InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Arrangements ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha & co.

A/N: I was hoping to get more reviews for the first chapter before I went onto this one, but maybe this one will bring me better luck. And it will clear up some things ^_^ so I hope you enjoy!


Chapter Two: "Arrangements"

Kagome felt the sharp sting of the slap instantly.

It wasn't really the pain that bothered Kagome; it was the fact that she could so nothing about it. She couldn't fight back in any way; she just had to accept it. She felt like a helpless child. Kagome now figured out why she couldn't like it here: everything was so unpredictable. She never knew when she would be punished or when her actions would be brushed away like a pesky fly. This time her and Sango each got slapped and a long, very loud lecture from Inuyasha-sama. It was only because they weren't right there when he walked in the palace. Yet, during all this Kikyou just sat and watched.

Kagome knew that Kikyou wasn't afraid of Inuyasha even though she was human and he was hanyou. That fact didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. Kagome had seen it with her own eyes; Kikyou stand up to Inuyasha, she had even seen her do the unthinkable and slap Inuyasha across the face. He had only given her a deep icy death glare… despite his violent nature Inuyasha couldn't bring himself to hurting his beloved wife. And Kikyou took full advantage of that.

"Both of you, leave now," Inuyasha-sama commanded as he stroked his temple. Sango and Kagome got up and walked out of the room; both of them had one bright red cheek.

"I'm guessing Inuyasha-sama lost the battle…" Sango said softly when she knew her and Kagome were out of Inuyasha's acute hearing range.

"Yeah… it seems that way…" Kagome murmured quietly.

"Are you two ok?"

Both girls looked up at the new voice and smiled. Even though Miroku was a bit of a pervert, he did have a kind heart.

"Hai," they said in unison even though their cheeks still stung.

"Do they both of you want to come and walk in the garden with me? It will get your mind off of things and if Inuyasha-sama gets angry I'll cover for you," Miroku said with a wink and both girls nodded. They knew Miroku would cover for them, he wasn't just telling them that so he could be around two young women. Miroku, being Inuyasha's friend, vassal, and advisor defiantly had the power to convince the stubborn Lord it was all his fault.

Kagome believed that there were only three people she could trust in the world. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo. They had never been rash nor impatient with her, never once had they been anything but kind and understanding. Yet, only three people out of the whole world wasn't much but it was all Kagome could count on; it was all she had. Most of the palace's occupants and everybody else that she had come across seemed to ignore her. Kikyou was just a manipulative bitch that couldn't be trusted not matter what. And Inuyasha was violent, selfish and most of the time quite frightening. Kagome often wondered what would happen to her when her use was no longer needed at the palace…


"Jaken," Sesshomaru called to his toad youkai servant.

"Yes? Sesshomaru-sama," the greenish hued creature answered immediately as he scuttled on short legs into the room.

"Am I correct that Inuyasha's annual festival is supposed to be held soon?" Sesshomaru stated more than asked.

"Hai, though the exact date isn't known yet. May I ask why you wish to know Sesshomaru-sama?" Jaken said curiously.

"Heh, I don't know how someone could celebrate in the middle of a war," Sesshomaru said without answering Jaken's question. He began to walk out of the room leaving Jaken dumbfounded.

"S-Sesshomaru-sama where are you going!?" Jaken wailed.

"On a walk," Sesshomaru said bluntly, "Don't come with."

"H-Hai… Sesshomaru-sama…"


Sesshomaru walked silently along the dimly-lit path. Dense foliage surrounded him and the road ahead. He was deep in thought, to this day he still hadn't figured out a way to get the Tetsusaiga that would not fail. No matter what. Yet, Sesshomaru was confident as ever. He had a great deal of patience; he knew that one day he would wield the marveled sword.

"Your predicament sounds very troubling."

Sesshomaru growled deep in his throat. He had not heard nor smelled anyone around, he didn't like being around someone who could sneak up on him. Another thing that irked Sesshomaru right then was the fact that this person could read his thoughts. A telepath was always someone to be wary of.

"Show yourself, now," he demanded sharply.

A figure appeared at his right. Sesshomaru could not make out any of the man's features since he was cloaked in the pelt of an albino baboon. He was sure this newcomer was youkai; his aura was evident of that.

"Sesshomaru-sama, am I right?" the man asked.

"Hai," Sesshomaru paused briefly, "What is your business with me?" He wasn't concerned on how this man knew his name, if was very well known throughout his territory and beyond.

"I might be able to help you with your problem of getting Inuyasha's sword, Tetsusaiga," the cloaked man said smoothly.

"I'm listening," was Sesshomaru's only response.

"Inuyasha's wife, Kikyou," the man was about to continue after a pregnant pause until Sesshomaru cut him off.

"What about the wench?"

"As I was saying, Kikyou, is what Inuyasha cares about more than any treasure," he continued, "If there were be have anything happen to her…" he trailed off.

"What are you suggesting?" Sesshomaru replied, even though he was catching the stranger's drift.

"You, Sesshomaru-sama, could trade the woman, Kikyou, for the Tetsusaiga…" the man made an unseen evil smirk.

"Tell me, why do you want to help me? I don't believe we have met before."

"I am merely an enemy of Inuyasha as well," he replied, `Or at least soon to be…' he thought smoothly.

"Tell me your name," Sesshomaru commanded bluntly. Obviously accepting the man's answer to his previous question.

"Call me…Naraku…" he said in a calm, almost monotone voice before he faded back into a shadow that had not been there before he had come.

"Naraku, eh? I'll keep his name in mind…" Sesshomaru said to himself before he began to head home. He had new inspiration thanks to that man; he would begin to develop his new plan to take Tetsusaiga. And this time was nearly a hundred percent sure it would work.


"Kagome-chan!" she turned to the familiar voice of the person who was calling her.

"Hai?" Kagome said softly as her friend rushed into her room carrying something that she couldn't quite identify.

"Look at what Kikyou-sama got for us for the festival!" Sango said excitedly as she held up two gorgeous kimonos made of silk and other fine materials.

"Kikyou-sama actually did something nice? Has the world come to an end without me knowing it?" Kagome smiled as they both broke out into a cheerful laughter. The kimonos were definitely some of the nicest she'd seen in a while, which meant Kikyou would have something much nicer and more beautiful to wear. But Kagome wasn't complaining; it would be the first time that she had worn anything of that value.

"Do you know what day the festival is, Sango-chan?" Kagome asked.

"Kikyou-sama told me it would be in one week. I can't wait!" Sango said with a wide smile.

"I wonder if she's told Inuyasha-sama yet…" Kagome said absently more to herself than anyone else. She was she the festival would be one night she would never forget, and just like Sango, she couldn't wait.


A/N: Ok, there chappy two. I hope you like it and please review! I need more reviews for this thing.

Next Chapter: "Mistaken"


Sakura: cherry blossom trees.

-sama: used in formal speaking. It has more respect than the commonly used "-san", and in the feudal era it usually meant "Lord" or "Lady"

-san: a polite and common term that goes after most everyone's name. It's mainly just respectful to use nowadays.

Nani: this literally means "what?"

Youkai: this basically translates to "demon" but youkai are slightly different than demon.

Daimyo: a feudal Lord.

Hanyou: half-demon

Hai: "yes" or anything related to agreeing with what someone has just said.
