InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Unexpected Happenings ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: is it really necessary to taunt me with saying I don't own Inuyasha & co.?

A/N: Thanks for the reviews minna!


"Unexpected Happenings"

The day seemed to be passing by very slowly. Every minute seemed to last for hours, yet somehow, life trudged on. It was odd though, usually dull rainy days had this affect on people but today was sunny and nearly cloudless.

Kagome watched the cool spring water flow into her wooden bucket. She stood up when it was full and waited for Sango's bucket to finish filling as well. Kagome glanced toward the forest absently. She would need to be heading down one of the many paths soon to find Sesshomaru. She doubted he would be there, he had probably sent that little toad-looking creature instead.


Kagome turned her head toward Sango, "Nani?"

"Are you ok? I mean, you seem kind of quite and distant today or something," Sango as she stood up, her now water-filled bucket in-hand.

"I'm fine, Sango-chan. I'm just thinking, that's all. Don't worry about me," Kagome smiled at her friend reassuringly. What she said was at least part of the truth. She was actually quite worried about her plan. She hadn't worked all the kinks out of it yet and the fact that if she did even one little thing wrong she would end up dead. All this disturbed her to no end.

Sango sighed, "Whatever you say…" They both started to head inside without another word. The silence seemed awkward between the friends but neither could think of a subject to bring up.

"Kagome-san, come here for a moment," a familiar voice sounded out from the palace.

Sango and Kagome looked in unison. "Hai, Kikyou-sama," Kagome answered softly. She didn't want to go at all but she had to comply.

"I'll take your bucket for you," Sango whispered to her friend as she trotted over to Kikyou. Sango was curious of what Kikyou would want to see Kagome for; this wasn't a normal time of day that she would need her. Kikyou had other servants to deal with her every whim for most of the day.

Sango scampered to the door and set the water-filled buckets down. She carefully slid the door open and crept inside. Sango quietly made her way to Kikyou's room and listened to what she could hear of their conversation. To her disappointment, she couldn't make out the majority of the words but she caught a few here and there.

She heard Kikyou laugh a bit, which confused her. Kikyou wasn't making Kagome do some task or something? At first she thought Kikyou was giving her friend instructions to do whatever it was that she needed, but she was actually talking with her casually? Had Kikyou suddenly gone insane?

Sango decided it was time to leave when she heard someone's footsteps coming down the hall. She hurriedly went back outside and finished her water chore before she was caught. She shuddered at the thought of her punishment if that had been Inuyasha going down the hall.


Kagome sighed a breath of relief when Kikyou finally let her go back to her chores. She hated speaking with that bitch. Their conversation had been a little over on hour long, and they had moved to the garden half way through because Inuyasha came in complaining about something (like always).

She looked around the garden; it wasn't nearly as beautiful or as large as Sesshomaru's. The thought of Sesshoumaru's garden reminded her she should be going to meet that little toad or whoever it was that he had sent.

Kagome started off in the direction of the forest where she and Sesshomaru had last met. She took a path that was off the main path, where she was forced to maneuver through shrubs, brush, bushes, and small trees. She nearly fell backward when she suddenly stopped right before she had to cross a road.

It was Inuyasha and Kikyou.

They were arguing about something. Kagome noticed that Kikyou had changed into a slightly casual travel kimono. They were going somewhere? Then Kagome remember something she had told Kikyou the previous day and she smirked. Maybe her plan was fitting together as she hoped it would. Kagome leaned forward a little to listen to them, she was glad Inuyasha was so focused on his argument with Kikyou so that he probably wouldn't smell her.

"You are truly pathetic, Inuyasha," Kikyou said in a bored tone.

"Feh," was all Inuyasha managed.

"You are half youkai, why do you need that sword anyway? We're going to look like ruffians or something," Kikyou said sternly. Inuyasha never won the arguments with her. Kikyou was manipulative, sly, and stubborn.

"Fine!" Inuyasha said with a role of his eyes as stomped back toward his home, the Tetsusaiga in hand.

"Honestly, he's such a child," Kikyou muttered as she walked in the opposite direction of her ill-tempered husband.

A man leading two horses walked up to her, "You requested two horses, Kikyou-sama?" She looked at the man, "Hai." After answering him she mounted the chestnut-colored steed that the man held out for her. Kikyou held the horse still while she waited for Inuyasha.

Kagome watched all of this. She noticed Kikyou was riding sidesaddle, which really wasn't uncommon at all for wealthy women. But when a woman of the stature traveled somewhere it was normally in a carriage and not on horseback. Kikyou didn't like being `babied' like most wives of a daimyo. She preferred to be in charge and take control of every situation, especially if she was going somewhere. And Inuyasha permitted all of this.

After Inuyasha came back, they rode off at a slow trot down the road. Kagome waited until she could no longer see them before she started back to her original task.


Kagome brushed her kimono of dirt and other things as she reached her destination, a small clearing in the forest. She was startled when she saw Yume waiting for her instead of the toad.

"Yume-san?" Kagome said quietly.

Yume stretched and flicked her tail once, "You definitely took your time getting here, ne?"

"I'm supposed to tell you my `plan', per se, right?" Kagome asked.

"It doesn't matter," Yume shrugged, "Sesshomaru-sama won't listen to me anyway. And Jaken told me to go instead of him, so when I tell him that you said nothing I'll enjoy Jaken's bashing after he tells that to Sesshomaru-sama." Yume giggled a little at the end of her statement.

"Oh," Kagome said with a smile. It would be funny watching Jaken get whacked around.

"Anyway, it will be enough to just say that you actually showed up. Get back to your chores or whatever, I'm sure you have something you should be doing," Yume said as she turned her back to Kagome and walked into the forest.

Kagome was relived that she didn't have to explain what she was doing. She was partially still making it up a little as she was going. It was difficult trying to imagine what people's reactions would be to certain things, so making an exact plan wouldn't have worked anyway.


Kagome walked down the hallway to her room. It was nightfall already, she couldn't believe it, the dull day that had been going so slow had definitely had a quick ending.

Kagome's thoughts were shattered when she say Miroku walking toward her, "Miroku-san?" she questioned.

"Nani?" Miroku stopped and looked at her.

"Where were Kikyou-sama and Inuyasha-sama going earlier?" she asked curiously.

"I'm not sure of the exact location because I could barely understand Inuyasha's grumbling, but it's a shop or merchant of some sort in a village fairly close to here. Apparently the two of them are staying overnight," Miroku replied.

"Oh," Kagome said with a nod.

"Was that all, Kagome-san?" Miroku asked.

"Yes," she said as she continued on to her bedroom.


Kagome sat awake in on her futon. She was waiting until just before dawn to go get the Tetsusaiga. She only waited this long because she had accidentally fallen asleep while she had been waiting before. Since Inuyasha and Kikyou were gone everyone wouldn't be waking up as early so she would be safe.

A half hour passed before she got up and started toward Inuyasha's study. That was where he always kept the Tetsusaiga; she didn't know the reason why though. Kagome quietly as she could make her way down the many hallways and corridors. She felt her heart racing, she was very afraid she would get caught and she would be punished with death for such a crime. She mentally told herself to calm down as she slid the shoji door open.


A/N: Please review minna! Thankies!

Next Chapter: "Wrong Turns"


I'm too lazy to do translations again… give me a break it's late and I'm sick.