InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Soulmates ❯ Explanations of a Midoriko Kind ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
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“Midoriko. I wish for the happiness of my friends.” In a flash of white light, Kouga disappeared.
Chapter One
Explanations of a Midoriko Kind
“Where’d the mangy mutt go,” InuYasha asked.
“I-I don’t know,” Kagome said. The group heard a chuckle and turned to face the specter of…
“MIDORIKO!” Kagome exclaimed.
“Yes, Kagome,” Midoriko said, “And as for where Kouga went, you did wish for the happiness of your friends.”
“But how does that make him disappear?” Sango asked.
“I sent him to his soulmate. Very few people find theirs, as soulmates are spread throughout the many dimensions. At the same time, a group of friends could all find their soulmates. Kagome and InuYasha are soulmates. And you and Miroku are soulmates too Sango. Kouga’s soulmate, however, is not in this dimension. In fact, Kouga is now the only demon in that dimension.”
“Will we ever see him again?” Ginta asked.
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll find a way,” Midoriko said, smiling, “I have to go now. I have to explain things to Kouga before I pass on to the afterlife. I hope I won’t see any of you in the afterlife anytime soon.” Midoriko started to fade away.
“So that’s it?” Miroku said, “She’s sure he’ll find a way?”
“He’ll find a way to contact us,” Hakkaku said, “He always does.”
Kouga woke up and looked around. He was in a black void of some sort. There were hundreds of lights above him. Most of them were white, but two were different. One was blue, and one was a light green.
“Hello Kouga,” said a voice behind him, “It’s about time you woke up.” Kouga turned around and saw a miko staring at him.
“Who are you?” he growled.
“Oh, relax,” the miko said, “My name is Midoriko, and I’m here to give you a choice. Kagome made a wish on the Jewel for the happiness of her friends. Now, as you’re a demon, I suppose you can see the two different colored ‘lights’, right?”
“Each of those ‘lights’ is a doorway to a different dimension. The blue one is the doorway to your home dimension. The light green one, is the doorway to your soulmate’s dimension.”
“So I have a choice between going home, or going to find my soulmate?”
“That’s right. Now, listen carefully. If you choose to go home, you will never see your soulmate, ever. If you choose to go to your soulmate’s dimension, which is a dimension without demons, but full of magic, then you will eventually be able to find a way to contact your home dimension.”
Kouga listened as she explained his choices. He could go back to a dimension where the one he loved was in love with someone else and never find someone for him or he could go to a dimension where he’ll find his one special person and have a way to talk to his friends in his home dimension. Well, that wasn’t that hard of a choice, really.
“I wanna find my soulmate,” Kouga said. Midoriko nodded, and guided Kouga towards the light green ‘light’.
Harry woke up from another nightmare of the third task. He looked around, still panicking, half-expecting Voldemort to be in his bedroom. When he was quite sure there was no Voldemort he calmed down. He looked at the clock. It read 11:58. He sighed; somehow he always woke for his birthday. Not that turning fifteen would be any different from being fourteen; at least not in his eyes.
He heard a tapping on the window. He let in several owls, most of which were caring his birthday presents from his friends. But the presents lay forgotten once the clock struck twelve. Harry was far more interested in the light green light appearing in the corner of his room, and the two people walking out of it. He knew he should probably grab his wand, but something was telling him that this wasn’t gonna hurt him.
“Who are you?” Harry asked, as the green light finally receded showing a specter woman in weird cloths, and a man in furs with a tail.
“I’m Midoriko, and this is Kouga.”