InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Journey ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: I don't have enough Ramen to possibly feed Inuyasha for any length of time.

A/N: Sorry about the very long wait minna! I do have good excuses though: I have my cousin up and I'm very busy doing stuff with her, I have no motivation to write currently, and I only got five hours of sleep last night. Which means I'm like dead -_-'''….


Chapter seven: "Journey"

Kagome wasn't stupid. As she dressed she had come to the conclusion that Sesshomaru was probably going to make her do something to get the Tetsusaiga. It was common knowledge that the legendary fang was the only reason the two white-haired siblings fought. There were bits and pieces of what she thought was Sesshoumaru's plan that she didn't get though. The whole thing confused her.

Kagome wondered if Inuyasha and Sesshomaru would have gotten along if it weren't for the sword, or maybe they would have just ignored each other? She had pondered this question a few times in the past but it had never really tugged at her curiosity until now. Kagome shook off the question and began to look around the room for her old kimono.

She quickly gave up. Kagome felt stupid for even looking. Yume had probably taken the tattered clothing and disposed of it long ago. She sighed and exited her room, maybe she had just tried to look for her kimono as a form of stalling… the thing she wanted the least right now was to have to go back home and face Inuyasha.


The air was tense between the two.

Kagome couldn't bring herself to look at Sesshomaru. She tried focusing on everything and anything else aside from him. Yume had told her that she and Sesshomaru would be leaving on the two-headed dragon called, Ah-Un. Kagome and the youkai lord were walking down a hallway toward the exit where their "ride" awaited. Kagome was walking a few feet behind him, not wanting to get any closer than necessary.

When they finally reached the right door the two promptly exited. Kagome had lost count of how many doors that lead outside there were, and it seemed no two lead to the same area at all. She looked at Ah-Un and was a bit surprised. She had expected some vicious beast that was barely tame enough to even be around. Yet this one seemed willing to do whatever it was asked, and looked more, dare she say, "cute" than anything else.

Sesshomaru and Kagome walked up to the two-headed beast. It was customary for the woman to always mount the horse first, but in this case it was a dragon but Kagome was going to follow through with the custom anyway. She began to ascend onto Ah-Un; much to her disadvantage the dragon was too high up for her. Kagome started to loose her balance until she felt someone grip her arm gently, preventing the fall.

Kagome swallowed as she realized that, side from herself, there was only one person that could have righted her. She got completely on the dragon, sitting side-saddle. Sesshomaru mounted as well, sitting farther forward on Ah-Un.

"Arigato…" Kagome said softly knowing that Sesshomaru could hear her.

She received no response from the white-haired youkai though; he merely gave Ah-Un a kick. The dragon rose into the air, two blue spheres of fire appeared underneath its forelimbs, granting it flight. Kagome gripped Ah-Un's saddle, her first instinct was to hold onto Sesshomaru, but she wasn't about to let herself do that.


"Kagome-chan!?" Sango gasped as she saw her friend walk up to her.

Kagome smiled, she had only been gone for a little over a day and Sango acted like it had been ten years. "Konnichiwa," she said in a happy tone.

"Where were you?" Sango asked eagerly, "What happened? Tell me Kagome-chan, you know I'm not patient!"

"Ok, ok, I'll tell you as soon as I am allowed back inside," Kagome laughed a little at Sango's little outburst. She acted like a child begging for a new toy. Kagome believed that Sango would be the only one she would tell the truth to. Everyone else wound be fed a lie. The lie that she had thought up was fairly unimaginative really, yet it was believable to someone who didn't know any better.


Inuyasha eyed at the handmaiden known as "Kagome". She had disappeared without telling anyone; presumably she had run away, yet she has the nerve to come back after disgracing herself and those that associate with her.

"Do you think I will let you come back without an explanation? Are you total idiot?" Inuyasha asked skeptically. He never did like this girl; she was on the odd side and reminded him of Kikyou a bit, which disturbed him for some reason.

"Iie, Inuyasha-sama," Kagome said without making eye-contact with him, "At the festival I was approached by several intoxicated men, who obviously had immoral ideas in mind. So, I ran away. After a long while I ran into an elderly man who was the chief of a near-by village. He let me stay at his house for the night and gave me new clothes to wear." Kagome made sure she added the bit about her kimono. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been long before someone had asked where she got the expensive clothing.

Inuyasha gave her an odd look. Her excuse was fairly farfetched, but possible. There were many intoxicated men at the festival that would most likely have hentai thoughts on their mind…

Kikyou eyed Kagome momentarily; "I believe her." was all she said. Those three words were exactly what Kagome needed to stay. No one would question Kikyou's word.

Kagome smiled, "Arigato Kikyou-sama, I will be sure to stay away from such men in the future to prevent similar events."

Kagome was dismissed from Inuyasha and Kikyou's presence. Sango rushed over to Kagome's side.

"I know you well enough to tell that was a direct lie, Kagome-chan," Sango whispered to her friend.

"You're right, it was. I'll tell you what really happened when we get to my room," Kagome knew she could trust Sango with this secret. Or with any secret for that matter. Kagome thought back on what Sesshomaru had told her, it was blunt, short and to the point.

^~*~^~*~^~*~^~*~^~*~^~*~ (flashback)

"I have a deal for you, girl," Sesshomaru said nonchalantly as he commanded Ah-Un to land.

"I'm listening," Kagome said meekly.

"If you get me the fang within five days I will let you live, if you do no do this, you will die very soon," Sesshomaru was not going to kill her there if she did not agree, he would let her go home and live with the knowledge that her last moments were counting down.

"I will try," Kagome answered. What else what she supposed to say? Oh course she was going to agree, she wasn't that stupid…

"Good. On the second day you will me either me or one of my servants here and tell of your tactic and progress. On the fifth day I expect to see you in this same spot with the Tetsusaiga," Sesshomaru said unemotionally. Kagome believed that was the most she had ever heard him say at once… though `ever heard' sounded a bit odd since she had not known him for long at all.

"Hai," Kagome replied. She waited for a moment, incase he was going to say more. But he didn't so Kagome slid off of Ah-Un's back and made her way toward home. The walk was only about a mile, so she would be there soon.

^~*~^~*~^~*~^~*~^~*~^~*~^*~ (end flashback)

Kagome filled Sango in on everything that had happened while she was at the youkai daimyo's home. Sango added enthusiasm with a gasp or giggle here and there. After that was done Sango left and Kagome was left by herself in her room. She lied down on her futon and closed her eyes, despite everything; it felt good to be home. Yet she did miss being at Sesshomaru's. Kagome decided to let sleep claim her, she would put her plan into action tomorrow.


AN: I hoped you liked this chapter ^_^… and sorry again for the wait! Also, about the girl getting on the horse first thing, I made that up. I have no idea if that is a custom anywhere actually… Anyway, please review minna!

Next Chapter: "Designing Manipulation"



-sama: used in formal speaking. It has more respect than the commonly used "-san", and in the feudal era it usually meant "Lord" or "Lady"

Youkai: this basically translates to "demon" but youkai are slightly different than demon.

Futon: Japanese "mat" for sleeping on, kinda like a bed

Hai: "yes"

Iie: "no"

Hentai: pervert.

Daimyo: feudal lord.

(I think that's all the Japanese I used anyway… knowing me I'm sure I missed some)