InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Soulmates ❯ Chaos ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last Time:
Harry smiled at Kouga, who was currently sleeping, and decided to join his soulmate in slumber. But before he had a chance, several people broke into the room.
Chapter Three
Cause and effect, chain of events
All of the chaos makes perfect sense
When you're spinnin' round, things come undone
Welcome to Earth, third rock from the sun
-Third Rock From The Sun-
-Joe Diffie-
Kouga's head snapped up as the door broke and half the Order broke into the room. Harry blinked.
“What the hell?” he asked. You'd probably say that too if Dumbledore, Remus, Moody, Tonks, Arthur, Molly, Charlie, Bill, Fred, and George Weasley, Snape, and Kingsley broke your door down just as you were about to go to sleep.
“Harry, are you okay?” Molly yelled, hugging Harry and pulling him away from Kouga. Kouga didn't like that and started to growl. Harry slipped out of Molly's grip.
“I'm fine, Mrs. Weasley. Kouga, please stop growling. What are you all doing in my room at…” Harry turned around, and checked his clock, “…two o'clock in the morning?”
“To protect you, of course!” Molly said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Harry blinked again.
“Protect me from what?” Harry asked slowly, not sure if he really wanted to know.
“Well, that for starters,” Moody said, pointing at Kouga. Then the chaos started. It only took ten minutes for Vernon Dursley to realize there was something going on in his nephew's room and investigate.
“What the hell is going on in here?” he yelled, not that anyone other than Harry, who was sitting by the door, and out of the way of the chaos, noticed.
“Well,” Harry explained, “Moody called Kouga a `that`, which caused Kouga to try and punch him. But Moody moved, so Kouga ended up punching Snape instead. Snape tried cursing Kouga but Kouga moved out of the way, and bumped into Remus while Snape's curse hit Bill. Bill fired a curse back which missed and hit Dumbledore who was already a canary thanks to one of Fred and George's candies. Meanwhile Remus tried punching Kouga, but Kouga moved again, causing him to hit Charlie instead. Charlie then tried cursing Remus, but he missed and hit Moody, who knocked into Mr. Weasley, sending him flying on top of Tonks. And then Mrs. Weasley started hitting the two of them, because they ended up kissing accidentally. And that was just the first five minutes. I lost track of everyone after that.”
Vernon turned more and more purple with every word. Harry was pretty sure that had he managed to keep up with everyone and told his uncle all of what happened, Vernon's head would have exploded.
“ENOUGH!” Vernon roared. Suddenly it was so quiet in Harry's room that you could have heard a pin drop. Harry couldn't help himself - he snorted. Which actually started everyone but Vernon to start laughing. Vernon's eye just started twitching.
“Does this always happen in your world?” Kouga asked, appearing next to Harry.
“Not always,” Harry replied.
“He was starting to hurt my ears,” Kouga said, rubbing his fist, “That hurt my fist too.” Harry looked at his unconscious uncle on the floor and then back up to Kouga, and started laughing again.