InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Mistaken ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: As I've said before I don't own Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Kagome or anyone else in this fic!

A/N: Thank you for the reviews! ^__^ Also, personally I don't think Sesshomaru would just suddenly fall in love with Kagome or anything… so their relationship is probably gonna be gradual.


Chapter Three: "Mistaken"

Kagome watched as the other servants finished setting up the decorations and such for the festival. All of them were closely observed and instructed by, of course, Kikyou. Kikyou's need for perfection sickened Kagome, anything perfect was dull. The word "dull" seemed to dominate Kagome's surroundings. She sighed and ran her hands through her hair she needed to stop watching and start doing something.

Having not been instructed to do anything Kagome decided to get some water from the spring. She figured she would need to get some later for the festival anyway, so why not kill time and do it now? As Kagome continued her way down the hall she almost literally ran into someone she really wished to not meet.


"Ohayo, Inuyasha-sama," Kagome said quietly only because she would have been disrespecting her Lord if she didn't greet him. She really didn't want to get punished again, so in the last week she had been trying to do everything right. All though it was much more difficult than she had thought it would be.

Inuyasha didn't answer Kagome. He didn't have to answer his wife's handmaiden's greeting. He didn't want to get distracted from his current thought: what to do if Sesshomaru attacks during the festival. It had never happened before but Kikyou was going ballistic making this one "special" or something, he hadn't really been paying attention to what she had said. If Sesshomaru did choose to attack during that time many lives would be taken. His soldiers were expendable, but the villagers brought him money, foods, and other things. Even though the thought disturbed him a bit, the fact was that the villagers were quite useful and valuable. Inuyasha shook the thought away and continued to contemplate on this original thought.


Everything was figured out and planned. It would be almost too easy. Sesshomaru almost smirked to himself, but one thing about it still bothered him: who exactly was that Naraku and why did he suddenly offer his advice now? Sesshomaru didn't let the thought trouble him for too long.

"Do you want any more Sesshomaru-sama?" Jaken's scratchy voice piped up.

Sesshomaru merely gave Jaken a short nod. Jaken poured more saké into the dish-like saucer from which Sesshomaru had been drinking. When Jaken was finished Sesshomaru sipped from the saucer almost in a delicate fashion, waiting for a few moments before he spoke.

"Tonight, Jaken, I want you do to something for me," Sesshomaru said without even glancing at the toad youkai.

"Hai, anything you wish Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken said in an almost proud voice, as if serving his Lord was a privilege (which it actually was). Jaken jumped up ready to act right away and then something came to him, "Umm… what is it that you want me to do Sesshomaru-sama?"

"Tonight," Sesshomaru paused, "You will go to the festival in Inuyasha's realm and take that wench of his, Kikyou." He finished, adding extra venom to his voice when he said his half sibling's name.

"M-Might I ask why?" Jaken said, completely puzzled in his Lord's reasoning for taking Inuyasha's wife.

"Don't ask questions, Jaken, just do as I say," Sesshomaru replied coolly.

"Hai…" Jaken said meekly. He was about to get up and do as his Lord instructed, but I remembered it was only morning. But Sesshomaru was wise to have him take the wench during the night when the festival would be most active and her absence wouldn't be noticed right away. Why Sesshomaru had him do it was also obvious, Jaken was smaller and would be noticed. While Sesshomaru was a face everyone would immediately recognize. Yes, his Lord was very intelligent indeed.


The sun was fading quickly. The festival would be filled with villagers, servants, neighboring daimyo's and many other people very soon. There were a few that were already there, but the night was when the fun began. It was also the only time that handmaiden's like Kagome and Sango were allowed to go to the joyous party.

"Kagome-chan, I got your kimono for you," Sango said with a kind smile. She was very excited about the festival, every year she was. It was the only night that she had a bit of freedom from Inuyasha-sama and Kikyou-sama.

"Arigato," Kagome replied absently as she began to change into the multi-laired light pink kimono. Sango then insisted that Kagome sit down and let her put up her hair. It didn't bother Kagome much; it would look a lot better than if she had tried to put her hair up herself.

"Ok, stand up," Sango said after about twenty minutes. Kagome stood and let Sango inspect her, "Hey you know what?"

"What?" Kagome ask curiously.

"You look A LOT like Kikyou-sama when you're all dressed up like this," Sango said thoughtfully.

"I don't whether to take that as a compliment or an insult," Kagome said with a slight giggle. Later she would go look at her reflection in the spring, mirrors were far too expensive for a handmaiden like her to have.


Kagome slid the shoji door open and stepped outside of the palace. Kikyou truly hadn't been kidding when she had said this year's festival was going to be better and different from the one's before. The decorations were exquisite and stunning; the overwhelming smell of the delicacies that had been prepared for the guests flooded Kagome's senses. There were always many people at the annual festival but this year there seemed to be at least three times as many. It made Kagome nervous.

She stepped out into the crowd carefully, trying not to trip on the expensive kimono she was wearing. Kagome tried to look around for a familiar face, but none seemed to be turning up. Most people say that you meet new and unique people as outings like this, but Kagome never seemed to meet anyone.

"Kagome! Over here! Kagome!" she turned to see Shippo and Miroku waving at her. She smiled and quickly walked over to her friends.

"You don't look like you're having much fun," Miroku commented.

"I just got out, I haven't had the chance," Kagome said with a giggle.

"Oh yeah… I forgot Inuyasha-sama and Kikyou-sama don't let servants, handmaiden's and such out until night," Miroku said.

"If I hadn't smelled your scent I would have thought you were Kikyou-sama," Shippo said to Kagome. It was really annoying her that people kept commenting on how she somehow resembled Kikyou.

Kagome, Miroku, Shippo, and Sango (who had joined them shortly after Shippo's comment on Kagome looking like Kikyou) went to get something to eat. After eating a bit Shippo and Kagome urged Sango to dance with Miroku, she blushed furiously and refused at first but ended up dancing with him anyway. Shippo and Kagome couldn't help but to laugh at Sango's nervousness, all went well until Miroku's perverted side decided to show. He rubbed Sango's butt and got a hard slap across the face, she stormed off after that looking for something to do with someone who could keep their hands to themselves.

"I'm gonna go try to get Sango back," Kagome said as she rushed off in the direction that Sango had gone. Finding Sango wasn't her whole objective, she wanted to get away from the chaos of the festival. Kagome walked around the back of the palace, and sat down on the patio. She was glad that the loud sounds of the festival was somewhat dulled.


Jaken tied the reins to the two-headed dragon, Ah-Un, to a tree. He didn't want the dumb creature running off to graze somewhere and blowing his cover. Jaken scrambled through the underbrush and foliage of the forest toward Inuyasha's palace. He could smell the food and many people at the festival; the thick scent of humans was beginning to make him sick to his stomach. He would have to find this Kikyou by mere memory. He had seen her once with Inuyasha, but that was at least a year ago. Jaken hoped he could find her.

Then Jaken saw her, there was no mistaking that it was her. Jaken quietly stalked over to the human wench. Sesshomaru had said not to kill her but he didn't say that he couldn't hurt her.


Kagome heard something in the bushes, she didn't look though. It was probably some children from the festival playing tag or something. Kagome felt someone's gaze one her. She turned around only to feel something hit her hard in the head. She saw a blurred vision of a greenish colored person before everything went black.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~

A/N: Ok there's chapter three, sorry that it's kinda short. Anywho please review!

Next Chapter: "New Surroundings"


Sakura: cherry blossom trees.

-sama: used in formal speaking. It has more respect than the commonly used "-san", and in the feudal era it usually meant "Lord" or "Lady"

-san: a polite and common term that goes after most everyone's name. It's mainly just respectful to use nowadays.

Nani: this literally means "what?"

Youkai: this basically translates to "demon" but youkai are slightly different than demon.

Daimyo: a feudal Lord.

Ohayo: Good Morning.

Saké: Japanese rice wine.
