InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Arrival ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in this fic! The characters and world of "Inuyasha" belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

A/N: The idea for this fic has been brewing in my head for a while and I just HAD to get it up! This fic is AU-ish, because everyone is the same race and stuff but most of the characters have different roles… so I think you get the point.


Chapter One: "Arrival"

The scene was calm and tranquil; it was as if everything was at peace, as if nothing could be disturbed even in the slightest way. The slowly rising sun graced everything with a slight golden hue. The calm rolling hills blanketed by what seemed like endless emerald blades of grass, though the picture was slightly hidden by the sakura trees. The faded pinkish blossoms seemed to dance in the ever-so-slight breeze. The distant snow-capped mountains, which were cloaked in a deep green of shrubbery, looked much closer. Like they were merely a short walk away.

The whole thing irked Kagome to no end.

Though Kagome did not like hectic or disastrous scenery, she didn't like it perfect either. This was what she saw every morning, though she could not deny that the land around her home was beautiful, it defiantly got old after a short while. She did realize she should appreciate every thing she had, it could be much worse for her. Kagome sighed and ran her hands through her dark raven hair. She didn't get why she couldn't value the luck she had for getting as far as she did, most women born peasants were destined for a life of hard work in rice fields.

Yet she was an exception.

Kagome's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of faint footsteps approaching her small room. She turned toward the shoji door and muttered a soft "come in" to the newcomer.

"Good morning, Shippo-san," Kagome said to the red-headed Kitsune as he opened her door. Shippo was one of her Lord's advisors, though he was fairly young, barely fifteen, he was very intelligent and observant.

"I knew you would be awake, Kagome, but I can't deny my duties, ne?" Shippo replied with a kind smile. All of this was much too routine to Kagome: Shippo coming to her tiny quarters as the sun rose to check to see if she had awaken. Yet, Shippo never had to wake her up, but it was his job to do so if needed.

Shippo left Kagome after that, he had other things to do besides chat idly. Kagome sighed and left her room as well, she also had things she needed to get too.


The many occupants of the palace were up and about doing their daily tasks and chores. This was very unusual, on most days it would be hours after the early dawn that the palace would become active. Yet today was slightly different than most days. Today their Lord would be arriving from battle. Whether the battle had been won or lost was still unknown to everyone, but they wouldn't even need to ask. The Lord's mood would tell the tale; hopefully the battle had been won. Not just because they were currently at war, but also because it was a very disturbing thing if Inuyasha-sama was in a foul mood. The one thing he had never learned was to hold his temper.

It was well-known how powerful Inuyasha-sama was, yet whether he or his half brother, Sesshomaru, was stronger was all in opinion. It was also known that if Inuyasha did not have his sword, Tetsusaiga, he would not be half of what he is.


Kagome was thoroughly bored.

She watched Kikyou sip her tea delicately. If Kagome was allowed conversation during this time it would be much more enjoyable, but unless Kikyou brought something up Kagome had to remain silent. The smell of the food, that Kikyou seemed to be savoring and eating as slowly as possible, taunted Kagome to no end. Kagome also wasn't allowed to eat breakfast; that was a luxury only the peoples of status above could have. She wasn't permitted to eat until a few hours before nightfall, yet, she was used to this and it was a large meal so it didn't bother her too much.

"Kagome-san," Kikyou said suddenly, shattering Kagome's thoughts.

"Nani?" Kagome said as she snapped to attention.

"I want your honest opinion," Kikyou paused, "Do you think it would be a good idea for me to start making arrangements for the spring festival? I haven't discussed it with Inuyasha-sama yet, so I want to know if you think I should start without his permission."

"You know Inuyasha-sama much better than I do, would he get terribly angry?" Kagome said after a pregnant pause.

"He doesn't like setting up the festival anyway, but he will probably be a bit angry with me because I didn't include him. Otherwise, I don't think he would get too mad," Kikyou answered.

"Well, then since you wanted my honest opinion, I say you should go ahead and begin the arrangements," Kagome replied thoughtfully. She liked talking but when she was speaking with Kikyou the air seemed dry and stiff. It was hard for her to choose what exactly to say.

Kikyou smiled in response, though the smiled seemed very forced. Kagome knew that dry smile was as close as she would get to a "thank you". Kikyou didn't seem to bother with manners when it came to servants like Kagome, only in front of her husband did Kikyou have a much politeness at all. Kagome could tell that Kikyou was just acting, she truly didn't love Inuyasha and Kagome knew that Kikyou never would. Even though Kikyou was from a wealthy family, she obviously was a greedy and/or power-hungry person. To Kagome, it was as clear as crystal that Kikyou had only weaved her way into Inuyasha's heart because she wanted his money and overwhelming power.


Sesshomaru stood in his luxuriant garden alone. This was his thinking place, the tranquility and quietness made it easy more him to clear his thoughts and become less overwhelmed with so much on his mind. He ran a clawed hand though his white-ish silver hair as he leaned against a tree. He closed his eyes began to think again. These past few years had seemed like centuries to him. Countless wounds, sleepless nights, and every waking moment full of stress.

And all for that damned sword.

Yet, through everything Sesshomaru never even once questioned whether Tetsusaiga was worth it or not. Sesshomaru was a very determined person, once he truly wanted something he would stop at nothing until he got it. He rarely did this though, but it was nearly an obsession when he did.

Everyday he cursed his father for that horrible mistake he made: giving Tetsusaiga to that bastard, Inuyasha. Sesshomaru had never felt an emotional attachment toward his younger half sibling, so it wouldn't bother his even in the slightest to watch Inuyasha's last breath of life escape from his body. Sesshomaru actually enjoyed thinking about slicing Inuyasha's throat one day. Though he knew he shouldn't fantasize, he mad more important things to be thinking about. Such as: when to attack Inuyasha and his army next and what strategy he should use. He felt very unmotivated to plan right now though; he was on the tired side and soaking in a steaming bath sounded better than anything at the moment. But he knew that "work" came first, then pleasantries.

Sesshomaru's golden eyes snapped open when he heard the sound of faint footsteps walking toward him. He thought it rather pathetic; he was also slightly annoyed with himself because of it, that he could tell that it was his servant, Jaken, just by the sound of his footsteps. While Jaken walked closer, Sesshomaru used to extra time to bury himself in thought once more. He realized that lately he had far too much time on his hands. Though battling Inuyasha did give him something to do, it was still the same old thing time after time: Sesshomaru getting the advantage in the battle then Inuyasha using one of Tetsusaiga's powers and forcing Sesshomaru to retreat until next time. Inuyasha had ended up winning many of their battles, but the war wasn't even close to over.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken's scratchy voice broke the perfect silence.

"What?" Sesshomaru half snapped at the greenish toad youkai.

"Y-You have received a letter from one of the northern daimyo," Jaken answered Sesshomaru in a timid and meek voice.

"I'll read it later. Leave, now," Sesshomaru said bluntly. He watched Jaken scuttle away, the pathetic toad was probably fearing for his life. Sesshomaru would probably never get to reading the letter though; it was most likely just another person suggesting that they help him with the war against his brother. Sesshomaru didn't know any of these daimyo that kept asking if he would accept their help, there were all allied by his father, Inutaisho, many years before. He didn't want or need anyone's help though. Many thought that Sesshomaru was loosing the war, but it was not the war he was loosing, only the battles. Though recently he had had more luck. In the end, Sesshomaru had total confidence that he would have the Tetsusaiga.


Kagome and Sango walked along the well-beaten path back to the palace. They both carried a large pail of spring water, which they were bringing back home for cooking uses. The two young women were chatting idly when they heard the sudden sound of hoof-beats.

"That must be Inuyasha-sama," Sango stated softly. Kagome only nodded in reply. They both walked back a bit of a faster pace than before. Yet, they were also torn on doing so if Inuyasha was in a foul mood then he would be even angrier if they weren't there but they wanted to avoid him at all costs if he was that way. Kagome had a gut feeling that they would be scolded and yelled at either way.


A/N: I took me a really long time to write this one chapter, only because I was just adding bits here and there when I had free time. I hope you like it, please review and tell me if I should continue or not. I have lots of ideas for future chapters so I hope you peoples want me to keep at it ^__^.

Next Chapter: "Arrangements"

Translations: -this is the first time I've ever done this, lol

Sakura: cherry blossom trees.

-sama: used in formal speaking. It has more respect than the commonly used "-san", and in the feudal era it usually meant "Lord" or "Lady"

-san: a polite and common term that goes after most everyone's name. It's mainly just respectful to use nowadays.

Nani: this literally means "what?"

Youkai: this basically translates to "demon" but youkai are slightly different than demon.

Daimyo: a feudal Lord.

I think that's all the Japanese I used in this chapter…
