InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Surrounded Yet Alone ❯ The Return ( Chapter 7 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns Inu Yasha and the characters that appear in my story. A story in which the sole purpose I wrote it was for shear entertainment for Inu Yasha fans.
The Return
Miroku woke up early in the morning he did not sleep well last night all he did was have nightmares of Sango and what kind of trouble she was in. "Lady Kagome, wake up..." he waited for Kagome's eyes to flutter open. "...Lady Sango is not here."
At that Kagome slowly sat up and looked Miroku in the eye. "Miroku..." she began, "Sango was upset and hurt, emotionally, she needs her time to heal. I am just as worried as you are, but I know that she needs her space. I'm telling you and I need you to trust me that she WILL come back when she is ready to. Okay?"
Miroku looked into Kagome's eyes searching for reassurance that Sango was safe, but all he found was big brown eyes, nothing more than just eyes. Not wanting to agree, but knowing further discussion would be futile and would only begin an argument he complied with an, "Okay, I understand."
A little while later seeing it was still to early before cause Inu Yasha and Shippo were still asleep, but now Kagome started to rummage through her pack to make a quick breakfast for them when she stopped before she was able to find what she was looking for and suddenly stood upright. "Lady Kagome, is every thing alright?" Miroku inquired
"Inu Yasha wake up..."Kagome said abruptly, almost cutting Miroku off.
"Feh, what is it?" Inu Yasha was a bit cantankerous as always especially so when it was early in the morning and he was just waking up.
"I sense a jewel shard nearby." Her comment was said in the most eloquent way that gave it an effect that it was a shear fact and common knowledge.
Inu Yasha jumped down from his tree branch, grabbed Kagome and her giant yellow pack, Miroku grabbed Shippo and they were off. They all rushed it had been a while since they had come across any jewel shards and they didn't want to let this one slip away.
"That way," Kagome said, pointing a hand in the correct direction from her position upon Inu Yasha's back.
They arrived in no time what so ever. But at the site before them they all stared in shock. Kagome's jaw dropped, Inu Yasha smelled the salty tears sensed the emotions. Miroku was so thunderstruck that he nearly dropped his staff. Shippo went to hide behind a bush far away from the demon.
There before them was the demon. Kagome noted the location of a shard in his right hand. A right hand in which was raised and in a position to strike its pray. A pray that was kneeling in front of the ferocious demon not scared, not worried just there waiting and most likely hopping to die.
Inu Yasha was first to come out of his stupor. In an attempt to draw attention away from the demon he attempted to attack the demon. Kagome yelled to Inu Yasha "The jewel shards in his right hand Inu Yasha." Taking in the information Inu Yasha knew to avoid all attacks from the right hand of the demon because with the power of the tainted jewel shard the demon could easily kill him.
Inu Yasha not wanting further confrontation with this demon seeing as when the demon used the power of the jewel its giant claws left four deep gashes in the earth right where Inu Yasha and the demon's pray was. A quick glance over his shoulder showed him that she was okay. Miroku had come to her rescue and was now helping her out of harms way. Inu Yasha landed gracefully unsheathing Tetsusaiga, he watched it transform to the giant sword that he knew it truly was. Now knowing the true power of Tetsusaiga and with the knowledge of how to use the powerful attack that could eliminate a thousand demons with one swipe of the mighty sword. He used it, and with one final swoop of the sword the demon was gone leaving nothing but a tainted shard behind.
Inu Yasha picked up the shard and placed it in Kagome's hand where it instantly purified. Kagome put the shard away in a safe place with the other pieces. She looked over towards Miroku and the girl. Kagome only saw the girls back. She was sitting on the floor her legs bent and slightly off to the side. Miroku was squatting in front of her holding her arms tightly looking fervently at her face particularly her eyes. Her face was down cast and her expressions were distant.
"Did the demon hurt you?" Miroku asked. She just shook her head no. "What were you doing then? Why weren't you fighting back, Sango?" his grip on her tighten when he received no answer. He loosened his grip on her when her gaze fell over to where he was holding her and he then realized just how tightly he was holing on. With the now loosened grip she answered with a negligible shrug of her shoulders.
Miroku stood up and put his hand out to Sango to help her up. She saw the gesture out of the corner of her eye and refused to give him the pleasure. She stood up on her own and started to walk away from Miroku and the rest of the group. "Oh no you don't!" Miroku said as he took two strides towards her and grabbed her wrist pulling her back. She was turned around and she lost her balance, Miroku caught her in his arm. She was so close to him. She looked up into his eyes, holding her tight he bent down and kissed her on the lips. She instantly tried to struggle out of his arms but he held her tighter and pressed his lips tighter onto hers.
Kagome cleared her throat reminding Miroku that there were others around him but at the moment he didn't much care. But because of all of Sango's reluctance to kiss him he released her. She stumbled a little in a hurried rush to back away from him. He felt a pain stab at his heart knowing that she didn't want to be near him.
"Come on lets get going everyone." Kagome said. Sango thought of going off on her own again but remembering how Miroku wouldn't let her go before when she was just walking way she preferred not to go through that again. She slowly followed behind.
Shippo came out of the bush behind her and jumped into her arms. Sango caught him. 'He's so warm and soft' Sango thought. "Sango I missed you, where were you?" the little cup inquired. She just pulled him closer and kissed him on the cheek and thought 'Well at least one person missed me and is glad that I'm back'
The Return
Miroku woke up early in the morning he did not sleep well last night all he did was have nightmares of Sango and what kind of trouble she was in. "Lady Kagome, wake up..." he waited for Kagome's eyes to flutter open. "...Lady Sango is not here."
At that Kagome slowly sat up and looked Miroku in the eye. "Miroku..." she began, "Sango was upset and hurt, emotionally, she needs her time to heal. I am just as worried as you are, but I know that she needs her space. I'm telling you and I need you to trust me that she WILL come back when she is ready to. Okay?"
Miroku looked into Kagome's eyes searching for reassurance that Sango was safe, but all he found was big brown eyes, nothing more than just eyes. Not wanting to agree, but knowing further discussion would be futile and would only begin an argument he complied with an, "Okay, I understand."
A little while later seeing it was still to early before cause Inu Yasha and Shippo were still asleep, but now Kagome started to rummage through her pack to make a quick breakfast for them when she stopped before she was able to find what she was looking for and suddenly stood upright. "Lady Kagome, is every thing alright?" Miroku inquired
"Inu Yasha wake up..."Kagome said abruptly, almost cutting Miroku off.
"Feh, what is it?" Inu Yasha was a bit cantankerous as always especially so when it was early in the morning and he was just waking up.
"I sense a jewel shard nearby." Her comment was said in the most eloquent way that gave it an effect that it was a shear fact and common knowledge.
Inu Yasha jumped down from his tree branch, grabbed Kagome and her giant yellow pack, Miroku grabbed Shippo and they were off. They all rushed it had been a while since they had come across any jewel shards and they didn't want to let this one slip away.
"That way," Kagome said, pointing a hand in the correct direction from her position upon Inu Yasha's back.
They arrived in no time what so ever. But at the site before them they all stared in shock. Kagome's jaw dropped, Inu Yasha smelled the salty tears sensed the emotions. Miroku was so thunderstruck that he nearly dropped his staff. Shippo went to hide behind a bush far away from the demon.
There before them was the demon. Kagome noted the location of a shard in his right hand. A right hand in which was raised and in a position to strike its pray. A pray that was kneeling in front of the ferocious demon not scared, not worried just there waiting and most likely hopping to die.
Inu Yasha was first to come out of his stupor. In an attempt to draw attention away from the demon he attempted to attack the demon. Kagome yelled to Inu Yasha "The jewel shards in his right hand Inu Yasha." Taking in the information Inu Yasha knew to avoid all attacks from the right hand of the demon because with the power of the tainted jewel shard the demon could easily kill him.
Inu Yasha not wanting further confrontation with this demon seeing as when the demon used the power of the jewel its giant claws left four deep gashes in the earth right where Inu Yasha and the demon's pray was. A quick glance over his shoulder showed him that she was okay. Miroku had come to her rescue and was now helping her out of harms way. Inu Yasha landed gracefully unsheathing Tetsusaiga, he watched it transform to the giant sword that he knew it truly was. Now knowing the true power of Tetsusaiga and with the knowledge of how to use the powerful attack that could eliminate a thousand demons with one swipe of the mighty sword. He used it, and with one final swoop of the sword the demon was gone leaving nothing but a tainted shard behind.
Inu Yasha picked up the shard and placed it in Kagome's hand where it instantly purified. Kagome put the shard away in a safe place with the other pieces. She looked over towards Miroku and the girl. Kagome only saw the girls back. She was sitting on the floor her legs bent and slightly off to the side. Miroku was squatting in front of her holding her arms tightly looking fervently at her face particularly her eyes. Her face was down cast and her expressions were distant.
"Did the demon hurt you?" Miroku asked. She just shook her head no. "What were you doing then? Why weren't you fighting back, Sango?" his grip on her tighten when he received no answer. He loosened his grip on her when her gaze fell over to where he was holding her and he then realized just how tightly he was holing on. With the now loosened grip she answered with a negligible shrug of her shoulders.
Miroku stood up and put his hand out to Sango to help her up. She saw the gesture out of the corner of her eye and refused to give him the pleasure. She stood up on her own and started to walk away from Miroku and the rest of the group. "Oh no you don't!" Miroku said as he took two strides towards her and grabbed her wrist pulling her back. She was turned around and she lost her balance, Miroku caught her in his arm. She was so close to him. She looked up into his eyes, holding her tight he bent down and kissed her on the lips. She instantly tried to struggle out of his arms but he held her tighter and pressed his lips tighter onto hers.
Kagome cleared her throat reminding Miroku that there were others around him but at the moment he didn't much care. But because of all of Sango's reluctance to kiss him he released her. She stumbled a little in a hurried rush to back away from him. He felt a pain stab at his heart knowing that she didn't want to be near him.
"Come on lets get going everyone." Kagome said. Sango thought of going off on her own again but remembering how Miroku wouldn't let her go before when she was just walking way she preferred not to go through that again. She slowly followed behind.
Shippo came out of the bush behind her and jumped into her arms. Sango caught him. 'He's so warm and soft' Sango thought. "Sango I missed you, where were you?" the little cup inquired. She just pulled him closer and kissed him on the cheek and thought 'Well at least one person missed me and is glad that I'm back'