InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Soulmates ❯ Angelic Savior ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last Time:
“He was starting to hurt my ears,” Kouga said, rubbing his fist, “That hurt my fist too.” Harry looked at his unconscious uncle on the floor and then back up to Kouga, and started laughing again.
Chapter Four
Angelic Savior
Pain. A lot of pain. The Cruciatus Curse. Screaming - not his, but he still felt the pain. The image of the vision became clearer around him. A family, probably of muggles, was on their knees in front of Voldemort. Bellatrix Lestrange was torturing the father, while her husband tortured the mother. One of the younger Death Eaters stepped forward, beckoned by Voldemort.
“The girl is yours,” Voldemort said. The teenage daughter of the two people being tortured looked up in fear, as the Death Eater grinned and grabbed at her jeans.
“No! Leave her alone!” Harry yelled. It was no use; no one could hear him or see him. But suddenly the girl looked right at him.
“Angel, save me,” she muttered.
“No one will save you girl,” the Death Eater jeered. Harry felt as if two arms around his waist were pulling him away from the vision.
“I might not be able too, but I'll at least try!” Harry yelled. He grabbed onto the girl, and let the arms pull him away.
“Ahhh!” Harry yelled in pain, suddenly becoming aware that Kouga was holding him and telling him it was okay.
“What the hell was that?” the girl screamed. Harry noticed, with a grin, that the girl was the one from his vision.
“I said I'd try…I guess I succeeded,' Harry said, before passing out. Ron came back into the room, followed closely by Madame Pomfrey, Remus, and Sirius. Pomfrey checked him over with a diagnostic spell.
“He's exhausted magically. I would suggest not even letting him hold a wand for the next few days. His nervous system is damaged; if I didn't know better I'd say it's because of the cruciatus. I'll send an anti-cruciatus potion to help with the healing, as well as a pain potion. He'll be in pain from the damage to his nervous system and from being exhausted magically.”
Sirius, Remus, and to their surprise, Kouga, who they still didn't know much about, nodded. Madame Pomfrey moved over to the girl.
“Who the hell are you people?”
“My name is Poppy Pomfrey; I'm a medi-witch.”
“Like a doctor?”
“Something like that.” The girl let Pomfrey check her over. She was a little shaken, but she hadn't been tortured like her parents.
“Is the angel going to be okay?” she asked before Pomfrey.
“Him,” the girl pointed. “When that…thing…had my family and me, he was there, but it was like he was see through or something. I think I was the only one who could see or hear him, because when I asked him to save me, the guy holding me said no one would save me, and the angel said he would try. Next thing I know, I'm here. The only explanation is that he really is an angel.”
“I can definitely believe that our Harry Potter here is an angel,” Pomfrey said, “An accident prone angel, but an angel nonetheless.” Remus and Sirius agreed with her.
“What was `that thing' and how could Harry be there if he was here the whole time?” Kouga asked.
“I'm not sure what that thing was. It was ugly, bald - I guess it could have been a man, but he looked more like a snake. If this boy is an angel, that thing was definitely a demon.” Kouga pouted, but stayed silent. Taking care of Harry was more important that getting a human girl to see that demons weren't all that bad.
“Sounds like Voldemort,” Sirius said, before transforming into Padfoot and cuddling next to Harry. Kouga didn't growl at him; Harry needed all the comfort he could get.
“But that doesn't explain how Harry was there,” Remus said. James and Sirius may have always had top grades, but Remus had the top grades of the school. He was the smartest of the Marauders, but even he didn't know enough about magic to explain it. “Maybe something happened the night that Voldemort attacked them, or when Voldemort was resurrected last year - something that connected the two of them.”
“Something that gives Harry visions of what Voldemort does?” Poppy asked.
“Yes, so it would have to be something with their minds.”
“I'll go look through St. Mungo's mind healer list to see if one of them will be quiet about the fact that they'll be seeing Harry. It'll be better than me looking around in there and not quite knowing what I'm doing. I could do more damage than help. I'll send the potions right away.” With that, Poppy left the room, and headed towards the fire place to leave.
“How's your sense of smell?” Remus asked, curiously.
“Just fine thank you,” Kouga grunted, still looking over Harry worriedly.
“Did you notice anything different about…Snape's scent versus the others'?”
“He's the one in all black with the crooked nose right?” Kouga asked. When Remus nodded, he continued, “His scent smells…tainted.”
“He is supposedly our spy in Voldemort's ranks,” Remus supplied. “That taint was the smell of the Dark Mark. It enters the scent of any who have it on their arm.”
“The Dark Mark?”
“Voldemort's Mark. He places it on all his followers.” Remus then noticed the girl yawning. “C'mon, let's go find you a room. I'm sorry, I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Remus.”
“Lisa,” the girl said.
“A pleasure to meet you, although the circumstances of our meeting are grim.” Lisa giggled. “C'mon. There should be a free room another floor up.” Lisa moved to follow him, but then stopped and turned back to Harry.
“Night Angel,” she said, before kissing him on the forehead. Kouga frowned, but fought down the urge to growl; it was just a thank you kiss - it had better have been just a thank you kiss.