InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: You know the drill.

A/N: Whoa, short chappy…



The smell of human blood was thick in air, as was the smell of death. Sesshomaru was fairly surprised when he recognized whose blood it was. He made his way past the place where he had last seen her and silently maneuvered through the forest until he found her.

The kill was fresh. Her skin was only barely starting to pail, and her body was still fairly warm. She had a gaping hole in her chest, no doubt where Inuyasha had probably impaled in clawed hand through her. Her right hand was covered in blood as well. She merely lied there lifelessly, unmoving, without breath.

His golden orbs stared at her body for a few more moments before he turned around and began to walk away. He stopped after a few steps when his sword, Tenseiga, pulsed slowly. He understood exactly what it wanted him to do; he turned back around to face the girl's, Kagome's, body. Yet, he wasn't sure he wanted to comply with the fang's wishes.

The Tenseiga pulsed again, a bit harder this time, more demandingly. Sesshomaru didn't know what the fang wanted him to revive this girl. She had served what little purpose she had, and failed. Why would he need to bring something useless back to this world? Once again the fang pulsed at his side.

He unsheathed the sword that had been created from his father's fang and looked at it momentarily, a slightly glint of puzzlement in his eyes. Sesshomaru adjusted his eyes when he looked at the girl, he could see the messengers from hell climbing on her body. He slashed the sword across her chest; the small messengers disintegrated almost immediately. Her wound glowed in a soft white light as it healed. Her chest soon began to rise and fall slowly as she gasped for air unconsciously.

Kagome's eyes fluttered open; she saw two golden eyes looking at her. She assumed they were Inuyasha until her eyes completely focused and she saw stripes and a crescent moon adorned her onlooker's face. "Sess-Sesshomaru-sama?"

Kagome received no verbal reply. He knelt down next to her and picked her up bridal style in his arms.


Kagome sat at the base of a large tree, leaning against its rough-barked trunk. She stared at the blades of grass that were around her, taking in every little detail. For strange some reason the grass seemed so much more interesting when one had a youkai daimyo staring strait at them.

She wanted him to get it over with.

Whatever it was he was going to do to her she wanted him to just get it over with. The stiff silence between them was unnerving, especially since she wanted to thank him for reviving her some how. She knew she had been killed; there was no way she could have survived Inuyasha's blow. But what irked her, was why he would bring her back to life. Was it just because he wanted to kill her himself because she failed getting the Tetsusaiga?

She couldn't stand it any longer. "Anou… Sesshomaru-sama may I ask you a question?" she wanted to word everything carefully, as to not upset him and end up dead again. Even though she wouldn't be surprised if that happened anyway.

"I believe you just did," Sesshomaru answered, "But, go on."

"W-Why did you save me?" Kagome flinched when she said `save' that hadn't exactly been the word she had been looking for.

"Would you have preferred me not to?" Sesshomaru said as he raised an eyebrow, all though his face showed no expression as it usually did.

"No!" Kagome bit her lip.

"You still have two more days, all though you're of little use to me now that Inuyasha believes you are deceased. Which means he will not let you back into his household," he turned away from her, "You do realize that things are now much more difficult…"

"I didn't mean to get caught!" Kagome protested. She could tell by the tone in his voice that he was toying with her. Just taunting her, trying to get her to break down before he kills her. At least this is how she saw it.

Sesshomaru had to admit he was bit surprised at her sudden outburst. When she had been at his home she did not act this way, she had spunk now, all though, more or less she was only prolonging the inevitable.

"I didn't know Inuyasha would be arriving back this early, it was a fluke that I was caught, Sesshomaru-sama. I-" Kagome wanted to continue but couldn't think of anything else to say. She felt a tear slide down her cheek, she closed she eyes to try and blink it away but to no avail.


Kikyou slid the shoji door that lead outside open and stepped outside. Things weren't going very well. It was like more and more of the pieces that fit so nicely into her puzzle kept disappearing. She sighed and walked out to the garden.

Kikyou looked around at the display of flowers and greenery around her and cringed. She had never been one for plants; they were too bright and cheerful for her liking. Anything that was too terribly lively or cheerful disgusted her.

"It's been quite a while, Kikyou…"

She spun on her heel as she turned to face the man clad in a baboon's pelt. "Yes… That is has…"

"It also seems things don't want to go our way, ne?" he said smoothly.

Kikyou nodded and sighed, "Fate doesn't seem to want to comply with us. Do you have any more plans? You always appear to be scheming something."

He walked up to her slowly, looking as if he was gliding across the path more that walking really. He removed the hood from his white-furred cloak and smirked at her as he ran his finger along her jaw-line.

Kikyou brushed his hand away, "Not here, Naraku."

"In a foul mood are we?" Naraku questioned.

"Obviously you know something I don't or you would you be in a worse mood than I," Kikyou glared at him a bit, pressing him to reveal the little secrets he liked to hide so much.

"Sesshomaru revived the girl with the Tenseiga," he stated bluntly.

"And what is the beneficial side to this?" she asked in an annoyed tone.

He leaned against a tree absently, "You will see, my dear Kikyou, you will see."


A/N: Please don't freak out on me because Kagome died, -_-` she was dead for like ten minutes in the fic, big deal. Anyway I hope you liked with chapter ^_^, please review minna!

Also, Kagome's not too freaked out about being dead because, hell, it's the feudal era with youkai and god knows what else. Magic and stuff is all over the place! Remember Rin wasn't freaked about it at all, so I didn't think Kagome should be. Just thought this might clear up some future complications.

Next Chapter: "Missing"
