InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Wrong Turns ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: I own nothing except this plotline, how many time must I explain?

A/N: Sorry about the lack of Sessy in the last few chapters. He is in this one, so no worries ^_^. Also, sorry about the very long wait ^^".


"Wrong Turns"

Kagome gazed into the moonlit room hesitantly. She stepped inside and slid the door closed behind her. She took a deep breath and started to search for the prized sword. Inuyasha wasn't stupid enough to just place it in the room and leave, though Kagome didn't see why he didn't do so. Humans couldn't make the fang transform and youkai couldn't touch it, did he think a mouse or something was going to drag it off? She had to keep herself from giggling after that last thought.

The room mainly consisted of a small table with maps, scrolls, ink, and writing utensils that decorated its surface. There were a few shelves to the left that were stuffed with books and scrolls on them. Otherwise the room seemed bare. Kagome frowned in annoyance, where in hell had that baka put it?

She strode over to the shelves and shuffled through the clutter, even though at her height of 5'3 she couldn't even see the top of the shelf anymore. After nearly knocking off half of the shelf's contents she grabbed a hold of something that definitely was not a book. Kagome carefully lifted it up and off the shelf. She smiled when she saw that it was the Tetsusaiga in her hands. God, Inuyasha needed to find a better hiding place if he wanted to keep the sword secret.

Kagome rushed out of the study as quietly as she could. She tutted down the hall toward one of the doors that lead outside. This seemed far too easy, but all things considering, it was. Kagome placed her free hand on the shoji door, ready to sprint outside and head for the forest, when she felt someone grab her wrist. She swallowed hard, as she turned around to see who it was.

"Kagome-chan, what are you doing?" Sango asked her best friend, not letting go of her wrist.

Kagome thought she was going to have a heart attack when she figured out it was only Sango, "I told you the night I came home."

Sango blinked, "So you're actually serious about this? Are you insane, Kagome? I believed you about the whole Sesshomaru thing and about the deal, but I didn't think you were actually going to go through with it!" Sango hissed, just barely above a whisper.

"Sango-chan, I have to. I've already got the Tetsusaiga, I can't turn back now. And if I do, I'll be killed, you know that just as well as I do," Kagome said in a stern yet calm voice.

"How can you trust Sesshomaru? He'll probably kill your right after he gets the sword anyway," Sango glared.

Kagome sighed, "We had a deal. I get him the sword, and I live."

"Yes, but since when do you trust a youkai with a deal?" Sango countered.

"I don't know," Kagome said very softly, Sango had to strain her ears to hear her. "Just please let me go Sango-chan, please." Kagome pleaded in a whisper.

Sango reluctantly dropped her grip on her friend's wrist, "Be careful." She whispered as she hugged Kagome. She was afraid this would be her last time seeing her.

"Sayonara, Sango-chan," Kagome said as she slipped out the door.

"Sayonara…" Sango replied even though she knew Kagome hadn't heard her.


Sesshomaru growled in frustration. That bastard of a toad, Jaken, annoyed him to no end. He seemed to never be able to get a damned thing done properly. Sesshomaru wondered why he even bothered with Jaken anymore. Sending the servant-girl to get information instead? What in the seven hells had the toad been thinking?

Sesshomaru nearly sighed as he massaged his temple. He decided he would go pay a `visit' to the girl today; it would be risky since he would be on his half-brother's territory. Though he doubted the baka would be able to do a damn thing about it on uncalled for notice, if Inuyasha even noticed him there at all.

"Jaken," the youkai lord called out even though he was fed-up with his green servant.

"Hai, Sesshomaru-sama?" Jaken waddled in his lord's room meekly.

"Get me Ah-Un, promptly," Sesshomaru commanded without even looking at Jaken.

"Hai," the little green toad said as he rushed to fetch the two-headed dragon. He didn't want to get on Sesshomaru's bad side for the second time that day.


It was now a bit after dawn. Kagome was slowly making her way to her meeting spot in the forest. She knew no one would be there, but at least she could possibly get some sleep. She was abnormally tired, probably from her lack of sleep and all the running around she had been doing.

She was taking in all the scenery around her, this could be the last time she ever saw this place again. She was only saddened a little by this. She would miss Sango, Shippo, and Miroku (even though he was a pervert and enjoyed to cop a feel every once in a while). Otherwise there was not a damn thing she would miss.

She was hoping she would find a place in the western lands somewhere to live. Maybe a nice village or something. Where nobody knew her, or knew what she had been through. So she could start over. She highly doubted Sesshomaru would let a human live in his home (except for those few days), Kagome would miss his home. Not really because of him, he was better than Inuyasha but she didn't think she could really handle living with him, but because of the beauty of his home.

Kagome shook her head of thought of Sesshomaru. She heard a small rustle in the bushes by her; she froze for a moment until she saw a small gray rabbit scamper away. Kagome sighed, she really needed to relax, nothing bad was going to happen. She chanted the last part in her head over and over again in hopes of convincing herself of such.


Inuyasha rode ahead of Kikyou, who was going slow so she could keep a good eye on her carriage full of `goods' that she had bought yesterday. Inuyasha had insisted that they leave as early as possible, he didn't like leaving the Tetsusaiga anywhere in times of war.

He listened to the sound of his horse's hooves hit the ground boredly as he loped on, nearing his home. A familiar scent made him jerk the dappled gray horse to a sudden stop. `What in hell is that bitch, Kagome doing out here?' he cursed mentally. He was about a mile away from home still but her scent was near.

"Inuyasha, why did you stop?" Kikyou asked in a puzzled tone as she rode up next to him.

Inuyasha only growled, "Here," he said as he dismounted his horse and gave the reins to his wife, "Go home and take the horse with you, I'll catch up." He said as he started off into the forest.

"Inuyasha! Wait, are the rebels here? Inuyasha, answer me!" Kikyou huffed when she only received silence.


Kagome faintly heard some quiet rustling behind her. She didn't think much of it, she figured it was just probably another rabbit or possibly a squirrel or a fox. What bothered her is that the rustling didn't really stop. It even more or less sounded like footsteps; well if nothing else she had a sword. It may be rusted old but was a sword all the same.

Kagome finally got a bit nervous and turned around, only to be face-to-face with the man she wanted to see the least at that moment. Her eyes grew wide and her heart raced.

"I-Inu-ya," was all she managed to mutter.

Inuyasha glared daggers at the girl who was holding his sword, "What in hell do you think you're doing?!" He growled.

"I-I umm," Kagome couldn't get anymore out. She tried to speak but she couldn't make any sounds. Inuyasha's glare just deepened.

"Feh, I should have done this a long time ago. I knew you'd be trouble," He stepped back from her a step and cracked his knuckles.

Kagome didn't have any time to react. She felt an immense pain in her chest, and she felt nauseous. She held her hand to her mouth coughed, it hurt to do so but she didn't have much control. She collapsed to her knees and she struggled for breath, she shakily looked at her hand that was covered in blood from when she coughed. She noticed a pool of blood was slowly making its way around her. Kagome looked up at Inuyasha who was just grinning, he was holding the Tetsusaiga in one hand and his other was held up and soaked in her blood. She began to go into another coughing fit before everything just faded away, and her pain was gone.


A/N: Lol, I'm assuming that's a cliffy, right? Still not much Sessy in this chappy but there will be plenty in the next ^_~. Sorry about the shortness of this chappy too, I meant to make it longer *sigh*. Please review minna! Arigatou!

Next Chapter: "Reunion"


Just ask me if you need translations, there will be no more from here on out, because I'm far too lazy.