InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Spiritual Machines ❯ R.K. 2029 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Spiritual Machines
Chapter 3
R.K. 2029
A/N - I use all the little R.K. things as entries in Kagome's journal…they pop up every so often but I try to balance it between entries and songfics! This will be short…more on the way!
We left off when…
“I'll be alright…as long as you keep living for me…” he said quietly, and Kagome started to think that maybe, things could turn out all right.
Kagome sat down at her desk and picked up her pen.
I don't know what to do now… she wrote. I just tried to do such a horrible thing that we're both shaken and scared…Inuyasha never says his feelings and even I can tell he's not taking me lightly anymore. I don't know if that's good or bad…
The only reason I actually have time to write this is because Inuyasha's downstairs, making something…I don't know what, but I guess he's been here enough to know how not to burn the house down…
Earlier today, I was so sick and tired, literally, I just wanted to sleep forever…I still am sleepy, but I know that if I try and sleep I won't be able to, I'll just lie there and eventually more and more questions will haunt me…questions about myself, about Inuyasha, about us both…
I don't know what to do about him! Before, I had kind of learned to, you might say, interpret him, his normal angry self…but then those dreams started, and the whole mess after.
If he does care about me…if I dare hope that much…how could we ever be? We're from different times, different lifetimes…
I think I hear Inuyasha coming up the stairs, so I better stop writing before he wonders what it is…this I could not show him!
I wonder what we'll do…
She put down her pen, and closed the book, looking up with tired eyes as Inuyasha came into the room.
Author: Weird, so so short! I only took up a page! The song fiction was about 13 or 14 pages! Oh well, I tried to make it long…Read and Review! <(^^)>