InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Submission ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.


Original post date: 11/26/06


Just sprucing up some of my older stories, correcting this and that, and tweaking a few things. This particular one-shot hasn’t undergone any major reconstruction.


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~*~*~ Submission ~*~*~

Chocolate eyes rimmed in black liner gazed back meticulously at their own reflection. He had had this coming to him for a long time. It had taken a while for Kagome to convince herself that it was truly necessary, but once a stubborn hanyou, always a stubborn hanyou. It was high time he learned a few things about his ‘innocent’ little shard detector.

Laughing a twisted laugh as she stepped back and gazed at her full-length reflection, she fingered the crop at her hip.

“I’ll get you my pretty…” she cackled, amused at herself, and her plans. Taking the crop and snapping it against her bed frame, testing its strength, she grinned at the loud snap that echoed throughout her room. “…and your ‘little dog’…too.”


The morning was a peaceful one. Sango’s Hiraikostu had been in need of repair, so she and Miroku had departed the day before towards her old slayer village. Surprisingly, or maybe not, Shippou had decided to go with them. Kagome had already said she would be taking advantage of the time off to head back to her world, so the kitsune had probably decided that the perverted houshi and moody taijiya would make for better company than an aggravated hanyou with nobody to sit him.

Of course Inuyasha was aggravated. He always got like that whenever Kagome went back to her own world. He hadn’t put up much of a protest this time, considering they couldn’t hunt for Naraku with everyone else gone, anyway, but still…why did she have to leave?

I should just go get her… he thought for the hundredth time since the sun had risen that morning. He would never admit it to anyone, but he missed her when she was gone. He knew he wasn’t very good at showing his feelings, but surely she must realize how much he hated it whenever she left. She wasn’t just his shard detector, she was his…


Yes, she was his Kagome, but that wasn’t the reason for why he’d uttered her name aloud just then. He detected her scent.

“You came back.” he mumbled to himself with a crooked smile as he leapt down from his perch. At least for that one moment in time, when no one was around to witness it, the hanyou allowed a smile to play upon his lips.

That smile was quick to fade, however, a twisted furrow of confusion taking its place, as his eyes took in the figure that slowly approached his position near the base of the Goshinboku.

What the fuck?!?!? he thought exasperatedly as he took in her features, What the hell is she wearing?

There before him approached Kagome, only she wasn’t Kagome. She was dressed in a strapless black velvet corset top that her breasts were practically spilling out of. It rested high on her belly, exposing the smooth plain of her stomach. Sitting around four inches below her navel rested a hip hugging black leather skirt, shorter than any school skirt he’d ever seen her wear. It was so tight that it concaved in the front around her legs, and gripped her ass so firmly in the back that it may as well have been spray-painted on. It was so short that if she merely bent down to pick something up, it would completely ride up exposing her entire ass to the world. After his initial shock wore off, the first thought to come to Inuyasha’s mind was how glad he was that Miroku was not there at the moment. As she stood, though, only her thighs were exposed, as she wore black leather boots that zipped on the inside, and went all the way above her knees. They were pointy, and spiked, but though the heels looked as though walking through the soft grass would prove difficult, she didn’t falter in her step once as she continued to close the distance between them.

“Kagome, what on Earth are you wearing?” he asked hesitantly, suddenly unsure of himself, and the way she was looking at him. If she’d completely lost her mind, then the last thing he wanted to do was piss her off.

“Don’t you like it?” she asked playfully, a little too playfully.

“Kagome?” he gulped.

Now that he was so close to her, he could see everything else that was different about her appearance; it wasn’t only her clothing. She had painted her face, something she never did. He preferred her natural look, though he’d never tell her that. But the red lips weren’t as disturbing, he found, as the black eyeliner, or the vibrant blue and green eye shadows that reached into her eyebrows. Her hair seemed fuller, and he could smell a bunch of her ‘modern’ hair products, indicating she had put something in her hair, which made it wave around her in bouncy semi-curls. Giant silver hoop earrings hung from her lobes, sparkling where they caught the sunlight. In fact, her entire body seemed to shimmer in the sunlight, and after a moment, Inuyasha realized that she was actually wearing a glittery type of oil over her bare shoulders, neck, chest and arms. It made her skin shine with a golden hue that competed with the twisted gleam in her eyes.

“Kagome?” he asked again, not fully certain it was even her. It could be some shape-shifting youkai, after all. You never knew around there…



Well, that answered that question.

“What the hell was that for?” he asked, bounding back upon his feet the very second the spell wore off.

“I’m tired of this, Inuyasha…” Kagome started, jabbing her finger into his chest. “You’re never going to make up your mind, so I’m making your mind up for you.”

“What the hell are you talking about, bitch?”


“Damn it!” He was pissed now “Stop that, bitch! I ain’t even done nothing!”

“Exactly…” the miko acknowledged, and he gulped audibly at the way her expression darkened.

“Four years…Inuyasha…I’ve known you for four years…” she stated calmly as she circled him like a vulture, sitting him occasionally to keep him in place, afraid he might bolt if given the chance. “I’ve waited for four years.”

“Waited for what bitch?”



“F irst I was the klutz who broke the jewel, because my archery isn’t as good as Kikyou’s.”

She ground the name out with disdain, smiling at the small amount of relief she felt from finally releasing some if her bottled up hostilities. “Then…I’m the shard detector…” she hissed with disgust.

“You do detect the shards!” he argued, “That’s your job, stupid! You broke the fucking-”


“Mmmphhh”< br>
Whatever it was he said, it was probably best that she couldn’t hear it through the soil.

“That’s in the past, right?”

She walked closer.

“We’re closer now, aren’t we?”

She crouched down over where he lay.

“You like me, don’t you?”

“You’re psychotic.” he muttered into the soil, but she heard him, and yanked his head up by his ear.

“Itai!” he cried, grabbing her wrist. “Crazy bi-” His tirade was cut short by Kagome pressing her lips firmly against his own, and his eyes widened in realization before gradually drifting closed.

He couldn’t help it. His body reacted to the kiss…a little. Sure, her behavior was freaking him out, but he would only be lying if he said he didn’t like the feel of her lips caressing his own.

Kagome smiled to herself when she felt Inuyasha hesitantly start to return the kiss. As soon as she felt his hand reach up to gently cup her cheek, she forcefully pushed him away.

“What the fuck?” he snapped, sitting up and staring at her with unrestrained anger. “What the hell is your damage?”

“You.” she answered confidently, “You are my damage.”

He paled, not liking this side of Kagome at all.

“I’m tired of waiting, Inuyasha, so I’m going to take what I want.”

What the hell does that mean??? he thought to himself, not sure he wanted to know.

“You’re nuts if you think I’m just gonna let you-”

“Sit.” she whispered softly, the spell having the same effect no matter how gently she uttered the subduing word.

Fucking bitch…” he hissed, pealing his face to look up at her just as she was crouching down in front of him, giving him an excellent view up her skirt in the process.

His gaze skimmed over the panties shot, however, to meet her eyes, confusion, anger and fear all present within his own.

“Kagome? What-”

That time he was cut off by unconsciousness, when Kagome, smiling, gently blew a purple substance into his face.


Coming to, Inuyasha realized the instant his senses returned to him that he was in Kagome’s time, the stench of the modern world being unmistakable to his sensitive nose.

Upon opening his eyes, however, he discovered that he wasn’t very far within her world, as he was, in fact, in the well-house.

“What the hell?” he grunted more or less to himself, as he appeared to be alone at the moment.

It didn’t take him long to realize that he was pinned to the wall, his wrists shackled by irons that bore sutra, making escape quite impossible, even for him. It also didn’t take him long to realize that he was, in fact, quite naked.

A blue glow suddenly shown from within the opening of the portal that rested not five feet from his location, and within seconds, a very familiar, and suddenly very disturbing scent, assaulted his senses. Kagome. What on Earth was she up to now?

“Oh good, you’re awake.”

“Kagome, so help me, when I get free from this you’ll-”

“I’ll what?” she asked casually, “Regret it?” she teased. “Not likely.”

Approaching his position, he stiffened, and not in a good way. Kagome was still dressed the same as he remembered from his world, black velvet and leather, her eyes shimmering with dark intentions. Mere inches in front of him, she reached forward, and gently brushed her fingertips across his chest.

“Stop that.” he demanded.

“When I’m through with you, you’ll be begging me not to stop.” she answered defiantly, to which he snorted and responded with “Not likely.” duplicating her sarcasm, before promptly snapping his jaws toward her hand in an instinctive warning to not touch him.

Startled, she pulled herself back, gazing evilly into his uncertain eyes before angrily scolding “Bad dog!” and proceeding to bop him on the nose.

Bad dog? he thought incredulously, Bad dog?!?!

“Now you listen here, bitch…” he started…the words dying in his throat when he noticed her unhook a small leather thing from her hip. What did she plan to do with that?

“Ow!” he complained as she struck him across the chest with her crop, angry red marks rising to the surface in the leather’s wake, a few scattered beads of crimson quick to follow.

“No, you listen, dog-boy, and you listen good…” she started, and for once, he found himself utterly speechless, so he…listened.

“I’m the one who had the jewel born into her body, I’m the one who can see the shards, and leads us to them. Yes I know I broke the damn thing, but that makes putting it back together my responsibility, mine! I’m the leader. It’s my mission, my destiny, I’m the alpha, me!”

He opened his mouth to say something, but promptly shut it again, much like a fish out of water, as he stared at her, utterly speechless and in total disbelief.

“It’s high time you learned that too, puppy.” she quipped, to which he growled. Kagome merely chuckled and continued unhindered… “You may be older than me, stronger than me, faster than me, and have higher senses than me, but don’t forget, I can bring you down with one word.”

His ears lowered to his skull, disappearing within the wild waves of silver mane that hung haphazardly around his upper body. She was right. Until the rosary was removed, she could bring him down with a single word, and since it was not within his power to remove the rosary…

“Why so sad?” she laughed, adding “It’s not my intention to break your spirit, well…not entirely.” Placing her finger upon her chin, as though she were giving the matter some serious thought, she added “You’re most certainly our beta, hell, maybe even alpha-male, so long as you recognize that your alpha-female is above you.”

“Fuck you.” he hissed, not about to give in.


“Ow! That hurts, damn it!” he cursed, as a new red mark slowly produced a few minuscule drops of blood across his chest, the first mark from the whip already healing due to his hanyou physiology.

“Ka…gome?” he asked nervously, gulping, as she proceeded to lean forward and lick the drops free from his skin.  

“I don’t want to hurt you…” she cooed lovingly into his chest as she trailed kisses up and down, left and right, before slowly drawing a nipple into her mouth, earning a surprised hiss from the man said nipple belonged to. “I would much rather bring you pleasure.”

“And I would much rather you left me the fuck alone.” he replied, although his voice didn’t hold as much ire as it had moments prior, finding himself somewhat distracted by her talented tongue at the moment.

“Are you sure that’s what you’d rather?” the miko asked knowingly, as she slowly trailed kisses further down his chest, abs and belly, stopping just as she reached a small patch of white hair, before pulling away.

Defiantly, he challenged “You can’t be serious, to think you can get away with this. Any minute your family will hear us and come barging in.”

Smiling in amusement, her expression clearly gave away the fact that his threats were ungrounded.

“I’ve warded the building.” she answered matter-of-factly, “No sound can escape, and even if they did try to open the door, it’s sealed quite shut.” she stated.

A newfound wave of panic slowly washed through him, as he realized he wouldn’t be rescued any time soon.

“What do you want, Inuyasha?” she asked seductively.

Snorting again, he answered angrily “For you to fucking release me.”

“All in due time…” she answered cryptically, adding “Once you’ve learned your place, and call me Mistress.”

Laughing outright, the hanyou barked out “In your dreams, bitch. I will never submit to you.”

Holding up her crop, she made to whip him right across his privates, but stilled her movements before striking…not about to injure what she would need very much intact for her intended purposes…but relishing in the genuine fear that had washed through him in that moment, as he’d visibly flinched.

“On some level, you already have.” she pointed out, “If you fear me.”

“Feh.” he grumbled, “I don’t fear you, bitch.”


“Fuck!” he cursed, as she whipped his upper thigh.

“Now be a good boy, and I’ll reward you with pleasure instead of pain.”

He did something in that moment that neither Kagome, nor he himself to be honest, had ever in a million years imagined that he would ever do…he spat in her face.

She wiped her face slowly then raised her whip, and his eyes widened. Then…she lowered her arm, and smiled. He shuddered. It was the kind of smile he’d seen Naraku wear.

“I could ‘S’ you, you know…” she pointed out, then gesturing to his shackled wrists that were pinned at either side of his head, she asked “Which do you think would break first? The irons, the rosary, or your arms?”

“You wouldn’t…” His voice lacked confidence, however, indicating that he honestly didn’t know if she truly would or not.

“You’re right…” she answered then, relaxing her posture to indicate her vacating hostility, and he visibly relaxed as well upon seeing that. “I could never hurt you like that…it’d spoil all our fun.” she elaborated, and his feeling of nervousness rose once again.

“What do you want?” he asked, sounding very much like a prisoner willing to negotiate with the authorities to lessen his sentence, which, in a way, was precisely what he was.

“Now there’s a good boy…” Kagome cooed, petting him gently upon the head between his ears, to which he bit his tongue and let her proceed, “All I want is you, puppy.”

“What does that-” Soft lips pressed against his own caused him to lose all train of thought, as heat shot through his body upon feeling her tongue seeking entry within his mouth.

He hesitated at first, but eventually, reluctantly, gave into the kiss, opening his mouth to grant her entry. Electricity shot through him upon feeling her tongue come into contact with his own, the sparks quickly igniting a blaze within his youkai blood. It wasn’t long at all before he found his tongue engaged in its own battle for dominance, as he pressed himself within Kagome’s mouth, exploring her fully. She pressed her body flush against his own, wrapping her arms around his head and back, drawing him closer, and he found that in that moment, he wished his arms were free merely so that he could embrace her in return.

“Crazy bitch…” he panted breathlessly once she pulled away, and smiling, she ignored the barb, taking a few minutes to catch her breath herself before she said

“I always get what I want, Inuyasha, and right now, I want you.”

“Well I’m not going anywhere.” he answered angrily, though a little dejectedly. He couldn’t believe this was happening, that he was truly at her mercy like this…but it was, and he was.

Slowly, the miko leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss upon his lips once again, only that time the kiss was chaste. Her lips then traveled lower, circling his jaw line, before traveling lower still, as she proceeded to place kisses upon his throat, shoulders, chest, abs… All the way down, she trailed her lips lower and lower, until Inuyasha felt a twinge of anticipation wash through him. Anticipation that quickly vacated when she skipped over her most desired location to instead plant kisses upon the thigh she’d recently abused, trailing her tongue to clean him of the few spots of blood he’d produced.  

His wounds weren’t bleeding very badly, though, and the reason why was fairly obvious, as Kagome noted that most of his blood had traveled to one very specific location.

Inuyasha was aware of his arousal, how could he not? It only added to his humiliation, the fact that he couldn’t even control his own body. How had he gotten himself into this mess? He was completely at Kagome’s mercy.

Kagome took her time dragging her tongue along his thigh and hip, and when she finally seemed satisfied, she moved across to his other leg, despite the fact that it bore no injuries. His heart pounded faster in his chest when he felt her breath mere inches from his most intimate location, when she paused in her ministrations to gaze upon his erection hungrily.

“I see you’re as excited as I am.” she purred after a moment, before rising to her feet once more. “It would appear I am over dressed.” she stated next.

Inuyasha gaped openly as Kagome turned her back to him, before leaning forward to unzip her thigh-high boots. The image of her ass in those black lace panties, mere inches from his aching manhood, caused a surge of domination to wash through him. Stupid bitch thought she could tease him? He wanted nothing more in that instant than to be able to break free and slam himself into her unmercifully.

Once Kagome’s legs were naked, she moved to unzip her skirt. For as tight as the thing had appeared, upon release of the fasteners, it somehow magically fell to her ankles, allowing her to gracefully step free from the leather, remaining clad in corset and panties for the time being.

“Now,” she started finally, after several excruciating moments of silence as she’d strip teased, “When I address you, the proper response is ‘Yes Mistress.’ Understood?”

“Fuck off.”


“Itai!” he cried. That one hurt!

She gazed uncaringly at the thin line of blood that slowly appeared across his belly, knowing that no scars would remain from this encounter.

“Yes Mistress.” she repeated, raising her crop once more.

“Yes Mistress.” he spat out, disdain dripping from his voice as blood dripped from his flesh.

It was a start, however, and Kagome understood that. Rather than punish him for his sarcasm, then, she decided to show what truly pleasurable rewards awaited him once he submitted fully.

Lowering herself to her knees once more, she pulled his body close, as she trailed her tongue along the welt across his navel, relishing in the involuntary shivers she felt rushing through his body as he shuddered under her touch. She leaned heavily against his erection, pressing her chest against him as her tongue danced happily and lazily, drifting lower ever so slowly, until she once again found his nest of silvery curls. This time, she did not pull away, but rather, lowering herself more so that she sat upon her legs, she pulled his apart, grinning at the lack of resistance his body offered as she trailed her tongue along the side of his pelvis, bypassing his penis to instead tilt her head and lick his inner thigh.

He hissed in surprise and pleasure, jerking under her tickling caress, and when he once again uttered “Stop that.” Kagome smiled at the sudden lack of hostility in his voice.

She licked him again, and grinned against his flesh when she felt his legs tremble, his knees threatening to buckle. Apparently, she had discovered quite a sensitive location. Inching her tongue higher, she licked directly beside his sac, her cheek coming into brief contact with the furry orbs as she tortured him.

Hissing and shuddering once more, he again pleaded “Stop.” in an almost desperate tone of voice.

Hesitating briefly, she did not look up from her position, as she asked “Stop…what?”

It was clear she was not asking what it was he wished for her to top, but rather, that there was something she intended for him to add to his request.

“Stop…please?” he tried desperately, hating himself, but hating her tickling more. He couldn’t stand it. The shivers running through him were far too intense. His erection was throbbing painfully by that point, in desperate need of release, and what she was doing to him almost hurt more than that damnable whip.

“Uh-uh-uh…” she teased, nipping at the sensitive flesh before her with her teeth, and he nearly cried.

“Please…Mistress.” he panted finally, relief washing through him when she immediately pulled away.

“Now, was that so bad?” she asked, her voice that of a mother who had just given her child cold medicine.

He glared at her evilly then, the fire behind his eyes promising a slow, painful death.

Unafraid, Kagome giggled.

Reaching for her whip once more, his eyes widened, not in fear, but in confusion, when he saw her stand and fling it away from them, clearing indicating that she was done using that particular torture device. Then he gulped, when he realized the reason why was because she had an all new torture device, one that worked far better - Pleasure. Oh sure, he could take pain, and she knew he could take pain. He would die by an enemy’s hand before begging for mercy, no matter how horribly he were injured. Physical pleasure, on the other hand, has been women’s control over men for centuries.

The expression pussy whipped suddenly came to mind, and she grinned. Yes, she would have Inuyasha eating out of her hand, or at the very least, eating out of…

“What the hell are you staring at, wench?”

His abrasive voice pulled her back into reality, and she sighed. She had a lot of work to do.

“Now now, Inuyasha, I’ll have none of that.” she scolded, still in an almost motherly tone.

“Feh.” he grumbled, “Whatever.” He may be beaten, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.

Reaching forward and closing her fingers around his erection, she tried desperately to repress her giggles at the look on his face.

“What was that?” she asked sternly, as she slowly stroked him.

“Uh…whatever…you want…Mistress…” he panted, as she spat in her hand for lubrication before going back to her work, his hips involuntarily rocking forward and back in time with her movements.

“Now there’s a good boy.” she cooed, reaching up with her free hand to gently rub the ear she’d abused earlier in his time.

The sensations washing through him seemed to double when her talented fingers came into contact with the sensitive appendage. She smiled genuinely at the looks of pure pleasure splashing across his features, as he pinched his eyes closed, panting heavily. Suddenly, her grin turned devilish, as she stopped her movements without warning, stepping back a few paces.

Groggily, taking a few moments to realize what had just happened, Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes.

“Wha…” he tried, but he couldn’t find any words at the moment. There wasn’t enough oxygen in his brain.

“Do you want me to continue?” she asked him then, grinning at the horrified look of inner conflict that settled itself upon his face.

Goddamn fucking crazy bitch…his mind cursed. Mentally, he knew he wanted nothing to do with her, but the throbbing between his legs would seem to disagree.

“Y-yes…” he finally managed to rasp out, his bodily needs having won over his mental anguish.

“Yes what?”

“Yes Mistress.” he answered almost desperately.

Physical relief washed through him the instant he felt her nimble fingers once again wrap themselves around his hardness, as she stroked him gently, caringly, before quickly picking up her tempo, to the point that he was once again bucking against her hand.

The entire time her hand was moving over him, he was mentally engaged in battle, arguing with himself over his own reactions to her. He knew it was wrong, he knew he shouldn’t willingly submit to such things, but damn…

It feels so fucking good… he cursed, resigned to his fate.

He was just about to forgive himself, convinced he had made the right decision, as he felt the pressures of his coming release slowly start to spread throughout his testicles, when suddenly…the bitch pulled away again.

What did I do wrong? was his first frantic thought, followed promptly by a mental kick in the ass, angry with himself for his first thought. Like that bitch had any right to torture him in such a manner, no matter what he’d done.

Just wait until I get out of here…

Opening his eyes, which he hadn’t even realized he’d closed again, Inuyasha took quick note of the fact that Kagome appeared to be unlacing that brace thing she had been wearing across her chest. His eyes widened when he saw her remove said article of clothing to stand before him in nothing but a pair of sheer black lace-trimmed bikini cut panties. The ache in his loins seemed to double in that instant, as he envisioned thrusting her backward upon the hard ground, pounding his stiffness deep inside her hot cavern. When she pulled her panties down and off, stepping free from the moist fabric, her scent bombarded his senses, and he could not help the soft whimper that escaped him. What had he been thinking again?

“Like what you see?” she asked teasingly.

“Yes Mistress.” he answered on autopilot, mesmerized.

Stepping closer, she chuckled at the way his eyes remained fixated on her chest. He was quite literally licking his lips, as though imagining trailing his tongue across her fleshy mounds. Closing the gap between them, she pressed herself fully against his nude form, relishing in the groans she clearly heard escape him at the contact. Slowly trailing her tongue down along his chest and abs once more, this time, she did not veer off in the final moments as she once again lowered herself to her knees, suddenly grabbing his erection and taking him fully into her mouth.

His entire body stiffened, a surprised gasp of pleasure escaping his throat as a soft rumbling growl of contentment began vibrating in his chest. Gripping the base of his shaft with her right hand, she pumped him vigorously, while taking as much of his length into her mouth as possible. He was already close, having been brought to the brink by her earlier treatments, only to be left dangling on the very edge of completion. Now, as her ministrations began to thrust him ever closer to the depths of the precipice, she knew he was, quite literally, putty in her hands.

“Who’s the alpha?” she asked between strokes of her tongue.

“Y-you are…” he breathed, his entire body shuddering, melting under her touch.

Kagome reached up with her left hand, slowly massaging his testicles as she continued to bob her head back and forth, the tip of his shaft coming into contact with the back of her throat. How he longed to be free from his chains, to slam into her teasing mouth with as much force as his demonic body could muster. Unconsciously, his hips bucked against her oral ministrations, and he felt a small wave of panic wash over him at the displeased sound of her choking, followed quickly by the cool sting of air as she pulled away from him.

“I’m sorry.” Inuyasha apologized immediately, before she even had a chance to rise to her feet and step away from him. “D-don’t stop…” he begged, even as he kicked himself for his weakness, her earlier prediction coming true.

Remaining where she sat before him, the miko cocked an eyebrow, and then said “Don’t do that again.”

“Yes Mistress.”

Sticking her tongue out and teasingly dragging it across the underside of his length, she asked next “Do you wish me to continue?”

“Yes Mistress.” His voice was desperate.

“Do you wish me to unchain you?” she asked next, surprising him with the question, although he eagerly answered “Yes Mistress.”

“How do I know I can trust you?” she asked, “You could just be telling me what I want to hear. How do I know you’ll still behave once I release you?”

Inuyasha racked his brain for anything he could say or do that would dispel her uncertainty. When this had all started, he’d wanted nothing more than to be free from his chains, but right now, he wanted nothing more than to feel an entirely different type of release.

“I could never escape you, even if I wanted to…” he finally confessed, his voice humbled and strained, a part of him humiliated over what he was admitting, while another part of him frantically vowed to confess anything and everything, so long as it would get her back to what she had been doing.

“J-just o-one word, remember?” he panted, as she slowly began to stroke him with her hand, longing for her to rejoin her talented fingers with her even more talented tongue.

“Ah yes, I could ‘S’ you any time I pleased, couldn’t I?” she stated as if she had honestly forgotten that fact, a strangled whimper of pained frustration escaping his throat as she released her grip of him once more, standing up.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! he cursed to himself, only to have his eyes widen in realization moments later when he felt his wrists go slack.

I’m free… he thought, briefly wondering if he shouldn’t make a run for it, attempting to calculate how quickly he could get to the well and the forest beyond, before the reality of the situation crashed itself back upon him. He wasn’t free… Not so long as those damn beads rested around his neck. He himself had said as much, and he knew it to be true. She may have released his shackles, but he was still very much her prisoner.

So it was with a satisfied grin that Kagome noted her puppy remained exactly where he stood, and in that moment, she lowered herself to her knees once more.

“Good puppies get rewards…” she cooed, before promptly engulfing his throbbing cock one last time. This time, she would grant him the other type of release he so desired.

Moaning in pleasure, Inuyasha leaned himself backward slightly against the well-house wall, no longer having the cuffs around his wrists that had kept him from collapsing under the affect her ministrations had on his knees. His wobbly legs threatened to buckle as she pumped him rigorously, deep-throating him with every stroke. The scent of her own arousal permeated the air around him, yet he did not move. His inner youkai tried to tell him to shove her back, to push her upon her backside and plow his stiffness within her, but he rejected the notion. She was his alpha-female, whether or not the idea pleased him. She had thoroughly proven her ability to dominate him, and while half of his being insisted that he do whatever was necessary to reclaim his own position, the other half simply knew when to accept that it had been beaten. At least he was still alpha-male, and higher in the pack than everyone else…that was something, right?

“Be honest…” the miko mumbled between strokes, her words slightly muffled but still understandable. “Part of you just thought about throwing me down and taking me, didn’t you?”

Dragging her tongue along the underside of his shaft, she slowly took his sac into her mouth, rolling her tongue delicately around the balls within, her hand still thoroughly pumping his length.

“Ahhh….y-yes….” he managed to pant out.

“But yet you didn’t…” she cooed, her voice reflecting her pride in his ability to resist the urge to reclaim his own dominance.

“N-no…” he answered, trying desperately not to thrust his hips and choke her a second time, as she once again devoured his stiffness, scraping her teeth teasingly along the sensitive skin as she rolled the tip of her tongue under the lip of his foreskin.

Hissing, he managed to rasp out “P-please…” and the tone of submission in his voice caused a second swell of pride to grow within Kagome, as she deemed her puppy was deserving of as much pleasure as she could grant him.

Ceasing her casual ministrations upon his sac with her left hand, she lowered it to her core, inserting her index finger within her womanly cavern, teasing her own arousal, but more importantly, thoroughly lubricating the digit. Inuyasha hardly noticed, fully concentrating on the more vivid sensations washing through him as her right hand continued to pump the base of his shaft while her lips swallowed the mass of his length.

Suddenly, though, he felt an unexpected probing, and while a part of him thought to protest, he didn’t have the strength to move at the moment, instead remaining where he stood, while he permitted his Mistress to continue with whatever it was she had planned for him.

She teased his rim a moment longer, and then she plundered him, earning a surprised yelp between his gasps of pleasure, as her moist finger effortlessly sheathed itself to the hilt within his male opening. Stiffening at the intrusion, he thought once more to offer protest, but before the words could escape him, wave after wave of intense pleasure washed through him as she delicately began massaging his prostate.

A rainbow of lights and colors erupted behind his vision, as the most powerful release he could ever recall experiencing crashed down throughout his entire body, sending shivers to his very core, from his toes to his ears. He yelped loudly as his climax took him by surprise, the sound not unlike a dog being beaten with a large stick, though Kagome knew the sound was meant to be one of pleasure. Immense pleasure. Pleasure that boarded on pain in its intensity. There was no question for Kagome regarding the strength of his rapture, the physical evidence continuing to spew forth even as she was forced to pull herself away lest she drown.

Finally able to stand no longer, Inuyasha surrendered to his uneasy knees, abruptly collapsing upon the old, wooden floor. Kagome attempted to catch him, but merely succeeded in softening the blow of his impact as he landed on top of her. Opening hazy eyes, he spied what had become of his Mistress, the evidence of his release glistening down her chin, neck, and chest. For some strange reason, the first thought to pop into his head was concern over whether or not Kagome would be angry with him for having dirtied her with his tainted essence.

Gazing up at her puppy, who was currently lying on top of her, the miko suppressed her desire to smile outright, as she commanded “Clean me.”

“Yes Mistress.” he answered automatically, as he proceeded to heed her command, licking the evidence of his passion from her skin.

He was too focused in his work for Kagome’s liking, however, so as he reached her breast, she said next “You may enjoy yourself while you do so.”

“Yes Mistress.” he answered again, that time with relief evident in his tone, as he’d been desperately attempting to control his desires lest she punish him for acting out of turn.

Drawing her entire breast into his mouth, then, Kagome hissed in pleasure as his own talented tongue swirled itself teasingly around her nipple. Gently biting and nipping along the way, he eventually lowered himself down across her belly, where a few rouge drops of his seed had managed to fall. Then, a most delightful scent assaulted his nose, and he recalled quite suddenly that Kagome had not specifically commanded that he clean merely his own mess, so decidedly, he chose in that moment to clean her of her mess, as well.

Kagome moaned in delighted surprise as her puppy took it upon himself to obey her next command before the words had even left her lips, as she felt his tentative exploration of the realm that rested below her nest of raven curls. His tongue slowly slipped passed his lips, then past the nether lips of her womanhood, and she shuddered under the contact of his talented appendage with her most sensitive bundle of nerves. He teased her clit expertly, offering mild payback for her earlier torture, as he brought her to the brink of release merely to pull away at the very last moment. But Kagome, as angered as that had made her, would not resort to threats, exercising instead her true power as his alpha by quietly muttering the subjugation command.

Instantly, he was thrust quite forcefully back into his current duty, and chuckling silently to himself, Inuyasha relented that he could not pull away from her again even if he had wanted to, her taste simply being too great. Within moments, Kagome was screaming his name at the top of her lungs, and briefly, Inuyasha wondered how powerful her sound dampening wards truly were, for he was sure they had heard her all the way back in the Feudal era.

He crawled up the length of her body then, suspending his manhood inches above her opening, as he gazed questioningly into her commanding pools of chocolate, a very “Mother-may-I?” plea present in his eyes.

Silently, she nodded her approval, and instantly, he thrust himself forward, fully engulfing himself within her heat. Kagome cried out in sheer pleasure as he began pumping her relentlessly, pounding himself within her as quickly as he dared, lest he injure her fragile human body, despite her cries that he go even faster than he already was.  

“Faster I say!” she ordered breathlessly.

“But, Kagome-”

His warning stilled in his throat as he hissed in pain as she raked her nails down his back so forcefully that ten bleeding trails appeared along his flesh in their wake. Silently, he obeyed then, going faster.

Gripping her firmly, he rolled them both over, until he held her effortlessly above him with his superior youkai strength, lowering her swiftly upon his shaft while simultaneously thrusting his hips upward to meet her every descent. Straightening her posture as she sat above him in the dominant position, which he’d surprised her by initializing of his own accord, Kagome mentally held on for the ride as the new angle enabled his manhood to crash against her G-spot with every thrust. Inuyasha’s logic behind the move had been his concern over Kagome’s physical safety, were her back to become injured from being thrust into the hard ground too forcefully. At least this way she wouldn’t get any splinters.

It wasn’t long at all before Kagome was screaming in orgasm yet again, the sensation of her inner muscles contracting around his shaft milking Inuyasha of his second release moments later, as his howls of pleasure joined her cries.

Thoroughly drained, both mentally and physically, there wasn’t much Inuyasha could do aside from pulling Kagome down to snuggle against his chest, wrapping his arms around her back in hopes of keeping her as warm as he could, as the tranquility of unconsciousness slowly encroached upon him.


Coming to a few hours later, Inuyasha was quick to realize that both he and Kagome were still quite naked, spooned together upon the ground, as she unconsciously snuggled against the warmth of his arms wrapped securely around her from behind. Smiling lovingly at his mate, the hanyou gently pulled her hair back, tenderly kissing the mark that rested upon her right shoulder, before he stealthfully shimmied himself away from her long enough to retrieve his clothing from where he knew it rested on the far side of the well. Draping his fire-rat suikan over her like a blanket, Inuyasha dressed in his remaining clothes quietly, letting her sleep a few minutes longer as he gathered her clothes, boots, and crop.

Sniffing the ends of the leather, detecting trace hints of his own blood, he smiled a bizarre, twisted smile, and this was the scene that greeted Kagome as she groggily awoke to glance up at him.

“Morning…” he purred huskily, smiling down at her.

“Evening, actually.” she greeted in response, wrapping herself in the warmth of his fire-rat robe.

“You were pretty good with this thing.” Inuyasha complemented, tossing the small whip down to her.

She caught it effortlessly, greeting its appearance with mild disdain. “I didn’t want to hurt you.” she confessed.

“Feh…” he brushed off, but then upon catching her concerned expression, he knelt beside her and tenderly assured “You did good, I was impressed…Mistress…” He whispered that last part as he teased her earlobe with his tongue.

Giggling, Kagome attempted to shove him away, only to have him grab both of her wrists with one hand, pinning them to his chest, as he lovingly nipped at her neck.

“When I confessed that I’d enjoy it if you dominated me, I wasn’t expecting you to go all psycho.” he stated playfully.

“Well…” Kagome started once she finally caught her breath after his tickling ceased, “You said I could use whatever angle I wanted, remember?”

“So you decided to role play that you were still just my shard detector?” he teased, adding “You scared the crap out of me, you know.” Laughing, he finished with “Before I realized what the hell was going on.”

“You said you wanted to be surprised.” she pointed out.

“That I did.” he nodded, “That I did.”

~ Fin ~

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