InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Surprise ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
took a moment to register what Kagome had said to him.

“What?,” he asked

“Baka! The babies are coming!!,” she yelled at him

Ignoring the hurt in his ear he did the first thing that came to his mind, picked her up and flung her over his shoulder like a rag doll.

“Sesshomaru!,” she whined pounding lightly on his back “Don’t hold me like that its gona harm the babies!,”

“Sorry,” he muttered then took her bridal style and flew in a white blur to his castle.

Upon arriving at his castle servants were at his beck and call.

“Get the birth room ready and get the physicans in there at once!,” he snapped talking her to the birth room.

Servants bustled in bringing towels, clothing, bowls of water and clothing for the new borns. While they did that a physican was holding onto Kagomes hand from the bed and soothing her.

“My lord you must leave now,” Sesshomaru was told then bustled out of the room

He was waiting outside along with the other male servants, Rin and Jaken awaiting the birth.

The physican turned to Kagome.

“Now my lady please take big calming breathes,” she instructed

Kagome took big breathes and now it continued.

While she was in the birth room Sesshomaru was pacing like mad outside the door.

What if the babies aren’t healthy? What if they die? What if KAGOME dies? these questions and more plagued in his mind.

“Lord Sesshomaru it’ll be ok,” Rin told him

He looked at her with soft eyes.

“Yeah! And now we get to be big brothers and sisters to the new babies!,” Shippou stated

Rin looked puzzled for a moment

“Lord Sesshomaru,” she asked “How are babies born?”

Everyone sweat dropped.

“Ahem,” Jaken said “Rin the-”

“I SEE THE HEAD!,” they heard one of the servants squeal

Sesshomaru was about to burst into the room to see the arrival of one of his new sons, but the guards held him back.

“MY LORD!,” one said clinging onto his leg

“We cannot go in!,” another said grabbing his arms

He let out a frustrated sigh.
---With Kags-

“Oh my god!,” Kagome breathed sweating from all the pain

“My lady the first has come now the second is beginning to show!,” said an excited physican

“Wheres the first one?,” she asked

“He is benig washed,” the servant explained “They both will be washed then brought to my lady pelase be paitent,”

Kagome continued to take big breaths

“And its done!,” the physican exclaimed after what seemed like eternity

Kagome lay down exhausted.

“The boys,” she whispered “I want to see them please.”

The servant brought the two boys and they were the cutest things to be born!

One had Kagome’s shocking blue eyes. Those eys were wide in amazment looking around the room. Instead of a blue moon on his forehead he had a black one, like the ones on Kagomes shoulders and he had black jagged striped on his cheeks. He had silver hair like both parents. He grinned recognizing Kagome as his mother. Kagome finally noticed he had a long fluffy tail like his fathers when he wrapped it around her wrist then snuggled into her.

HES SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! he thought kissing his forehead

The other boy, like his father had shokcing sunset eyes. He had the blue moon and magenta stripes on his ceeks. He had silver hair like his brother. His eyes roamed around a bit uneasily and he wrapped his fluffy tail around himself. Then he found Kagomes scent among all the others and recognized it as his mother. He gave a small smile, showing his tiny fangs and wrapped his tail around her other wrist snuggling into her.

“They’re beautiful babies,” commented a servant as Kagome kissed her sons forehead

“What shall you name them?,” another asked

“Well I think the father should have some say int his don’t you think?” she asked them

In all the excitement they had forgotten the other waiting outside. With wide eyes they rushed to the door.

Standing there was none other hten their lord eagerly awaiting to see his two sons.

“Well?,” he asked

“You may see them my-,” one asid but was interrupted as he pushed past into the room

Sesshomarus eyes darted around then laid on his mate. Walking over he saw his two sons in her arms.

He could barely hold the joy and pride swelling his chest. Kneeling on the bed he looked at them with as much love as a father could give.

Kagome looked up and smiedl radiantly.

“Aren’t they just wonderful?,” she whispered careful not to wake the babies

He didn’t reply just gently reached over and took the two children out of her arms. He held both of them, his tail wrapped around them, and smiled.

They little babies eyes flew open. They grinned showing there tiny fangs at there father.

They looked at eacother then to him. They took there little arms and grabbed little handfuls of hair then commenced to put them in there mouths.

Kagome giggled at the adorable sight and Sesshomaru seem dazed.

My sons he thought My boys.

The little boys laughed at their fathers amused expression.

“Now,” Kagome said “What shall we name them?”

“I want to name the gold eyed one Daiki,” Sesshomaru stated

Kagome nodded in approval, “Then I want to name the other one Kisoshi after my father.”

He nodded in agreement. His chest was filled with love and pride for his two sons.

The boys approved of the names and decided some good mischief was needed.

Hey bro Daiki said telepathically Wana have some fun?

What kind?
asked Kioshi

This kind was his reply.

Suddenly Daiki jumped out of his fathers hold and landed on his moms stomach. He grinned widely and used his little clawed hands to tickle her.

Kagome was giggling then laughing as Kisohi joined in.

“Ahhhh!,” she said “You little trouble makers!,”

Grabbing Kisoshi and Sesshomaru grabbing Daiki they began tickling them.

Squeals of laughter were heard. Soon the boys became tired and feel asleep snuggling next to Kagome.

Kagome sighed happily and stroked each of her sons heads lovingly.

“This is perfect,” she murmered.

“It is now rest,” Sesshomaru told her kissing each of his sons foreheads then his mates before leaving the room.

Are you watching father? Do you see your grandsons? he asked to the heavens

Wait till little brother heres about his….he thought