InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ New Surroundings ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: you know the drill…

A/N: I was reading a fic and that always inspires me to write ^_^' I need to update in my other fics also but I have so many idea's for this one. I feel bad. Oh well, I'm sure you people who actually read this thing probably aren't complaining. Thank you SO much for the compliments and reviews in general!


Chapter Four: "New Surroundings"

He watched her breath steadily, her chest rising and falling with each breath. She had only been at his home for a mere hour and to Sesshomaru's annoyance she was still unconscious. He looked her over; her skin was fair except her cheeks were naturally just a bit flushed. She would have looked much better if she didn't have a few scrapes and her kimono hadn't been ripped and tattered. He guessed that had come from Jaken's less than delicate transportation to here. Sesshomaru sat down at his desk and began writing a letter to Inuyasha, all though the whole ransom-letter thing seemed so cliché to him. He had barely written two words in his near flawless calligraphy when he noticed the girl's breathing patterns had gotten a bit faster. She was finally awake or at least waking up.

Sesshomaru turned toward the young human woman. Her eyes began to flutter open, reveling light hazel eyes. Hazel was not an uncommon eye color with humans, though the color seemed strangely different on her some how. Her eyes darted around the dimly lit room and stopped on Sesshomaru.

"Who are you!? Where am I!?" The startled girl questioned him with fear evident in her voice.

"You are Inuyasha's wench, am I correct?" Sesshomaru ignored the girl's questions. He had to make sure this was the right woman.

"No am not! Answer my questions!" she demanded.

"You're not?" he said calmly raising a brow, "Who are you then?" Jaken would be in deep trouble if she was telling the truth and she wasn't Kikyou.

"I'm Higurashi Kagome," she said as if Sesshomaru would recognize her name, "What do you want with Kikyou-sama anyway!?"

"Jaken," Sesshomaru called to his servant, "Take her to a room. Come back when you're done with that I need to discuss something with you."

"Hai Sesshomaru-sama," Jaken said, "You, girl come here before I knock you out again."

Kagome only went with Jaken because she wanted to get as far from Sesshomaru as possible. She didn't know why she didn't recognize him, `I can't believe I've been kidnapped by Sesshomaru! What does he want with me… wait he had said something about Kikyou-sama. I can't believe I forgot that already. What would he want with Kikyou-sama though,' Kagome contemplated on the thought until Jaken stopped in front of her.

"Get in there, wench," Jaken snapped as he pointed inside a room and pushed Kagome.

Kagome was going to protest about being shoved in the room but before she could the shoji door was slammed in her face. Even though the rice paper door was partially see-through and she could watch the shadow of little toad youkai walk away, she still held her tongue until later. Kagome looked around the room. It was sparsely furnished but that really didn't matter, it was beautiful and much, much larger than her room at home. She walked around the room to take in everything, just in case there was something she missed. Kagome stopped in front of a narrow well-dusted shelf; it had many little statues placed here and there on it. She picked up one of a white dog youkai in it's true from with young pup lying down next to it. She smiled softly, almost completely forgetting that she had been captured.

"May I come in?"

Kagome turned to the door; she saw what seemed to be the outline of a woman. She told the woman "yes". A kitsune woman, who was obviously a servant considering her attire, walked in the room holding what looked like some clothes.

"I was told to bring you these," she said as she gave the clothes to Kagome.

"A-Arigato…" Kagome said as the kitsune woman left. She had never had anyone serve her before; someone bringing things to her room was new experience.

Kagome looked at her clothes and knew why someone, dare she say, possibly Sesshomaru, had ordered the servant to bring her new clothes. Her own kimono was torn is several places, the silk was also probably permanently stained from dirt and god knows what else. Kagome sighed as she changed into the new kimono, it was much nicer than the one she had had on. It was a light blue in color trimmed with white; there were also few designs here and there.

Kagome's mind trailed off from her kimono. She wondered what would happen to her here… what Sesshomaru would do to her. She leaned against the wooden wall as she thought. Kagome doubted she would be able to run away from a place like this, not only because Sesshomaru or one of the youkai servants would hear and/or smell her. Also because she probably wouldn't be able to find her way back home, the distance between the homes of the two white-haired brothers was nearly half the width of Japan. There was no possible way she could make that distance on foot. And what would happen when she got home? Running away, which she was sure they would accuse her of doing, was a disgrace. Kagome most likely wouldn't be allowed to serve Kikyou again, though not being around Kikyou didn't really bother her, thus she wouldn't have a home. Technically she was "expendable" being merely a handmaiden and coming from a peasant's family.


Sesshomaru stroked his temples; leave it to Jaken to screw everything up. He had given the toad youkai his punishment, which he was sure he would be feeling for quite a while. Sesshomaru debated on killing the girl or not, she could have some use, but what? Though he liked a challenge this one was making him frustrated and annoyed, how could he possibly use this woman-child? Sesshomaru stepped out of his room onto the outside patio. He didn't want to send her home, even though his brother probably wouldn't believe her story. Sesshomaru sighed and went back into his room, he would think about this tomorrow he needed to sleep on the subject.


To Kagome taking a nice hot bath sounded batter than anything in the world, but unfortunately she highly doubted she would get one. She really surprised herself that she wasn't all that freaked out, even though she had just been kidnapped by her Lord's enemy. Kagome walked over to the small closet at the far corner of her room and opened it. She took out a futon, a blanket, and sheets. From having to make Kikyou and Inuyasha's bed so many times she had become and expert at setting beds perfectly and quickly. She did so with her futon and promptly got into bed, though she didn't think she would get to sleep.

Kagome felt the warm sunrays dappling her face. She slowly opened her hazel eyes and sat up. Kagome looked out her window, it was midday. Panic streaked through her, why hadn't Shippo come to wake her up!? It was well past dawn; she would be in serious trouble for this and would undoubtedly get punished by Inuyasha-sama. Kagome shot out of bed and looked around… and then she remembered. Everything that had happened the night before flooded through Kagome's mind. She felt like a total idiot to say the least. She couldn't believe she had actually fallen asleep; in fact she had slept very soundly that night, a lot better than she usually did anyway.

She was really, really hungry. Kagome hadn't eaten that much at the festival the night before… she heard her stomach growl loudly and a bright flush spread across her cheeks immediately. Kagome slid her door open slightly and looked out.

No one was there.

Kagome entered the hallway quietly. She needed to find some food before she thought she would die from hunger. She had walked down three long hallways now; and so far no sign of people or food. Kagome heard someone walking ahead of her. She peeked around the corner and saw the same kitsune woman from last night. Panic-stricken, Kagome went into the first room she found.

She gasped out loud when she cam face-to-face with two golden eyes.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~

A/N: I hope you like it ^__^. Umm anyway I don't have anything relevant to say so please review!

Next Chapter: "Exploration"


-sama: used in formal speaking. It has more respect than the commonly used "-san", and in the feudal era it usually meant "Lord" or "Lady"

Youkai: this basically translates to "demon" but youkai are slightly different than demon.

Futon: Japanese "mat" for sleeping on, kinda like a bed (which is what I referred it to)
