InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Soulmates ❯ The Wish ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Wish
Kagome sighed as she looked over the battlefield. Naraku was finally dead. She looked at her mate, and smiled. She and InuYasha had gotten together after Kikyou had gone to hell. It was Kikyou herself that convinced InuYasha to choose Kagome.
“InuYasha,” the undead Miko said, smiling sadly, “It is my time to go. Will you be going with me?”
“Kikyou…Naraku hasn’t been destroyed yet.” Kikyou’s smile widened.
“That’s not the only reason InuYasha, and you know it. I’m gone InuYasha. If your heart wishes to belong to her, then by all means follow it.”
“But nothing, InuYasha. Kagome is more than my reincarnation. Don’t ever forget that InuYasha. And don’t ever forget me.” Kikyou kissed InuYasha on the cheek before disappearing into hell.
InuYasha was currently playing mother hen to Shippou. It was times like this that Kagome and everyone else could see that InuYasha cared for him.
“No cuts?” InuYasha asked.
“No,” Shippou replied.
“Abrasi o-?”
“For the last time, no!” InuYasha grinned as Shippou squirmed out of his arms and ran to Kagome. Kagome could see Sesshoumaru trying not to laugh. It was, after all, unbecoming of taiyoukai to laugh.
“You might as well not hold it in,” Miroku said, patting him on the back. This caused Sesshoumaru’s mouth to quirk a little, but he still wasn’t laughing. Kagome remembered the only time they had ever gotten Sesshoumaru to laugh…well…more like the only time Miroku and Sango had gotten Sesshoumaru to laugh.
Kagome heard Shippou sigh as Miroku asked another woman to bear his child.
“He is in denial,” Sesshoumaru said, from beside her. He had joined the search for the shards on Rin’s insistence.
“So is she,” Kagome said. Sesshoumaru ‘hmm’ed as they watched Sango’s eye start to twitch. Sango smacked Miroku on the head with her fist. Miroku conceded and backed away from the woman.
Then Miroku did what he always did…He rubbed Sango’s rear end.
Then Sango did what she always did…She smacked him with Hirakotsu.
This was all normal to Kagome, Shippou, and InuYasha, so they paid no attention to it. They did however pay attention to the something that had never been historically recorded before was happening.
Sesshoumaru was laughing.
Miroku and Sango had confessed their love shortly after that. They were due to be married in a month. Sesshoumaru, having claimed Kagome and Sango as his sisters, was sticking around until then, to make sure that Miroku didn’t try anything until they were married. After that, he was taking Jaken and Rin, back to the castle.
“Kagome?” she heard Kouga’s voice from behind her. She turned around and smiled at him. It had hit him hard, when she told him about her and InuYasha.
“Yes, Kouga-kun?”
“What will you wish for?” he asked.
“I’m not sure yet,” Kagome replied, “It has to be a purely unselfish wish to destroy the jewel.” Kouga ‘oh’ed, then looked uncomfortable. Kagome smiled and pulled him into hug.
“You know I love you like a brother, right?” she said.
“Right,” Kouga said, smiling back a little. Kouga walked back to Ginta and Hakkaku. Kagome smiled as she watched the three wolf demons interact. Kouga had made sure that one of the two would take his place, if something happened to him. Thankfully, nothing had. But of course fate had strange ways.
Kagome nodded to herself, she knew what she would wish for.
“Midoriko. I wish for the happiness of my friends.” In a flash of white light, Kouga disappeared.
I also have this on, as well as my other story. I also have more stories up there. My name there is RuneWitchSakura. I may update here for this story before I update there. But my other story will probably be updated there first.