InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Designing Manipulation ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: I'm fairly sure I've been over this before… I don't own anything.

A/N: I'm bored and I decided to update… actually I promised myself I would but whatever. This chapter is short, gomen ^^''.

Fluffysgirl4ever: Sorry it feels like it's dragging on. That's how my fics are, they take a long time for the plot to really form and there are a lot of chapters. Also, I already have through chapter 12 written on this, mainly because it was posted on before it was here. So I can't change the plot and add a battle scene, sorry =(.


"Designing Manipulation"

"Kagome-san, Kagome-san, wake up," Shippo said as he shook her gently. This was the first time he could remember ever having to wake her up in the morning.

Kagome opened her eyes sleepily, "Shippo-san?" The red-haired kitsune nodded. Kagome looked out the window. Damn, how could she have slept in?

"Well, this is a first, coming to your room and seeing you asleep isn't normal," Shippo stood up and put a hand on his hip. "If I were you I wouldn't slip-up again, Inuyasha-sama won't like it." With that Shippo left the room, knowing Kagome wouldn't fall back asleep.

Kagome stood up and cursed at herself mentally. She felt a sharp pain in her gut, god was she hungry. With a sigh she began to get dressed, she had barely spent any time at Sesshomaru's home and she was already accustomed to life there. She would definitely miss the privilege to sleep-in and eat whenever she wished.


"Kikyou-sama?" Kagome called into her mistress' bedroom.

"Nani?" Kikyou asked softly.

"I have your breakfast, Kikyou-sama," Kagome said as she slid open the shoji door. She walked in and set down the tray that held Kikyou's food onto the small table. Kagome sat down at her normal place and poured her lady her tea.

After a few minutes of stiff silence Kikyou spoke up, "Kagome-san…"

"Yes, Kikyou-sama?" Kagome looked up.

"Tell me the truth, what happened?" Kikyou said calmly and she rested her chin in her palm.

Kagome paled, "I do not know what you are talking about, Kikyou-sama." She said as she desperately hid the panic in her voice. Kagome looked down again, suddenly finding the completely solid pattern on her kimono fascinating.

"I want to know the real reason why you were gone, Kagome. I know you were lying… so, please, fill me in," Kikyou said slyly, a small smirk gracing her features.

"I-I was telling the truth, Kikyou-sama," Kagome stammered slightly, still looking down.

Kikyou raised a thin, ebony eyebrow, "I do not appreciate you lying to me again but, I'm in a fairly good mood right now. I will give you until the end of the week to tell me the truth, Kagome-san. I will be…displeased…if I do not get an answer by then." Kikyou then stood up and left the room, not even bothering to look back at her handmaiden.

`Shit!' Kagome cursed mentally, `How did she know? Does she know about the whole thing with Sesshomaru and is just trying to fool me? Why do I have the feeling she is going to blow this for me?' Kagome swallowed as she stood up. She picked up the Kikyou's empty bowls and cups along with the tray and silently walked out of the room.


Kagome worried about what Kikyou said for some time afterward. If Kikyou had known that she had been lying to begin with why did she let her stay? Kagome doubted Kikyou was just the curious type and wanted to know the truth behind her disappearance. Yet, knowing Kikyou, she would probably stab Kagome in the back after she told her the truth. Kikyou would run off and tell Inuyasha and then Kagome would most probably be killed. But, Kikyou was a traitor herself; Kagome had no-doubt that she would soon get rid of Inuyasha soon to take everything for herself. So, maybe Kikyou would like Kagome's little betrayal?

Kagome shook her head to clear all of her confusing thoughts. Why did everything have to be complicated for her? It was all going fairly well into Kikyou had to butt in. She sighed and made her way toward the place where one of her least-favorite people were going to be very soon.

As Kagome waited for Kikyou, she dipped her hand into the bath water. Yep, it was hot enough to please her mistress. She looked up when she heard footsteps approaching.

"Is my bath ready?" Kikyou asked as she stepping into the small room wearing no more than a white towel wrapped around herself.

"Hai, Kikyou-sama," Kagome replied. Kagome went to leave as she normally would, Kikyou liked to be alone to do… whatever when she was bathing.

"Wait," Kagome looked back to Kikyou. "Stay, I want to have a chat." Kagome turned back around, she really didn't like the mischievous smirk that Kikyou was giving her.

"About what, Kikyou-sama?" Kagome asked without too much emotion in her voice. She tried to duplicate the look Sesshomaru always had, so she might not give anything away this time.

"Anything, you pick a topic," Kikyou relaxed in the water, only her shoulders and up visible to the girl in front of her.

Kagome thought for a moment and slightly smiled, shattering the stoical mask that she was trying to wear, "When I was away I heard that there was a royal merchant heading this way…"

"Oh? Go on," Kikyou sounded interested. She had a passion for buying things, especially if the items were high-class and expensive.

"I would guess the merchant would be here about…" she thought for a moment, "…the day after tomorrow. I am sure he would have quite a few things that you would like, Kikyou-sama." Kagome smiled. She wasn't telling a complete lie though; when her and Sesshomaru were on their way here she did see a royal merchant on his way in the direction of Inuyasha's palace. And if she had guessed right he would be here the same day that she had said. Everything was starting to work for her plan.

Kikyou smiled a bit, "I will have to go there. I believe I am in need for some new things."

"If you don't mind me saying so, I advise you bring Inuyasha-sama with you though. There are probably bandits around," Kagome normally wouldn't have cared one way or another about Kikyou's safety, but she needed Inuyasha to go away.

"Good idea, Kagome-san, who knows what's out there with the way Inuyasha controls this place," Kikyou sounded a bit disgusted as she said this. Kagome only nodded in response. The two only talked a little after that, neither knowing what to make the subject.


Kagome closed her eyes as she lay on her futon. Her first day back had gone quite well as far as she was concerned. Though, Kagome couldn't believe herself. It wasn't like her at all to want to manipulate and deceive people, but `working' for Sesshomaru seemed to give her a reason to be around. She didn't feel hopeless anymore.


A/N: I told you it was short. Also, sorry about all the Kikyou in this chapter. I hate writing her but I really like her part in this, she's such a bitch, lol. Personally I think this chapter was a bit on the boring side, but it was very necessary for the plot. Please review minna!

Next Chapter: "Unexpected Happenings"


Translations: … I don't feel like doing them, I know I'm lazy. No need to tell me. Ask me if you don't know what something means…