InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Solutions ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: Do you honestly think I can draw well enough to have created Inuyasha & co.?

A/N: Hehe, thank you for all the great reviews!


Chapter six: "Solutions"

Kagome absently pulled at a loose thread at the seam of her milk-white blanket.

She assumed it had now been a full twenty-four hours since she had been kidnapped and taken to Sesshomaru's palace. After her encounter with him in the garden she had just aimlessly wandered around the palace grounds, hoping to try and memorize where everything was, though the sheer size of the place made it extremely difficult. Yume brought her dinner to her room; it was the first time Kagome could remember having two meals in one day. Being thoroughly full after her supper she opted to go to sleep, since she now had the luxury to do so and she was going to take full advantage of it while she could. She had been lying there for what she thought was at least two and a half hours now, and she couldn't get a wink of sleep.

Kagome sighed and rolled over for what seemed like the one-hundredth time. Every time she would drift into slumber a vision of Sesshomaru's cold, golden eyes would appear. She shook her head; she needed to stop thinking about him. He was probably going to end up killing her or something anyway; there was no need to dwell on the thought of him. She turned her head slightly and stared at the statue of the dog youkai and pup on the shelf, really only being able to see anything at all because soft moonlight dwindled into her room from the small window. It gave everything a kind of grayish-blue hue, similar to the color of a very young wolf pup's eyes. Kagome closed her eyes in another attempt to sleep, this time it appeared to be working so far.


Tomorrow, tomorrow would be when everything fell into place.

He, Sesshomaru, had figured out a way to use this girl to his advantage. This time no mistakes would be made. And as long as the girl obeyed, nothing would go wrong. This would make things much easier on his part.

Sesshomaru ran his had through his long, white hair. Figuring out what to do with the Kagome-girl was only one weight of many off of his shoulders, the biggest of all those being getting the Tetsusaiga. But she would help him with that.

The youkai daimyo slid the shoji door for his room open and started silently down the hallway. He wasn't tired; he didn't need nightly rest like a human did, he only slept once every three to five days when he was home and even less when he was away. When Sesshomaru reached his destination he slid open another door that lead outside.

He stepped outside into the warm spring night air. Sesshomaru gazed momentarily at the scenery before him: a large hot spring, trees of miscellaneous types scattered around it, though single sakura tree rested in the back to the left, occasionally dropping a flower or petals into the hot spring's water. He slipped off his light, airy kimono (which he used for sleeping in), grabbed one of the white towels that were supplied next to the entrance and tied it loosely around his waist. Just in case a servant or someone stumbled in. The white-haired youkai then stepped into the searing water of the hot spring, taking his time so that he could relax.

Sesshomaru was almost completely submerged in the water, everything was under but his shoulders and up. Even though youkai didn't sweat, body odor was still an occurrence. Thus, because of his sensitive nose, he would go out of his way to bathe and keep good hygiene. Sesshomaru closed his eyes as if he was asleep, yet he was still very aware of every little thing around him. He had merely let his other senses take over.


Once again, Kagome's sleep attempts didn't work. She guessed she had only been asleep for about ten minutes before she woke again. Kagome was annoyed by her inability to sleep, so she decided a brisk walk might do her some good. She pushed the white blanket off of her and stood up. She was only wearing the bottom most layer of the kimono she had been given, the thin, silky material was very comfortable to sleep in.

Kagome left her room and began to walk down the same path in the hallways as Yume had shown her when she had gotten breakfast; this was the only way she knew how to get outside. Once Kagome had reached the door she slid it open and walked out into the semi-familiar scene from earlier that day. She looked around, trying to find a pathway that she hadn't explored before that didn't lead into the forest.

She searched around a bit without much luck. She was just about to give up when she noticed a well hidden brush-covered trail that seemed to lead into the forest, but if one looked closer it was evident that it actually lead to a clearing of some sort. Kagome walked over to the path and started down it. It seemed curiosity had gotten the best of her, since the trail was hidden that probably meant it was not supposed to be found. Yet, she needed to know where it lead. What could possibly be kept secret here?

Kagome did not wonder for too long.

She gaped at what she saw: a hot spring with Sesshomaru in it. Gods, why did she have to keep running into him? Her plan was to avoid him at all costs, but it seemed fate had different ideas. Kagome tried to hide herself behind a tree, she hoped like hell that he hadn't heard or smeller her by now. Especially since she didn't make any effort whatsoever to be quiet when she was walking down the trail.

Sesshomaru nearly smirked at the girl's stupidity. He was well aware that she was trying to hide herself behind a tree. He had known she was there since the moment she stepped outside. And by some reason beyond his comprehension she believed that he didn't know, that he hadn't smelled, heard, or even sensed her. He would never understand the pathetic and idiotic ways of humans, and he was pleased that he didn't. This woman needed re-enforcement; she needed to be reminded that she was not a resident here, that she was not even welcome. She needed to know that he was someone to be feared and respected.

He acted casual as he stepped out of the steaming water, the towel still tied securely around his waist. He seemed to be merely done with his bath and about to go back inside. In the blink of an eye Sesshomaru had Kagome held in the air by her throat. She grabbed his wrist out of instinct to try and get away from his iron grip.

Kagome tried to form words but nothing would come out because of the compression of her neck.

"Being what you are girl, you should know better than to spy on others," Sesshomaru said in a threatening voice, just to scare Kagome, "Do not underestimate my capabilities as your Lord has. You will do as I say, when I say it, don't make me repeat myself." The second part was said in a sickeningly calm voice, a mere girl was nothing to loose his cool over. But the threatening voice in the beginning was necessary to make sure she knew he was dead serious. Sesshomaru let go of Kagome's neck, not bothering to lower her any closer to the ground.

Kagome landed with an awkward and loud "thump!" she had cut her legs and arms on some of the brush that was beneath her. She took long, deep breathes trying desperately to regain the oxygen that she lost when Sesshomaru gripped her throat. After a moment she looked back up, expecting him to be there, looking down at her with those golden eyes of his. But he was gone.


"Kagome, Kagome…" Yume said softly trying to wake the sleeping human. She didn't even bother to add a polite suffix after name.

Kagome's eyes slowly blinked open, "Yume-san?" Kagome didn't think that she had gotten to sleep that night, but it was obvious that somehow she had. She yawned and looked outside her window. It was dawn.

"Wake up, you're leaving," Yume said.

"What? Where am I going?" Kagome questioned as she sat up.

"I don't know, but Sesshomaru-sama just told me to wake you and get you ready," the kitsune-woman answered, "Your clothes are there, and food will be ready as soon as you are." Yume pointed to the corner and stood up from where she was kneeling next to Kagome.

Kagome's mind was filled with questions. Where was she going? Did Sesshomaru want her to leave because of last night? Was he, for some reason, returning her home? Strangely, that last thought irked her deeply…


A/N: Well, I finally got another chappy out, yay! The next chap will hopefully be out quicker than this one was. Sorry about another short chapter ^^''. Anyway, please review! Thankies!

Next Chapter: "Journey"
