InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Missing ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: All of the charters in this story (aside from a few made up ones here and there) and © to Rumiko Takahashi, enough said.

A/N: I dun really have anything to say =/…



The sun's warm rays danced upon Kagome's slumbering form. She groaned sleepily and opened her eyes, expecting the sun to practically blind her when she did so. But what she was a young girl's face staring strait at hers.

"Ohayou," the girl said with a toothy grin.

Kagome blinked in confusion. The last thing she remembered was being with Sesshomaru, now a little girl is with her? There was definitely more than a little bit wrong with this picture. "Err… Ohayou… who are you?"

"Rin," she said simply. "What's your name?"

"Kagome…" she answered, "Where am I?"

"Sesshomaru-sama's home," Rin replied bluntly.

"Nani?" Kagome looked even more confused, "Then what is a little girl like you doing here?"

"Rin lives here," she smiled, "Why do you ask, Kagome-san?"

"I just didn't picture Sesshomaru-sama allowing a human child to live here, that's all…" Kagome hoped she didn't offend Rin by saying this. She sat up and ran her hand through her dark raven hair, she had expected Sesshomaru to kill her while she slept not bring her back to his home.

"Really?" Rin gave Kagome a puzzled look, "Rin is fairly sure that Sesshomaru-sama likes her. He doesn't mind her living with him."

"Oh," was all Kagome decided to say. She was thoroughly baffled at the moment, not-to-mention very tired, she hadn't completely woken up yet.

"Rin will be back, stay here Kagome-san," Rin said as she stood up from her seat beside Kagome's futon and pattered out of the room.


"Sesshomaru-sama?" Rin said quietly, slightly sliding open the shoji door that lead to Sesshomaru's bedroom. Even though she had free-reign of the entire palace and the grounds outside she was always careful when entering Sesshomaru's room.

"Come in Rin," the youkai lord's voice sounded.

"Hai," Rin answered and slipped into the room.

Sesshomaru turned to face the small child, "What do you want, Rin?"

"Kagome-san woke up," Rin said as she looked up at Sesshomaru, having to strain her neck a bit to see his face. She left it that simple because she knew he would know exactly what she meant. With the year and a half that she had been with the youkai daimyo she had learned not to ramble, keeping your sentences short and to the point worked best.

Rin was a little annoyed that Sesshomaru had not told her Kagome's name. He just came home riding on Ah-Un with a sleeping woman in his arms. She had asked for the woman's name when he stepped inside, but she received no answer. Instead she had to wait for the woman to wake up to figure out who she was, and her waiting had lasted at least two hours.

"Sesshomaru-sama, where did Kagome-san come from? Did you save her like you did Rin?" she questioned, letting her curious child-like nature show through.

"She came from the East…" Sesshomaru answered, choosing his words carefully. Rin knew of the war with Inuyasha he was fighting and was very much so against his half-brother's side. She would be quite angry if she knew that the woman came from Inuyasha's palace, this was the reason why he hadn't told her when the woman had been here before. "…I guess I did save her, per se."

"Really?" Rin looked up at her father-figure in awe. It didn't matter what he did really, but he always managed to amaze her even if what he did was very simple. Just like any child would she did get annoyed and angry with him at times, but no matter how hard she tried she could never stay that way for long.

Sesshomaru didn't answer the child. He never felt the need to elaborate what he was saying to her, being enthusiastic was not his `style'. Nevertheless he, for some reason unknown to him, felt the need to keep her happy. This desire to please the child truly did disgust him, he felt as if he were going soft or something of the sort.

After a few minutes of silence between the two, Rin choose to leave the youkai daimyo's quarters. The raven-haired child tutted down the hallways and corridors to Kagome's room once again, making little effort to be quiet. She had long ago memorized every inch of the grand palace, she knew where every door and hallway lead too and the quickest way to get to her desired destination.

Rin came to a halt outside of the new woman's bedroom, "Kagome-san, can Rin come in?"

"Hai," Kagome called from within the sunlit room. While Rin had been gone she had changed into the kimono that had been previously set out for her, probably by Yume. Though the girl had not left her for long it had given her a little bit of time to think about what was happening.

So Sesshomaru did think she still had a purpose? Even though she had been caught by Inuyasha? And what of this girl, Rin? Why would a powerful youkai daimyo have a human child around? Nothing made much sense at the moment. Her life was confusing enough without complications like these. This was probably the last thing she needed right now.

Kagome wasn't sure whether to be thankful or to be angry with Sesshomaru for reviving her. No matter what, she did value her life greatly but if he had left her then she would be free of this world that seemed to throw bad luck at her. It didn't matter how low her chances were of something going wrong, it would. No ifs, an's, or buts about it. Kagome was one who believed in fate though. In her mind, it was probably meant to be that she continued living, despite how puzzling her life was.

"Rin went to go tell Sesshomaru-sama you had woken up," Rin said with a kind smile as she stepped into Kagome's room and shut the shoji door behind her. "How long will you be here, Kagome-san?"

Kagome noticed the almost pleading look on the child's face as she asked the question, "I don't know Rin-chan."

"Oh…" her face looked saddened, "While you are here, can Rin call you `Kagome Onee-chan'? There are no other humans around, or even girls, besides Yume-san but she's always busy. And Rin has always wanted a big sister."

"Hai, you can call me that," Kagome smiled at the girl. There was something irresistible about her; possibly it was her youthful innocence or just perhaps her personality in general. Either way, it wasn't possible for Kagome to say `no' to her.

Rin smiled again, "Arigatou, Kagome Onee-chan!" She went forward and hugged the older girl, even though her embrace only barely reached to Kagome's waist.


The rest of Kagome's day was spent with Rin. After a short while it was very obvious the girl had longed for a `play-mate', per se. The child was very bright and quick-witted for her age, despite her habit of speaking in the third-person. Even though Rin was merely eight years of age she didn't have a hyper, overly-talkative personality. She occasionally rambled a little, but otherwise she was quick and to-the-point with everything she said.

With Rin's help Kagome knew how to get to the garden, kitchen, baths, her bedroom, and many other places. Being with the young child was enjoyable, it gave Kagome something to do while she waited for Sesshomaru to decided what he wished to do with her.


Miroku walked down the path toward the garden, a concerned look adorned his features. Inuyasha had told him to fetch Kikyou, but it seemed she wasn't anywhere to be found. He had already checked everywhere that she would have been in the palace, so outside was a possibility. But there was something that was troubling him… Kikyou was almost never awake and about at this hour of the morning.

Kikyou was definitely one who enjoyed her `beauty sleep'.

He wandered around the garden a bit, hoping he would find her before Inuyasha got impatient. Luck wasn't on his side today though.

"Kikyou-sama?" Miroku exited the garden; he was truly beginning to get worried. "Kikyou-sama?" It wasn't like her to just take off somewhere, especially without one of her handmaidens.

Miroku walked back inside and made his way to Inuyasha's study. There was no doubt that the hanyou would be displeased with him to say the least, but there were no other places he could imagine she would be. This was one of the times he was very thankful that he was Inuyasha's friend as well as his vassal/advisor; Inuyasha wasn't as likely to hit him because of this.

Taking a deep breath, Miroku slid open the shoji door that lead into Inuyasha's study. The white-haired daimyo looked up at him with a questioning expression. "I could not find Kikyou-sama, I have looked everywhere."

"Nani?" Inuyasha growled out, hoping his friend was merely joking around.

"She is nowhere to be found, Inuyasha-sama," Miroku said quickly, for once, using formality with his lord.

"You've looked everywhere?" Inuyasha gritted his teeth together, where in hell could she be?

"Inuyasha-sama, I have a letter for you," the familiar voice of the servant, Sango, said softly, temporarily putting off Inuyasha's rage.

"Come in, and give the damned thing to me," the hanyou growled, making his speech almost inaudible.

Sango entered the room quietly, feeling nervous around the two previously arguing men. She handed the letter to Inuyasha and scampered out of the room, the tension in the air making her very uncomfortable.

Inuyasha looked down at the envelope in his hand; he glared daggers at it when he read who it was from. At the bottom of the cream-colored paper wrapping that surrounded the letter inside it read in clear, perfect kanji: Sesshomaru.


A/N: This chapter was on the boring side to me personally, but oh well. Please review minna!

After a bit of contemplation, I decided to add Rin to this fic. Originally she wasn't going to be included. I'm trying to portray her differently than I've seen in most fic's with Rin in them. She isn't going to be the annoying little girl who drags Kagome everywhere and gets in the way a lot. Instead I felt that she should take after Sesshomaru's personality a little, since he is her role-model. ^_^

Next Chapter: "Invitation"



Kanji: One of the types of Japanese handwriting, and the most complicated (it has over 6,000 characters o.O).

Yes I know I used more Japanese than that, but if you don't know what the other words mean refer to pervious chapters. I just put `kanji' in there because some may not know what it is.