InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snowfall ❯ To the Rescue ( Chapter 11 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Eleven: To the Rescue
Tasuke patted himself down to make sur e he was al in one piece when  ;he came to a stop. That
way of&nb sp;traveling was definitely not the way he&nb sp;would have chosen to go but, as he&nb sp;got his surroundings he
realized he was right back at the cave. Walking insi de of their shelter from last night he&n bsp;instantly spotted
Inuyasha and his compa nions packing up to continue on what eve r their journey was taking them.
â&euro ;œInuyasha.†Tasuke had a frantic&nbs p;look about him he was sure, but the&nb sp;matters were dire and time
was of&nb sp;the essence.
“Tasuke? Where's Aiyu ki? The hanyou walked over to the genera l not too pleased to find his
adop tive sister not with him this time. Tasu ke did not blame him, he himself felt&nb sp;low for letting the event take
place as it had.
“Naraku used Ry aku and Kai for her capture. They were&n bsp;swift but Ryaku did not strike me vi tal y on
purpose. He told me to&nb sp;find you and Sesshoumaru, to send you  ;both to the palace. I am unsure what&nb sp;Naraku
plans for her but it does&nbs p;not bode wel , of that much I am& nbsp;sure.â€
“It could be  ;a trap.†Miroku looked to the ot hers and Tasuke nodded gently to al &nbs p;of them to confirm
“ It is but, I do not wish to have&nb sp;my Lady stay in their care.†T he wolf general clenched his fist tightly.&nb sp;
“I know not of their p lans. Time is wasting, I have to find&nb sp;Sesshoumaru.â€
“I'm coming with you.†Inuyasha fol owed Tasuke&nb sp;out of the cave, his friends fol owin g behind them.
“Show us the&nbs p;way Tasuke and we will wait for you&nb sp;at the palace.†Sango had walked&nb sp;out last now
wearing the signature d emon slayer's armor. Tasuke looked to the&nbs p;humans and the fox kit, seeing the
determination in their faces ignited his h ope a new.
“Continue heading do wn that path, do not deter from the  ;white tiger and you should come upon th e
barrier. Wait for us there. We s hal no be too far behind.†After finishing the directions he turned towa rds the west
catching Sesshoumaru's scent. He could tel the dog lord was stayin g where he was, the scent was not g etting
any weaker as they stood there.< br> “Sesshoumaru isn't far. Are you& nbsp;ready?†Inuyasha looked to Tasuke  ;who in turn nodded to him.
They l ooked back to the humans who had loaded& nbsp;themselves on the now large cat demon,&n bsp;Kirara.
“Be careful you two.&aci rc;€ Kagome got on last, Shippou riding& nbsp;on her shoulder.
“No worries,&n bsp;miko. We wil see al of you&nb sp;shortly.†Tasuke smiled before he q uickly took off,
Inuyasha fol owing in& nbsp;closely behind him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Have you noticed Lord Sesshoumaru has been acting stra ngely since this morning, Rin?†The&nb sp;toad
demon Jaken stared over to his m aster who was just sitting on a boulder, his eyes trained towards the East. He&n bsp;
had not spoken a word since the&nbs p;Lady of the East's departure, the silence&n bsp;was unnerving for the vassal.
â€&oe lig;He's been a lot more quiet than usua l.†Rin had her kimono hiked up&n bsp;passed her knees as she
waded in&nb sp;the water of the river, the fish were swimming downstream and she hoped to ca tch some for lunch
later. Since they&nb sp;had not started off on their journey for very long she figure this would be&n bsp;the perfect time for it.
“T hat's what's scaring me.†He muttered& nbsp;holding the Staff of Two Heads securely& nbsp;against his
shoulder. The winds had&nbs p;shifted slightly and Jaken caught two disti nct scents he recognized. He looked over  ;and
watched as Sesshoumaru stood up from&nbs p;his seat on the boulder yet he did&nbs p;not pul any of his weapons from the
sheaths. “How peculiar.â& euro;
“What's the matter Master  ;Jaken?†Rin placed two fish on t he bank of the river and went back in for
“Inuyasha and  ;Tasuke are heading this way.†He  ;spoke as a matter of factual y and  ;Rin wasted no
time in getting out  ;of the water. She straightened out her kimono and grabbed up the fish before he ading over
towards Sesshoumaru, Jaken fol&nb sp;owing not far behind her. The trio di d not wait long for Inuyasha and Tasuke& nbsp;to
arrive. The moment the two male s stopped in front of Sesshoumaru the do g lord's expression turned from
melancholy&n bsp;to borderline rage in a matter of se conds.
“What happened to her?⠀ His voice was bordering malicious with the demon to know what had
become of Aiyuki.
“Naraku has her.&aci rc;€ Inuyasha spoke up crossing his arms . He heard the growl coming from his&nbs p;
brother and for a brief second saw&nb sp;the youkai's eyes shift from their gold&nb sp;color to the demonic blue and red the y
inherited from their father. †œThey blind sighted them and took her&n bsp;hostage. We've got to make an appearance& nbsp;at
Naraku's castle, both of us.â& euro;
“Jaken. You and Rin are&nb sp;to stay here.†He did not even spare them a glance at that moment,&nbs p;more
than likely to spare Rin the&nbs p;fear his expression and change in facial&nb sp;features would induce.
“I wil&nbs p; be staying with them.†Tasuke bowed his head. “To secure her& nbsp;safety I was instructed not to
ret urn to the palace.â€
â€&oelig ;Very wel .†Sesshoumaru looked from&n bsp;Tasuke to Inuyasha. They both internal y& nbsp;reached an
agreement and were headed&nb sp;off towards the Snow Palace at a blin ding pace. Sesshoumaru was keeping the
lead but was not leaving Inuyasha behind  ;either.
“Is Lady Aiyuki going to be okay?†Rin spoke up from&nb sp;where she stood next to Ah-Un. She ha d
placed the two fish she caught e arlier in a saddle bag and was readying& nbsp;herself to catch more now that she
would have the time to do so.
&acir c;€œOne can only hope, Rin. One ca n only hope.†Tasuke had kept wat ch until the two brothers were
no longer in his sights. “Would yo u like some help fishing?â€
â&eur o;œYes please!†Rin beamed happily,&n bsp;she even took his hand to show him&n bsp;the perfect spot she had
found. Jak en shook his head and brought the beast& nbsp;of burden toward the river a little  ;more before he got to work
on a&n bsp;fire for them. He could tel Rin&nbs p;had taken a liking to Tasuke and he&nb sp;believed that bond would help ease her&nbs p;
fear of wolves a little more.
Tasuke patted himself down to make sur e he was al in one piece when  ;he came to a stop. That
way of&nb sp;traveling was definitely not the way he&nb sp;would have chosen to go but, as he&nb sp;got his surroundings he
realized he was right back at the cave. Walking insi de of their shelter from last night he&n bsp;instantly spotted
Inuyasha and his compa nions packing up to continue on what eve r their journey was taking them.
â&euro ;œInuyasha.†Tasuke had a frantic&nbs p;look about him he was sure, but the&nb sp;matters were dire and time
was of&nb sp;the essence.
“Tasuke? Where's Aiyu ki? The hanyou walked over to the genera l not too pleased to find his
adop tive sister not with him this time. Tasu ke did not blame him, he himself felt&nb sp;low for letting the event take
place as it had.
“Naraku used Ry aku and Kai for her capture. They were&n bsp;swift but Ryaku did not strike me vi tal y on
purpose. He told me to&nb sp;find you and Sesshoumaru, to send you  ;both to the palace. I am unsure what&nb sp;Naraku
plans for her but it does&nbs p;not bode wel , of that much I am& nbsp;sure.â€
“It could be  ;a trap.†Miroku looked to the ot hers and Tasuke nodded gently to al &nbs p;of them to confirm
“ It is but, I do not wish to have&nb sp;my Lady stay in their care.†T he wolf general clenched his fist tightly.&nb sp;
“I know not of their p lans. Time is wasting, I have to find&nb sp;Sesshoumaru.â€
“I'm coming with you.†Inuyasha fol owed Tasuke&nb sp;out of the cave, his friends fol owin g behind them.
“Show us the&nbs p;way Tasuke and we will wait for you&nb sp;at the palace.†Sango had walked&nb sp;out last now
wearing the signature d emon slayer's armor. Tasuke looked to the&nbs p;humans and the fox kit, seeing the
determination in their faces ignited his h ope a new.
“Continue heading do wn that path, do not deter from the  ;white tiger and you should come upon th e
barrier. Wait for us there. We s hal no be too far behind.†After finishing the directions he turned towa rds the west
catching Sesshoumaru's scent. He could tel the dog lord was stayin g where he was, the scent was not g etting
any weaker as they stood there.< br> “Sesshoumaru isn't far. Are you& nbsp;ready?†Inuyasha looked to Tasuke  ;who in turn nodded to him.
They l ooked back to the humans who had loaded& nbsp;themselves on the now large cat demon,&n bsp;Kirara.
“Be careful you two.&aci rc;€ Kagome got on last, Shippou riding& nbsp;on her shoulder.
“No worries,&n bsp;miko. We wil see al of you&nb sp;shortly.†Tasuke smiled before he q uickly took off,
Inuyasha fol owing in& nbsp;closely behind him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Have you noticed Lord Sesshoumaru has been acting stra ngely since this morning, Rin?†The&nb sp;toad
demon Jaken stared over to his m aster who was just sitting on a boulder, his eyes trained towards the East. He&n bsp;
had not spoken a word since the&nbs p;Lady of the East's departure, the silence&n bsp;was unnerving for the vassal.
â€&oe lig;He's been a lot more quiet than usua l.†Rin had her kimono hiked up&n bsp;passed her knees as she
waded in&nb sp;the water of the river, the fish were swimming downstream and she hoped to ca tch some for lunch
later. Since they&nb sp;had not started off on their journey for very long she figure this would be&n bsp;the perfect time for it.
“T hat's what's scaring me.†He muttered& nbsp;holding the Staff of Two Heads securely& nbsp;against his
shoulder. The winds had&nbs p;shifted slightly and Jaken caught two disti nct scents he recognized. He looked over  ;and
watched as Sesshoumaru stood up from&nbs p;his seat on the boulder yet he did&nbs p;not pul any of his weapons from the
sheaths. “How peculiar.â& euro;
“What's the matter Master  ;Jaken?†Rin placed two fish on t he bank of the river and went back in for
“Inuyasha and  ;Tasuke are heading this way.†He  ;spoke as a matter of factual y and  ;Rin wasted no
time in getting out  ;of the water. She straightened out her kimono and grabbed up the fish before he ading over
towards Sesshoumaru, Jaken fol&nb sp;owing not far behind her. The trio di d not wait long for Inuyasha and Tasuke& nbsp;to
arrive. The moment the two male s stopped in front of Sesshoumaru the do g lord's expression turned from
melancholy&n bsp;to borderline rage in a matter of se conds.
“What happened to her?⠀ His voice was bordering malicious with the demon to know what had
become of Aiyuki.
“Naraku has her.&aci rc;€ Inuyasha spoke up crossing his arms . He heard the growl coming from his&nbs p;
brother and for a brief second saw&nb sp;the youkai's eyes shift from their gold&nb sp;color to the demonic blue and red the y
inherited from their father. †œThey blind sighted them and took her&n bsp;hostage. We've got to make an appearance& nbsp;at
Naraku's castle, both of us.â& euro;
“Jaken. You and Rin are&nb sp;to stay here.†He did not even spare them a glance at that moment,&nbs p;more
than likely to spare Rin the&nbs p;fear his expression and change in facial&nb sp;features would induce.
“I wil&nbs p; be staying with them.†Tasuke bowed his head. “To secure her& nbsp;safety I was instructed not to
ret urn to the palace.â€
â€&oelig ;Very wel .†Sesshoumaru looked from&n bsp;Tasuke to Inuyasha. They both internal y& nbsp;reached an
agreement and were headed&nb sp;off towards the Snow Palace at a blin ding pace. Sesshoumaru was keeping the
lead but was not leaving Inuyasha behind  ;either.
“Is Lady Aiyuki going to be okay?†Rin spoke up from&nb sp;where she stood next to Ah-Un. She ha d
placed the two fish she caught e arlier in a saddle bag and was readying& nbsp;herself to catch more now that she
would have the time to do so.
&acir c;€œOne can only hope, Rin. One ca n only hope.†Tasuke had kept wat ch until the two brothers were
no longer in his sights. “Would yo u like some help fishing?â€
â&eur o;œYes please!†Rin beamed happily,&n bsp;she even took his hand to show him&n bsp;the perfect spot she had
found. Jak en shook his head and brought the beast& nbsp;of burden toward the river a little  ;more before he got to work
on a&n bsp;fire for them. He could tel Rin&nbs p;had taken a liking to Tasuke and he&nb sp;believed that bond would help ease her&nbs p;
fear of wolves a little more.