InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snapshots of Life After the End ❯ Opposites Attract ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Originally posted to Issekiwa on June 30, 2011 for Prompt #129 Contrast.

Title: Opposites Attract
Author: ananova
Rating: T
Prompt: Contrast (Issekiwa)
Genre: General/Romance/Post Canon
Word Count: 163
Warnings: None
Summary: Inuyasha lies awake and considers the differences between he and Kagome.

Inuyasha could only stare at the girl, no woman, sleeping on his chest. How had he been lucky enough to deserve her? He still had trouble believing that she was really here, that she had really returned to him. “Kagome,” he murmured quietly, voice full of awe.

She shifted in his embrace and her dark, ebony hair fell, mixing with his own pale, silver locks. He contemplated the contrast the two made. So different.

He shifted his gaze to contemplate other differences. Her pale skin contrasted with his own tan complexion. She was so much smaller than him. He was rude and brash, finding it hard to express his true emotions. She was kind and compassionate, wearing her heart on her sleeve. She was human and he youkai, well hanyou.

And yet, for all of their differences they fit so well together. His arms tightened around her and he placed a gentle kiss to her temple. They truly were made for eachother.