InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snapshots of Life After the End ❯ A Beautiful Surprise ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Originally post to At First Tweak on June 9, 2011 for Prompt #46 Foxfire.

Title: A Beautiful Surprise
Author: ananova
Rating: T
Genre: General/Romance
Universe: Post Canon
Word Count: 297
Summary: Inuyasha decides Kagome has been working herself too hard and spirits her away for a chance to relax. Will she like his surprise?

Kagome sighed as she reached the hut she shared with Inuyasha. It had been a long day and tomorrow looked to be just as long. Right now all she wanted was to climb into her futon and sleep in her husband's strong embrace. Just as her hand grasped the door mat, it was flung aside and she found herself in the arms she was just thinking of. “Inuyasha!” she gasped as she felt herself being carried away from their home. “Where are we going?”

The forest was a blur around them as he ran so instead she focused on his face. “Feh! You've been pushing yourself too hard woman. Tonight and tomorrow is for us.”

She frowned at him but before she could say anything they reached their apparent destination. Her mouth dropped open as she stared in awe at her surroundings. “Inuyasha,” she breathed, touched by his actions.

The clearing they were in was beautiful and easily visible in the light of the full moon, filled with wild flowers of every type and color. An unearthly glow came from the trees surrounding the clearing and she could see glowing foxfire formed from the mushrooms that grew on them. The view was breathtaking and she found herself relaxing as she took it in.

“Keh. Knew you'd like it,” Inuyasha said as he removed his haori and settled them on top of it on the ground.

“It's beautiful,” Kagome said as she turned to look at him, only to freeze at the look he pinned her with.

“Not as beautiful as you,” he said before kissing her. She smiled into the kiss as she let all of her worries fade away as she showed her husband just how appreciative she was.