“Yeah…” Inuyasha sighed… this was going to be difficult.
Why does there have to be so much bullshit…?
Looking towards Miroku, he saw that his friend's gaze was directed in an certain area and he followed it to see what he was looking at. Before him stood the girls, Sango seemed to have a slightly perturbed look on her face and Kagome didn't look like she was doing too much better.
When they both finally realized the boys were looking at them, Kagome muttered something quickly to Sango and they both broke out into smiles.
“So, are we ready to go?” Sango clapped her hands a bit nervously, as if at some sort of sports meet. Entirely too enthusiastic.
Especially for Sango…
Both the guys stole glances at one another, lifting their eyebrows together and making a silent agreement to get to the bottom of what the girls were thinking.
Of course, knowing the girls, it was going to be one hell of a battle…
Miroku and Inuyasha eyed the girls nervously as they muttered in hushed tones back and forth to each other… They were close to each other, leaning in and seemed to shut the entire world out of their own little reality.
The girls walked in front of them, while the boys were trailing behind somewhat, shying away as if threatened.
It was creepy to watch the two, as if they were conspiring against someone … Namely themselves.
“Are they weirding you out, Yash?” Miroku whispered to him, and Inuyasha murmured back with a slight frown on his face.
“Yeah. And I hate that name. Have you been drinking again?”
Miroku suddenly shot him a nasty look and shoved Inuyasha a bit, causing him to stumble a few steps before giving him an angry scowl in return.
“What the fuck was that for?”
Miroku snorted, “For implying I do such things as that all the time.”
Inuyasha's brow lifted a bit, “Well, you never said no.”
Miroku fell silent.
That was all the confirmation Inuyasha needed.
“Hah! You are buzzed, aren't you?”
Miroku smiled brightly at him… a little too over enthusiastic for Inuyasha's tastes.
“Why Inuyasha, you think so lowly of me! And to imagine… I might do that…”
Inuyasha gave his friend a dry look and grumbled, “Can it Miroku.”
While they bickered quietly, the girls were still carrying on their private conversation, trying to ascertain what to do.
“So…Inuyasha knows?”
Kagome nodded in affirmation to her, looking the slightest bit forlorn. “…yeah. He and I go way back. That was a reason why we… split up for a while, the dreams.”
Sango cast Kagome a sympathetic look, reaching over to squeeze her hand in understanding.
“It's hard, isn't it?”
Kagome nodded, shrugging a bit away from Sango. She didn't want to talk about it…
“It's…fine. I survive….”
Sango noticed the way Kagome was closing up inside herself, just how she used to… when she first met her.
Lifting her eyes towards her friend, Kagome drew her brows together. Sango felt herself intake a sharp breath… she looked so vulnerable…
“Don't worry…” she spoke softly, trying to reassure her…
Kagome simply tilted her head slightly, looking somewhat confused.
Sango smiled to her, feeling a sort of warmth and affection for her friend, a sort of affection she had never really felt before.
She felt so much closer to her… as if Kagome had finally let her in.
“…you're not alone.”
Watching as Kagome's eyes widened in just the slightest, and a slight coloring took hold of her face, Sango was happy… happy that they were finally connecting like she wanted all along.
Kagome's eyes softened just a bit… and the corners of her lips lifted in a ghost of a smile …
Then, she parted her lips to say the two most affectionate words Sango had ever heard Kagome tell her yet…
“…thank you.”