InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made ❯ Invitation ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Some Mistakes are Meant to be Made"

Disclaimer: `Inuyasha' and it characters are © to Rumiko Takahashi. This plot and all the original characters are © to me, Tyfani-chan.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is pretty short ^^'.



Inuyasha used the claw on his right index finger to slice open the envelope and then pulled out the letter. He had to be careful not to rip the delicate rice-paper as he read over the letter, his hands trembling slightly from his anger. After he finished he tossed the letter aside and stormed out of the room, leaving Miroku behind.

Miroku grabbed the letter before it fluttered down to the floor. He knew Inuyasha wasn't going to read the letter to him, so he would do so himself. His hanyou lord most probably wouldn't care if he read the letter anyhow, the subject would just be brought up later and if Miroku didn't know what Inuyasha was talking about he would be enraged again.

Miroku scanned over the letter:


Due to the difficult circumstances you seem to have put I, Sesshomaru, through, I have taken your wife, the Lady Kikyou, as a "guest" in my home. I ask for our father's fang in return for her. We shall meet at my residence two nights from now. I trust you will come willingly.


The letter was short, but very blunt. Without the Lord's sophisticated speech it basically read that he had kidnapped Kikyou-sama and wanted to trade her for Tetsusaiga and that they were to battle it out forty-eight hours from now. Hell, the damn thing was all but a battle invitation!

Miroku ran a hand through his short black hair. Why did things have to suddenly get so complicated? One of Kikyou's hand-maidens, Kagome, was also missing. He wondered what he become of her? She had been acting so odd lately and she had already disappeared once before and that really wasn't too long ago. Miroku sighed gently; the next three days were going to be very, very long ones.

He began to look for Inuyasha, even though he didn't want to. He hated to be around the white-haired daimyo when he was angry, but he seemed to be the only one to be able to talk a bit of sense into the hanyou. Miroku just hoped that Inuyasha hadn't decided to storm off to Sesshomaru's home right now and try to get Kikyou back, but he definitely wouldn't put it past him.

As he walked by the servants' quarters he noticed Sango's door was open. He stopped next to the doorway and peeked in: Sango was sitting down on the floor, a sheet of paper; an envelope, a small jar with ink in it, and a brush used for writing were all surrounding her. "Anou, Sango-san?"

She looked up at him as she picked up the brush, "Hai?"

"Might I ask, what are you doing?" he said as he stepped into her room.

"Writing a letter to an old friend of mine back at the village where I grew up," Sango lied. She didn't have any friends back at her old village; her old village didn't even exist any more. It had been burned down by soldiers over a year ago.

"Ah-wait, you know how to write?" Miroku asked, surprised. The only women he knew of that could write were daimyo's wives, it was very rare that any woman that wasn't in a high place in society knew how to read and write.

Sango smiled a bit, "Hai. My father taught me when I was young."

"Sorry I was so startled I didn't mean to offend you if I did," Miroku said, trying to put on his charm.

"It's ok, I'm not offended at all," she smiled again. She only wanted him to go away so she could start writing.

"Well, I'll leave you be then. Oh, did Inuyasha-sama pass by here?" Miroku asked as he started to leave the room.

"Iie," Sango replied as he left. Then she wrote at the top left corner of the paper who the letter was addressed to, `Kagome-chan'.


He smirked as he watched Inuyasha storm around madly, obviously enraged. The damn hanyou was such a fool and completely naïve to boot. One of them would be killed…it didn't really matter which one though. Either way he would win. There had been a slightly mishap in his plan before, but now it seemed to be working even better because of it. He owed that Kagome-girl.


It was barely daybreak when Sango stepped outside, clad in her best kimono which was usually only used for festivals. But this time was the one exception. A light fog surrounded the palace and everything around it, making it a cool outside. Sango waited impatiently near the road.

Then she saw him: a man with slightly scruffy black hair, his attire indicating he was definitely not wealthy, who was riding on a dappled gray horse toward her. Sango tightened her grip on the envelope she was holding, as if the wind that wasn't even blowing would somehow carry it away.

The man tugged back on the reins of the horse and it stopped right next to her. "I need this to go to the Western lands promptly."

"Hai, where in the Western lands milady?" the man asked with a lop-sided smile. He looked to be in his late thirties, but his deep-brown eyes looked much older than that.

"To the daimyo, Sesshomaru-sama's home," Sango replied, keeping her voice firm, "I need it to get there as soon as possible."

"H-Hai," he said as he swallowed a bit. He would try to get in there today, the woman's glare and stern tone scaring him a bit. He did not want to face the consequences if the letter, or whatever it was, didn't get to the youkai on time.

Since he did not have any other mail to deliver, he turned his horse around and kicked him into a gallop. He quickly disappeared from Sango's sight range; all she could hear were the horse's slowly fading hoof-beats.

Sango turned around and headed back inside. A few tears began to fall from her light-brown eyes. She hoped beyond hope that Kagome was alive and ok. Kagome had been her only real friend since she had come here, yes, Miroku and Shippou were good company as well but it wasn't the same. She had already lost everything that had ever meant anything to her in the fire that demolished her home village nearly two years ago, and she didn't want to loose Kagome. She didn't think she could handle it.

She went back to her room and changed into her usual kimono. As she left her room and started on her daily chores she began to think of Kohaku, her parents, and everyone else she had known before. It seemed like all of her sorrow and anger had been pent up until now, until she was probably about to loose someone else. But this time she let her tears flow freely.


A/N: Sorry about the lack of Sesshomaru and Kagome ^^; it will be mostly them in the next chapter though. Also, Sango's past history doesn't have too much to do with the plot but I thought that this would kind of emphasize on her and Kagome's friendship a little and give Sango a more defined character ^_^. Anyway, please review minna!

Next Chapter: "Unexpected Kiss"