InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snowfall ❯ Lost Loyalties ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Ten: Lost Loyalties
With in the Easter region the Snow Palac e was completely shrouded, hidden by a v ery powerful
barrier. The miasma held w ith in thick in the air, having claimed& nbsp;the lives of al living things that had been there.
Kai sat upon one& nbsp;of the wal s looking out towards th e life fil ed landscape beyond Naraku's dominion. She could
see the human vil&n bsp;age at the base of the mountain thri ving with the busy beings. Families shopping& nbsp;or working
out in the rice fields. The lord watching his army as they  ;trained. The foolish mortals having believed  ;that
because the palace vanished to th eir eyes there were no more mononoke in& nbsp;the area. Kai grinned wickedly at
their conceded notions. Ryaku landed beside h er, his arms crossed as he stood there&n bsp;looking at the horizon.
“What&nb sp;be on your mind, sister mine?† ;His voice was sweet yet held a sort&nbs p;of devilish quality with in
it. No&nb sp;doubt a transformation from the jewel shar ds embedded at the base of their skul&nb sp;s.
“Just plotting some fun w ith those idiotic humans in the vil age, dearest brother.†Her black eyes  ;
fil ed with the joy of laying was te to the vil age below them. â&eu ro;œI grow tired of just staying here&n bsp;with in these wal s
doing nothing&n bsp;but wondering the palace grounds. It it&n bsp;boring and not at al productive.â& euro;
“Aye, your restlessness is&nbs p;shared. Though if our Master has not g iven us the command then we do
not act, true?â€
“Mn.†Kai nodded her head softly in acknowled gment of the truth her twin brother had& nbsp;spoken. Her
emotions becoming sedated w ith the mere thought of what were to&nbs p;transpire if they acted with out Naraku's&n bsp;
words to do so. The twin angelic&nb sp;beings stayed there for a good long w hile, the silence providing much
annoyance&n bsp;and deafness to them. It took quite a while before they began to feel a  ;warming sensation with in
their hearts.&nbs p;Kai let out a slow growl of knowing&nb sp;who was creating such a feeling while  ;Ryaku gingerly placed his
hand upon hi s heart, his eyes closing.
“She draws closer upon us. It will not be much longer before she is with in&nbs p;our boundary.†Ryaku
opened his&nbs p;al white eyes and turned his attentio n back upon his sister. She gritted her& nbsp;teeth and silence her
growl upon s tanding.
“Then we wil inform&nb sp;our Master and see what he wishes of& nbsp;us to do with her and that troubles ome
companion of hers.†Kai grin ned widely as she headed towards the mai n entrance of the castle. The twins
walked down the corridors, persistent on ge tting to Naraku to inform him of who&nbs p;was almost close to his
doorstep, but it would seem that his incarnations Kag ura and Kanna were waiting for them outs ide of the very
room they needed t o be in. The beings stopped short and&nb sp;stared at the sisters, not sure why t hey were being
denied passage.
â€& oelig;Ryaku and Kai, how lovely it is to see you.†Kagura grinned as she& nbsp;pul ed out her fan, letting the tip
of the closed weapon press against&nbs p;her lips.
“Kagura. Kanna.â€& nbsp;Ryaku inclined his head to them both&nbs p;in a sort of respectful notion, Kai di d not
offer them such recognition. &aci rc;€œIs Naraku receiving visitors by ch ance? We have something of importance to  ;speak
to him about.â€
“He wil see you.†Kanna, the p ure white demon, spoke as rare as it&nbs p;was for sound to come from the
younges t looking one. Ryaku some what enjoyed h er company more so than the company of&n bsp;her sister Kagura.
For him Kagura w as a bit more brash, and less easy to get along with. Kai and Kagura it&nbs p;would seem got along
just fine in&nbs p;that aspect. Ryaku inclined his head to&nbs p;the sisters once more and walked around&nbs p;them to enter
Naraku's room, Kai fol& nbsp;owing in after him. They walked together in unison and were gentle about kneelin g before
Naraku once again in perfect&n bsp;ritualistic unison.
“This is an& nbsp;unexpected surprise to have the two of&n bsp;you here. Tel me, what ails you&nbs p;that would cause
you to seek audience with me?†Naraku's deep voice came&nbs p;from the blinds that shielded him from  ;their view, yet
his presence alone mad e them both weary of his abilities. Sinc e they had arrived to live with Naraku&n bsp;in his castle
they had not seen&nbs p;very much of him, not even what he&nbs p;looked like under the baboon pelt of h is. Though the twins
were beginning to f eel it not necessary for them to see&nbs p;his true self beneath that disguise.
â ;€œMaster Naraku, we have felt her  ;presence drawing ever closer to our location .†Ryaku was the first
to s peak, not wishing to keep the master wai ting.
“Aiyuki of the Arctic wol f tribe should be upon us at any mo ment. No doubt seeking to attack you, sire.†Kai spoke in such elegance, a trait she had learned from her b rother in order to keep from enraging Naraku. Such traits were not wasted on&nb sp;others for her though, Naraku kept her&nbs p;loyalty once he had promised
them gre ater power and delivered such with the j ewel.
“Ah, so she is trying&nbs p;once again to regain her territory.†They could hear behind the curtain the& nbsp;
rustling of robes as Naraku stood up completely. His footsteps almost inaudible  ;as he came towards them. Kai's
eyes&nb sp;widened slightly as the blinds were drawn& nbsp;back to reveal such a handsome man,  ;his eyes sinister yet
hauntingly beautiful& nbsp;to her. She quickly dropped her head&nbs p;in a bow to show him respect, in truth hiding her blush
and keeping her& nbsp;composure.
“Please, al ow us&nbs p;to deal with her this time, Master Nar aku? I swear to you we wil end&nbs p;her.†Ryaku
bowed his head&nbs p;after making such a bold inquiry, it a lmost made Kai want to snap at him for his insolence. She
stayed her tongu e however as Naraku came from his platfo rm and stood before them.
“Rise .†He spoke and once the two  ;of them had rose to their feet, standin g equal y tal to him did he < br> give them an almost wicked smile. â ;€œI wil al ow this. Do as&n bsp;you wish to your former Lady, though  ;if you are able to
bring her close  ;to death I would much enjoy for you&nbs p;to capture her and bring her unto my&n bsp;quarters.â€
“What of her&n bsp;newest High General?†Kai felt her heart pounding, her body itching to fin al y get the
answer for her war&nb sp;cry she so desperately felt.
â€&oeli g;The General wil be of no use to& nbsp;me. You may kil him.â€
“As you wish, my master.â&eur o; The twins spoke out in unison giving& nbsp;him quick bow at their waists.
Nar aku waved his hand dismissing them before&nbs p;he turned back to his futon he was&nbs p;just sitting upon. Walking
over he sa t back down upon it feeling the presence of the two angels leaving his room  ;and soon were completely
out of his bar rier. Grinning wickedly to himself he worked& nbsp;up another demon puppet for himself, the strands of
hair completing the separat e being that he would be able to se e through its eyes. He sent it forth&nbs p;shortly after the
two prizes from his earlier exploits of the young she-wolf had&nb sp;left, just to keep and eye on them&nb sp;and watch
Aiyuki's downfal for his& nbsp;own amusement.
“Oh the things&n bsp;I have planned for you my dear sweet , Aiyuki. Your hands will look so beauti ful
stained in the blood of Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha.†He chuckled to hi mself and sat back to watch his plan&nbs p;
Aiy uki stared up at the tree line of h er territory, the familiarity coming back to& nbsp;her once more. She
had the memorie s flooding with in her every time she&nb sp;returned to her home region. The memories& nbsp;of Ryaku and
Kai accompanying her on the many trips to patrol her borders, the two of them teaching her every  ;bit of legacy
her parents had set  ;before her. Aiyuki closed her eyes and turned her head towards the ground fighting&n bsp;back the
tears that threatened to fal&nbs p;, her claws biting gently in to the&nb sp;palms of her hands. Tasuke had been w atching her
for some time and knew  ;the pain he had felt from missing his&n bsp;home was nothing to what his Lady wa s feeling
right at that moment. Ryaku&n bsp;and Kai were lost so Aiyuki had beco me lost as wel , for her sake he&nb sp;would make
sure that the twins retur n to their side.
“My Lady.&acir c;€ Tasuke gingerly placed his hand upon her shoulder and stepped up next to&nbs p;her so he
would be able to see&n bsp;her face. “We must continue  ;on. Naraku will no longer hold them und er his command.â€
“Aye.⠀ Aiyuki nodded gently and placed her&nb sp;hand upon his before she opened her e yes. “I am glad
you conti nued this journey with me Tasuke, I do&n bsp;not think I would have been able to& nbsp;do this on my own.â€
†œThat is what I am here for, my&nb sp;lady. To ease the burden.†He offered her a tender smile and
watched& nbsp;as she began leading the way again,  ;their destination now would surely be the&nb sp;palace. He started his
pursuit to fo l ow her but was not quite expecting&nbs p;to see Kai land right in front of  ;Aiyuki. Time seemed to have
stopped fo r the two wolves as Kai spun Aiyuki  ;around to watch as Ryaku drove his hand straight through
Tasuke. The General l ooked down towards the blood covered hand&nbs p;now protruding from his chest, the pain&nbs p;
immense but was set even worse hearin g Aiyuki screaming his name. He looked u p to her, her form wavered
with th e onset of his tears, feeling Ryaku get& nbsp;closer to his ear he braced for har sh words.
“I have purposely mis sed vital organs, Tasuke.†Ryaku spoke a whisper so his sister would not hear
his words to the supposedly dieing General. “You wil go, fetch&nb sp;Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru and bring them he re.
Use whatever means necessary to free  ;Lady Aiyuki and us.†He then qui ckly pul ed his hand from the wolf's&nbs p;
chest, making his motions quick.
â&eu ro;œFinish him, brother.†Kai sneered as she kept a tight grip on Aiyuki , making sure the woman would
not be able to fight back nor escape.
â ;€œAye, I wil enjoy my kil . Go ahead and take Aiyuki to Naraku,&nbs p;he is waiting.†Ryaku grabbed Tasuke
and spun him around to face him, k eeping his composure as he began to make himself glow as if he were to just
incinerate the poor man.
“Do&nb sp;not doddle, Ryaku.†Kai swiftly str uck against Aiyuki's neck to render her unconscious, much
easier to take her in that way rather than having a squirming catch. When Kai disappeared from their sight
Ryaku ceased his glowing and pres sed his hand upon the gaping wound, heal ing it with in a matter of seconds.
“The shard?†Tasuke was  ;confused by what had just transpired. Had&nb sp;the white one been able to
break&nbs p;from Naraku's control?
“It no longer has an effect on me as it do es Kai. Perhaps because I have never bee n persuaded
with evil notions.†He then moved back from the wolf and&nbs p;smiled. “It is good to see&nb sp;you again, I just wish they
were&nbs p;under different circumstances.â€
â€&o elig;I feel the same.†Tasuke looked&n bsp;towards the direction Kai had taken Aiyuk i, feeling completely
hopeless now that  ;Naraku had one more he cared for in&nbs p;his clutches.
“You must make your leave now, Tasuke. If you do not&nb sp;then what I have done here would be&n bsp;for
naught. If Naraku were to find& nbsp;out he would for certain send one o f his incarnations to end you.â€
< hr> “Then I will leave now. I&n bsp;vow I will free you. I will come&nbs p;back with Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru and
free al of you.†He gripped&nb sp;his hand in to a tight fist before&nb sp;turning towards the way he and Aiyuki  ;had traveled.
“Aye, I have no& nbsp;doubt that you wil but for your&nb sp;sake and Lady Aiyuki's send them on t heir way here
and wait until they return. This is the better outcome for a l to survive I am afraid.†Ryaku started motioning his
hands in se veral gestures, his hands beginning to glow&n bsp;at the same time with each gesture. “I wil send you to
the closest one of the brothers, Inuyasha&nbs p;may be the easiest to convince first. With his help you may coax
Sesshoumaru& nbsp;in to helping as wel .†The& nbsp;pure white being placed his hands upon&n bsp;Tasuke's back and less than a
secon d the wolf general was gone, teleported to Inuyasha's location.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Kai had found it rather suspicious that Ryaku would send her away quickly, but she never
questioned her brother's logic. She also knew al too wel&n bsp; that her brother would make Tasuke's&nbs p;death quick and
painless, as was his& nbsp;way. Something deep with in her heart&nb sp;felt a slight pain with what was happ ening but she
dismissed the notion as&n bsp;quickly as it had risen. Walking in to Naraku's room Kai did not even utter& nbsp;a word as she
sat Aiyuki down  ;gently upon the floor before the platform&nb sp;Naraku had sat in. Even though his pr ize was before
him, Naraku did not  ;seem pleased in the least.
“Ma ster? Is something of the matter?â€&nbs p;Kai tilted her head as she knelt herse lf upon on knee,
awaiting at the v ery least a nod or a sound. Naraku's&nbs p;eyes moved from the puppet stand and t owards the
captured female wolf laying there before him.
“It would see m that Ryaku has decided to al ow t hat wolf general have passage to bring I nuyasha
and Sesshoumaru here.â€
â €œWhat?!†Kai quickly stood agai n at this deceitful news, the thought th at her own flesh and blood
would d o such a treacherous act made her blood& nbsp;boil. Feeling the presence of her brothe r enter the room she
turned towards&nbs p;him, her once ful black eyes now  ;glowing completely red. “Why would& nbsp;you do such a thing?!â€
â&eu ro;œSister.†Ryaku then looked over&n bsp;to Naraku with the wicked grin back in place, the shard upon the
back of his neck glowing brightly in its tain ted red aura. “Master. I al&nbs p;owed Tasuke to go in order to make&nbs p;it a bit
easier for Sesshoumaru and&n bsp;Inuyasha to know what has transpired here . I did not act against either of y ou, I was
simply al owing our plan to go more quickly rather than us waitin g around forever for those dogs to sniff us out.â€
“Explain.â&eu ro; Kai crossed her arms stil not very happy with Ryaku's change of plans,  ;the fact he did
not let her in&nb sp;on it or their Master for that matter irritated her.
“Neither of the m have ever traveled to the Snow Palace, not even Sesshoumaru has ventured here.
They know not of the location and with& nbsp;our Master's superior barrier it is most likely, that with out the aid of < br> someone whom knows the way, they would&n bsp;never find it.â€
“I s ee.†Naraku smirked and came from  ;his platform. “I will overlook  ;this then, after al you two have
brought Aiyuki to me either way. One&nb sp;stray wolf wil not hinder my plans.& acirc;€ He knelt down and ran his f ingers
down Aiyuki's cheek. “K anna. Kagura.†He spoke out cal i ng to his most loyal of incarnations and the one he just
simply loved torm enting. As they both silently appeared at&nbs p;the farthest corner of the room he sto od up looking
towards them, ready to&nb sp;begin the next stage now. “T ake our guest and make sure she is comfortable. Give her
some more suitable&nbs p;clothing as wel , we will give her&nbs p;the shards when she has awakened.â€&n bsp;
“As you wish.†Kann a bowed her head and Kagura walked over& nbsp;picking the wolf demon up in her arms none to please to be doing any& nbsp;of this. The sisters walked out of the room as Naraku turned towards Kai and Ryaku.
“I want the two&n bsp;of you to make sure they make steady time in getting here. I do not wan t them to be
delayed.†He t hen turned and walked towards his platform&nb sp;once more. This time making a second demon
puppet, one to fol ow each o f them. “Should you disappoint me or even stray from the plans, I wil have no
qualms in ending you. Understood?†His gaze turned towards& nbsp;the angelic siblings, al too eager  ;to get his little
show started.
â €œYes Master.†They both replied in unison before looking towards each o ther. As if they had spoken
with t heir minds the two of them headed out,&n bsp;one towards each direction that the inu-y oukai brothers were in.
Naraku grinned as he looked out at the horizon from&nbs p;his opened balcony doors. This was going&nb sp;to be his
greatest act yet, even&nbs p;more sinister than the betrayal of Kikyou&n bsp;to Inuyasha fifty years ago. He chuckled& nbsp;quietly
to himself. “Sweet&nbs p;Kikyou, if you could have only been he re to witness Inuyasha's demise, by his dear sweet
adoptive sister's hands no l ess. No matter, I wil find and rid myself of you as wel , once and&nb sp;for al .â€
With in the Easter region the Snow Palac e was completely shrouded, hidden by a v ery powerful
barrier. The miasma held w ith in thick in the air, having claimed& nbsp;the lives of al living things that had been there.
Kai sat upon one& nbsp;of the wal s looking out towards th e life fil ed landscape beyond Naraku's dominion. She could
see the human vil&n bsp;age at the base of the mountain thri ving with the busy beings. Families shopping& nbsp;or working
out in the rice fields. The lord watching his army as they  ;trained. The foolish mortals having believed  ;that
because the palace vanished to th eir eyes there were no more mononoke in& nbsp;the area. Kai grinned wickedly at
their conceded notions. Ryaku landed beside h er, his arms crossed as he stood there&n bsp;looking at the horizon.
“What&nb sp;be on your mind, sister mine?† ;His voice was sweet yet held a sort&nbs p;of devilish quality with in
it. No&nb sp;doubt a transformation from the jewel shar ds embedded at the base of their skul&nb sp;s.
“Just plotting some fun w ith those idiotic humans in the vil age, dearest brother.†Her black eyes  ;
fil ed with the joy of laying was te to the vil age below them. â&eu ro;œI grow tired of just staying here&n bsp;with in these wal s
doing nothing&n bsp;but wondering the palace grounds. It it&n bsp;boring and not at al productive.â& euro;
“Aye, your restlessness is&nbs p;shared. Though if our Master has not g iven us the command then we do
not act, true?â€
“Mn.†Kai nodded her head softly in acknowled gment of the truth her twin brother had& nbsp;spoken. Her
emotions becoming sedated w ith the mere thought of what were to&nbs p;transpire if they acted with out Naraku's&n bsp;
words to do so. The twin angelic&nb sp;beings stayed there for a good long w hile, the silence providing much
annoyance&n bsp;and deafness to them. It took quite a while before they began to feel a  ;warming sensation with in
their hearts.&nbs p;Kai let out a slow growl of knowing&nb sp;who was creating such a feeling while  ;Ryaku gingerly placed his
hand upon hi s heart, his eyes closing.
“She draws closer upon us. It will not be much longer before she is with in&nbs p;our boundary.†Ryaku
opened his&nbs p;al white eyes and turned his attentio n back upon his sister. She gritted her& nbsp;teeth and silence her
growl upon s tanding.
“Then we wil inform&nb sp;our Master and see what he wishes of& nbsp;us to do with her and that troubles ome
companion of hers.†Kai grin ned widely as she headed towards the mai n entrance of the castle. The twins
walked down the corridors, persistent on ge tting to Naraku to inform him of who&nbs p;was almost close to his
doorstep, but it would seem that his incarnations Kag ura and Kanna were waiting for them outs ide of the very
room they needed t o be in. The beings stopped short and&nb sp;stared at the sisters, not sure why t hey were being
denied passage.
â€& oelig;Ryaku and Kai, how lovely it is to see you.†Kagura grinned as she& nbsp;pul ed out her fan, letting the tip
of the closed weapon press against&nbs p;her lips.
“Kagura. Kanna.â€& nbsp;Ryaku inclined his head to them both&nbs p;in a sort of respectful notion, Kai di d not
offer them such recognition. &aci rc;€œIs Naraku receiving visitors by ch ance? We have something of importance to  ;speak
to him about.â€
“He wil see you.†Kanna, the p ure white demon, spoke as rare as it&nbs p;was for sound to come from the
younges t looking one. Ryaku some what enjoyed h er company more so than the company of&n bsp;her sister Kagura.
For him Kagura w as a bit more brash, and less easy to get along with. Kai and Kagura it&nbs p;would seem got along
just fine in&nbs p;that aspect. Ryaku inclined his head to&nbs p;the sisters once more and walked around&nbs p;them to enter
Naraku's room, Kai fol& nbsp;owing in after him. They walked together in unison and were gentle about kneelin g before
Naraku once again in perfect&n bsp;ritualistic unison.
“This is an& nbsp;unexpected surprise to have the two of&n bsp;you here. Tel me, what ails you&nbs p;that would cause
you to seek audience with me?†Naraku's deep voice came&nbs p;from the blinds that shielded him from  ;their view, yet
his presence alone mad e them both weary of his abilities. Sinc e they had arrived to live with Naraku&n bsp;in his castle
they had not seen&nbs p;very much of him, not even what he&nbs p;looked like under the baboon pelt of h is. Though the twins
were beginning to f eel it not necessary for them to see&nbs p;his true self beneath that disguise.
â ;€œMaster Naraku, we have felt her  ;presence drawing ever closer to our location .†Ryaku was the first
to s peak, not wishing to keep the master wai ting.
“Aiyuki of the Arctic wol f tribe should be upon us at any mo ment. No doubt seeking to attack you, sire.†Kai spoke in such elegance, a trait she had learned from her b rother in order to keep from enraging Naraku. Such traits were not wasted on&nb sp;others for her though, Naraku kept her&nbs p;loyalty once he had promised
them gre ater power and delivered such with the j ewel.
“Ah, so she is trying&nbs p;once again to regain her territory.†They could hear behind the curtain the& nbsp;
rustling of robes as Naraku stood up completely. His footsteps almost inaudible  ;as he came towards them. Kai's
eyes&nb sp;widened slightly as the blinds were drawn& nbsp;back to reveal such a handsome man,  ;his eyes sinister yet
hauntingly beautiful& nbsp;to her. She quickly dropped her head&nbs p;in a bow to show him respect, in truth hiding her blush
and keeping her& nbsp;composure.
“Please, al ow us&nbs p;to deal with her this time, Master Nar aku? I swear to you we wil end&nbs p;her.†Ryaku
bowed his head&nbs p;after making such a bold inquiry, it a lmost made Kai want to snap at him for his insolence. She
stayed her tongu e however as Naraku came from his platfo rm and stood before them.
“Rise .†He spoke and once the two  ;of them had rose to their feet, standin g equal y tal to him did he < br> give them an almost wicked smile. â ;€œI wil al ow this. Do as&n bsp;you wish to your former Lady, though  ;if you are able to
bring her close  ;to death I would much enjoy for you&nbs p;to capture her and bring her unto my&n bsp;quarters.â€
“What of her&n bsp;newest High General?†Kai felt her heart pounding, her body itching to fin al y get the
answer for her war&nb sp;cry she so desperately felt.
â€&oeli g;The General wil be of no use to& nbsp;me. You may kil him.â€
“As you wish, my master.â&eur o; The twins spoke out in unison giving& nbsp;him quick bow at their waists.
Nar aku waved his hand dismissing them before&nbs p;he turned back to his futon he was&nbs p;just sitting upon. Walking
over he sa t back down upon it feeling the presence of the two angels leaving his room  ;and soon were completely
out of his bar rier. Grinning wickedly to himself he worked& nbsp;up another demon puppet for himself, the strands of
hair completing the separat e being that he would be able to se e through its eyes. He sent it forth&nbs p;shortly after the
two prizes from his earlier exploits of the young she-wolf had&nb sp;left, just to keep and eye on them&nb sp;and watch
Aiyuki's downfal for his& nbsp;own amusement.
“Oh the things&n bsp;I have planned for you my dear sweet , Aiyuki. Your hands will look so beauti ful
stained in the blood of Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha.†He chuckled to hi mself and sat back to watch his plan&nbs p;
Aiy uki stared up at the tree line of h er territory, the familiarity coming back to& nbsp;her once more. She
had the memorie s flooding with in her every time she&nb sp;returned to her home region. The memories& nbsp;of Ryaku and
Kai accompanying her on the many trips to patrol her borders, the two of them teaching her every  ;bit of legacy
her parents had set  ;before her. Aiyuki closed her eyes and turned her head towards the ground fighting&n bsp;back the
tears that threatened to fal&nbs p;, her claws biting gently in to the&nb sp;palms of her hands. Tasuke had been w atching her
for some time and knew  ;the pain he had felt from missing his&n bsp;home was nothing to what his Lady wa s feeling
right at that moment. Ryaku&n bsp;and Kai were lost so Aiyuki had beco me lost as wel , for her sake he&nb sp;would make
sure that the twins retur n to their side.
“My Lady.&acir c;€ Tasuke gingerly placed his hand upon her shoulder and stepped up next to&nbs p;her so he
would be able to see&n bsp;her face. “We must continue  ;on. Naraku will no longer hold them und er his command.â€
“Aye.⠀ Aiyuki nodded gently and placed her&nb sp;hand upon his before she opened her e yes. “I am glad
you conti nued this journey with me Tasuke, I do&n bsp;not think I would have been able to& nbsp;do this on my own.â€
†œThat is what I am here for, my&nb sp;lady. To ease the burden.†He offered her a tender smile and
watched& nbsp;as she began leading the way again,  ;their destination now would surely be the&nb sp;palace. He started his
pursuit to fo l ow her but was not quite expecting&nbs p;to see Kai land right in front of  ;Aiyuki. Time seemed to have
stopped fo r the two wolves as Kai spun Aiyuki  ;around to watch as Ryaku drove his hand straight through
Tasuke. The General l ooked down towards the blood covered hand&nbs p;now protruding from his chest, the pain&nbs p;
immense but was set even worse hearin g Aiyuki screaming his name. He looked u p to her, her form wavered
with th e onset of his tears, feeling Ryaku get& nbsp;closer to his ear he braced for har sh words.
“I have purposely mis sed vital organs, Tasuke.†Ryaku spoke a whisper so his sister would not hear
his words to the supposedly dieing General. “You wil go, fetch&nb sp;Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru and bring them he re.
Use whatever means necessary to free  ;Lady Aiyuki and us.†He then qui ckly pul ed his hand from the wolf's&nbs p;
chest, making his motions quick.
â&eu ro;œFinish him, brother.†Kai sneered as she kept a tight grip on Aiyuki , making sure the woman would
not be able to fight back nor escape.
â ;€œAye, I wil enjoy my kil . Go ahead and take Aiyuki to Naraku,&nbs p;he is waiting.†Ryaku grabbed Tasuke
and spun him around to face him, k eeping his composure as he began to make himself glow as if he were to just
incinerate the poor man.
“Do&nb sp;not doddle, Ryaku.†Kai swiftly str uck against Aiyuki's neck to render her unconscious, much
easier to take her in that way rather than having a squirming catch. When Kai disappeared from their sight
Ryaku ceased his glowing and pres sed his hand upon the gaping wound, heal ing it with in a matter of seconds.
“The shard?†Tasuke was  ;confused by what had just transpired. Had&nb sp;the white one been able to
break&nbs p;from Naraku's control?
“It no longer has an effect on me as it do es Kai. Perhaps because I have never bee n persuaded
with evil notions.†He then moved back from the wolf and&nbs p;smiled. “It is good to see&nb sp;you again, I just wish they
were&nbs p;under different circumstances.â€
â€&o elig;I feel the same.†Tasuke looked&n bsp;towards the direction Kai had taken Aiyuk i, feeling completely
hopeless now that  ;Naraku had one more he cared for in&nbs p;his clutches.
“You must make your leave now, Tasuke. If you do not&nb sp;then what I have done here would be&n bsp;for
naught. If Naraku were to find& nbsp;out he would for certain send one o f his incarnations to end you.â€
< hr> “Then I will leave now. I&n bsp;vow I will free you. I will come&nbs p;back with Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru and
free al of you.†He gripped&nb sp;his hand in to a tight fist before&nb sp;turning towards the way he and Aiyuki  ;had traveled.
“Aye, I have no& nbsp;doubt that you wil but for your&nb sp;sake and Lady Aiyuki's send them on t heir way here
and wait until they return. This is the better outcome for a l to survive I am afraid.†Ryaku started motioning his
hands in se veral gestures, his hands beginning to glow&n bsp;at the same time with each gesture. “I wil send you to
the closest one of the brothers, Inuyasha&nbs p;may be the easiest to convince first. With his help you may coax
Sesshoumaru& nbsp;in to helping as wel .†The& nbsp;pure white being placed his hands upon&n bsp;Tasuke's back and less than a
secon d the wolf general was gone, teleported to Inuyasha's location.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Kai had found it rather suspicious that Ryaku would send her away quickly, but she never
questioned her brother's logic. She also knew al too wel&n bsp; that her brother would make Tasuke's&nbs p;death quick and
painless, as was his& nbsp;way. Something deep with in her heart&nb sp;felt a slight pain with what was happ ening but she
dismissed the notion as&n bsp;quickly as it had risen. Walking in to Naraku's room Kai did not even utter& nbsp;a word as she
sat Aiyuki down  ;gently upon the floor before the platform&nb sp;Naraku had sat in. Even though his pr ize was before
him, Naraku did not  ;seem pleased in the least.
“Ma ster? Is something of the matter?â€&nbs p;Kai tilted her head as she knelt herse lf upon on knee,
awaiting at the v ery least a nod or a sound. Naraku's&nbs p;eyes moved from the puppet stand and t owards the
captured female wolf laying there before him.
“It would see m that Ryaku has decided to al ow t hat wolf general have passage to bring I nuyasha
and Sesshoumaru here.â€
â €œWhat?!†Kai quickly stood agai n at this deceitful news, the thought th at her own flesh and blood
would d o such a treacherous act made her blood& nbsp;boil. Feeling the presence of her brothe r enter the room she
turned towards&nbs p;him, her once ful black eyes now  ;glowing completely red. “Why would& nbsp;you do such a thing?!â€
â&eu ro;œSister.†Ryaku then looked over&n bsp;to Naraku with the wicked grin back in place, the shard upon the
back of his neck glowing brightly in its tain ted red aura. “Master. I al&nbs p;owed Tasuke to go in order to make&nbs p;it a bit
easier for Sesshoumaru and&n bsp;Inuyasha to know what has transpired here . I did not act against either of y ou, I was
simply al owing our plan to go more quickly rather than us waitin g around forever for those dogs to sniff us out.â€
“Explain.â&eu ro; Kai crossed her arms stil not very happy with Ryaku's change of plans,  ;the fact he did
not let her in&nb sp;on it or their Master for that matter irritated her.
“Neither of the m have ever traveled to the Snow Palace, not even Sesshoumaru has ventured here.
They know not of the location and with& nbsp;our Master's superior barrier it is most likely, that with out the aid of < br> someone whom knows the way, they would&n bsp;never find it.â€
“I s ee.†Naraku smirked and came from  ;his platform. “I will overlook  ;this then, after al you two have
brought Aiyuki to me either way. One&nb sp;stray wolf wil not hinder my plans.& acirc;€ He knelt down and ran his f ingers
down Aiyuki's cheek. “K anna. Kagura.†He spoke out cal i ng to his most loyal of incarnations and the one he just
simply loved torm enting. As they both silently appeared at&nbs p;the farthest corner of the room he sto od up looking
towards them, ready to&nb sp;begin the next stage now. “T ake our guest and make sure she is comfortable. Give her
some more suitable&nbs p;clothing as wel , we will give her&nbs p;the shards when she has awakened.â€&n bsp;
“As you wish.†Kann a bowed her head and Kagura walked over& nbsp;picking the wolf demon up in her arms none to please to be doing any& nbsp;of this. The sisters walked out of the room as Naraku turned towards Kai and Ryaku.
“I want the two&n bsp;of you to make sure they make steady time in getting here. I do not wan t them to be
delayed.†He t hen turned and walked towards his platform&nb sp;once more. This time making a second demon
puppet, one to fol ow each o f them. “Should you disappoint me or even stray from the plans, I wil have no
qualms in ending you. Understood?†His gaze turned towards& nbsp;the angelic siblings, al too eager  ;to get his little
show started.
â €œYes Master.†They both replied in unison before looking towards each o ther. As if they had spoken
with t heir minds the two of them headed out,&n bsp;one towards each direction that the inu-y oukai brothers were in.
Naraku grinned as he looked out at the horizon from&nbs p;his opened balcony doors. This was going&nb sp;to be his
greatest act yet, even&nbs p;more sinister than the betrayal of Kikyou&n bsp;to Inuyasha fifty years ago. He chuckled& nbsp;quietly
to himself. “Sweet&nbs p;Kikyou, if you could have only been he re to witness Inuyasha's demise, by his dear sweet
adoptive sister's hands no l ess. No matter, I wil find and rid myself of you as wel , once and&nb sp;for al .â€