InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Surviving in Disney World ❯ You Can Fly! ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and/or any related items. (Though I wish it were not so!) I also do not own Disney World and/or anything related to Disney.


"Come this way!" Asa was happily walking out of the theatre leading the entire gang, who were a's say jumpy after the experience with the bunnies.

"Please tell me we aren't going to see another one of those......things again!" Sango looked pleadingly up at Asa who never lost her bright grin. (That was starting to annoy the heck out of Inuyahsa.)

"Don't worry. We're going to the Peter Pan ride next. There are no pink bunnies on the Peter Pan ride."

"You make that sound like such a bad thing." muttered Kagura, who was now probably scarred for life having being pratically attacked by Micky, and seeing a movie that was all about childly goodness in one day. Needless to say, she was going to need some counceling after this was over.

They went over to the ride, and waited in line. The question that was on the small children's minds was finally voiced by Rin.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, what is Patter Pen?"

"That's Peter Pan." corrected Asa, "He is a boy that lives on an island called Neverland, and he can fly." Sesshoumaru gave Asa a looke that said "Don't you dare give her any ideas".

"Everyone, remember when Kagome and I told you about the 3-D movie?" Everyone nodded. "Well, this is just like that, so don't try and attack anything, ok?" There were a few grumbles, but in the end Asa had their promise that they would not attack.

About fifteen minutes later, they were all staring at the plastic ships that they were supposed to be riding in.

"I refuse to demote myself to something as idiotic as jumping into one of those things." Sesshoumaru said stiffly.

Asa sighed. "Look, either you get in one of those, or I make you get in. Which do you wanna pick?" Everyone decided to get in themselves, feeling that Asa's way would be painful and/or embarrassing.

The ride started with everyone but Kagome, Kanna, Shippo, and Rin grumbling about how they had to be strapped in so freakin' tightly. (Being fighters, they did not like to feel restrained.)

Once out of the "bedroom" with the Wendy and family animatrons (which scared poor Inuyasha out of his wits), they went to the part where it looked like they were flying over England, Rin was estatic.

"LOOK LORD SESSHOUMARU!! I CAN FLY! WHEEEEE!!" Everyone on the ride stared, some to see who the hell was making all the noise, and others to marvel on how darn cute Rin was. Kagome almost said that they were just on an invisible track, but decided to let Rin have her fun. Too much guilt would come out of ruining it for the small child.

Later on in the ride, the "pirates" made their "attack". Sesshoumaru glared at the animatrons, wishing he could slice them in half for daring to attack him with loud noises that did nothing more than hurt his ears. To demonstrate his anger at being "attacked", Inuyasha made a less subtle approach....

"YOU DAMN COWARDS! STOP IT WITH THAT FREAKIN' NOISE!!! COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME FACE TO FACE...." he ranted on like this while trying to kill the animatrons with the claws that Asa had taken away from him. It was very unfortunate that he chose to cuss, because there were small children in the vicinity. Sesshoumaru made a mental note to tell Rin NEVER to repete anything his brother said. Asa finally had to put duct-tape on his mouth, which muffled the cussing, but made the hanyou angrier.

"MPHTEFUMF!" he shouted. (The sentence shall not be translated, for the safety of our younger reader's minds, and also because the authoress does not have the cuss words to do Inuyasha justice.)

They finished the ride, and walked out into the sunshine.

"Oh Inuyasha. Could you come over here for a second?" Kagome beckoned Inuaysha over to a place behind a wall where they could be alone.

"Inuyasha...SIT!" There was a giant BAM, and the rest of them peeked behind the wall to see Inuyasha becoming very good friends with the pavement.


"Um, Naraku? Are you feeling alright?" Everyone looked over to the subject of Asa's inquiry to find Naraku pale and shaking slightly.

"Is this entire place so........good?"

"Well, yeah. It's a children's amusement park." The poor villian nodded, and closed his eyes. A minute later, he had regained his composure.

"Come on, wretch. Lead us to the next thing so we can get out of this place." Asa rolled her eyes and led them to the next place on the agenda.